lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


"Ni ondo nago,
alderantziz zuek zaudete..."

Punk rock's way of thinking had something that made it very easy to match him with a political movement such as the Basque Radical independentism, who was against the established system by politic elites of Spain and France. At the beginning of the 80´s, rock & roll music was something almost damn among the Basque people. Nowadays, that no longer discusses it, but the first fans of Basque punk-rock were almost all spanish speakers, not euskalduns. In the conflictive Basque Country of 1981 punk-rock wasn´t interested, and in 1982 either. But, from 1983 and 1984, things began to change inside the youth sectors of Basque population, precisely the most conscious part of the country´s situation, also the most abertzale. "In those fast-paced days, we were very organized. All our life was very punk, but it was also very radical. Now this craving to feel free is smaller ... In those time, all young rock groups were always in touch. If anything was happening in our street, all we were together, united. In that sense, it was also a real social movement".

If the area of Bidasoa river has inspired sounds close to the post-rock music, the village of Andoain (Gipuzkoa) has enjoyed a lively punk-rock scene. One of the reasons would be explained by the fact that it has had a solvent gaztetxe (basque squat) for many years, a self-managed place in the middle of the town where you can play music without bureaucratic obstacles and where you can enter and discover hundreds of local and international rock bands at affordable prices, sometimes free. For example, Green Day, the popular american rock band, plays here in 1993 ( ). The value of this music experience has been incalculable for several generations of local musicians, as well as having grown up with a reference
combo as B.A.P.!!  (Babarrunak eta Aza Popularra!!). In english, BAP!! is "Beans and Popular Cabbage!!".

BAP!! band was hardcore pioneer in the rock scene of Basque Country. When they began to play, back in 1984, their experience and skill with the instruments was almost nil, but, show by show, would manage to distill a powerful mutant rock with multiple nuances. After his first album, "Bide huts ta etxe huts" (1988), BAP!! band surprised everyone with "Zuria beltzez" (1992), a masterpiece of basque rock thanks to themes such as "Celosamente gordea", "Amets gaiztoak", "Hies" or "Ni eta ni". Their third album, "Lehertzeko garaia" (1994), reflected the remarkable evolution of BAP!! at the end of his career with themes like "Inolaz ezin dut ahantzi" or "Abiadura bizian". Although, Drake and Mikel formed in one of the best rhythmic bases of the european alternative rock scene. BAP!! band decided to dissolve at the top. They left as a souvenir "Bazen" (2003), an album that compiled the sound of their last concert, plus a documentary about their glorious musical career.

In 2003 several members of BAP!! band would form another basque band, Inoren Ero Ni, whose peculiar musical style could fit into the post-hardcore, where bands such as Fugazi, Rites Of Spring or Girls Against Boys
come together. After twenty years of musical career, Okene, Drake and Mikel were already some veterans. They knew well what they wanted and how to get it. Their first album, "Inoren Ero Ni" (2004), was published by Metak, a Basque record label. But since 2006, Inoren Ero Ni have always been released under their label, Bidehuts. This label was created alongside Basque artists like Anari or Lisabö band, following the spirit of independent companies like Dischord or Esan Ozenki Records. The fruit of the interesting evolution of this Basque group are albums such as "Gronhölm" (2007), "Fosbury" (2009), "Fregoli" (2011), "IENNEI" (2016) or "Il cercatore di perle" (2019). All they will be an interesting experience for any beginner with broad interests.

Karkaxa was another great rock band emerged from village of Andoain. Karkaxa also had different music stages. At first, the singer was Suso, famous for launching from the stage during the performances and shows. Suso was replaced by another vocalist, Axier, who added his personal touch to Karkaxa band. This basque rock band didn´t release any album, but they participated in "Txerokee, Mikel Laboaren kantak" (1990)
, a fantastic album of tribute to Mikel Laboa. Bands like Negu Gorriak, Bukaera, Potttoka, Su Ta Gar or Delirium Tremens participated in this rock tribute too. After, several members of Karkaxa would form new bands such as Captain Nemo or Naun. Captain Nemo band released two rock albums, "Korrontearen kontra, urpekari bat" (2004) and "1289 Euskal Hiria" (2007), under Metak or GOR basque labels.

Wewe, the bass player of Karkaxa band, would played in several punk rock bands, such as Cerdos Kompases or 30% band. Both combos participated in "AHT-aren aurkako musika" (1996), a compilation of rock bands of Andoain opposed to the pharaonic project of the High Speed Train in lands of the Basque Country. The legacy of 30 % band includes a album "Gertu ala urrun" (2019) and a formidable demo, "30%" (1996), recorded at studios Jomes Hamilton (Andoain). They only released 500 copies, but included a version of the theme "Six pack" of Black Flag, the popular North American punk band. Another band emerged from the fertile rock quarry of Andoain were Gaizkiñe. They recorded a powerful disc of the same name, "Gaizkiñe" (2004) and, in their concerts, versioned subjects of their favorite music bands, Hüsker Du, Dag Nasty, Jawbreakers...

In the mid-1980s, four young boys from Andoain, Eskarola (guitar), Joxemi (singer), Andrés (bass) and Fernando (drums) also formed their own punk rock band, Ximorra (in english, Manure). They considered themselves antimilitarists and anarcoecologists and called for equality between the sexes in a radical and peaceful way. They acted often with BAP!! band. In fact, Okene Abrego, the carismatic vocalist of BAP!!, was drummer of Ximorra band for some time. Although Ximorra didt get to record any album, they versioned in basque many songs of their favorites rock band´s, like Blut'n'Eise, a
german punk band. All the visual part of the local gaztetxe was captured by the camera of a local photographer, Aitor Arregi "Txisto". He born in 1960 and lived in the first line the development of Basque hardcore and  punk. Sadly, Txisto dead in 1994, but his legacy was edited in a great postume book...

In the neighboring village of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), the young people coexisted with a big basque police base. There was no way to enjoy a dignified gaztetxe, although the youth tried it by active and passive. Intent after attempt, the open gaztetxes did not set or were evicted in a brutal and repressive way. So it was until the end of the 90's "Bonberenea" opened its doors wide. This basque name alludes to a gaztetxe who squatted, several years ago, in the old local firehouse. During these last years, in Bonberenea have sprouted multiple musical activities, hundreds of concerts, workshops and seals, like the essential Bonberenea Ekintzak. There is even a peculiar charanga, Bonberenea Txaranga, whose members version to their classic street jazz style many popular themes of The Clash, The Ramones...

After the outbreak of punk rock in the 80´s, the musical intensity was channeled under new formulas in Andoain and, also, in the neighboring village of Tolosa. The rock sounds and youthful rage began to reflect a little more and better. Humus basque band would be a good exponent of this. They began being a trio and editing albums such as "Pulper" (2000), "Agortzeke" (2002), "Leihotik begira zai" (2004) or "Lekua" (2008). When they presented their fifth work, "Saurius" (2013), Humus band became a rock quartet. His last reference is "Adorez" (2016) album. In similar parameters moved another basque band called R (in basque lenguage, "R" or "Erre" means "to burn"). The members of R band remained in active eighteen years and bequeathed to posterity such interesting music works, as "Urrezko begien atzetik, zilarrezko begiradak" (2002), "Hedatuz" (2003) or "Uneak" (2009). After winning the Best Basque Group award in the Villa de Bilbao contest in 2002, R band had the opportunity to go out and play before thousands of people at the Theatron Musiksommer festival in Munich (Germany). At the beginning of 2013, R band said goodbye giving two farewell concerts in the gaztetxe of Tolosa and Andoain. An elegant DVD, called "1995-2013. Azken Agurra", immortalized those last moments of R.

In the musical scene of Tolosa, next to bands as Desordutan, Kixmi, Zer Habil Barrabil, Peachy Joke, Attila and the Ones, Asmatu Bat, Glaukoma, Forbidden Meat, Eztanda, Haitzetan or Jun Da Bertan, the surname Ubeda is repeated often... Following the thread of the Ubeda brothers, the beginner will be able to discover some of the best moments that has generated the basque rock in the last thirty years. In the middle of 80´s, veteran Joxi Ubeda was part of the accelerated Tortura Sistematika harcore band. They were three young people from Tolosa, between 18 and 19 year old. They were Joxi Ubeda, Shanti Iribar and Lamberto Perurena. His style made punk music so fast that the lyrics became almost incomprehensible. "What we were doing was pure noise, each one played on his side. We would play almost without knowing how to play." Tortura Sistematika published only one model with 12 songs, the majority of only twenty seconds of duration.

In 1985, only a year and a half after its formation, Tortura Sistematika band dissolved. Santi and Lamberto formed Ruido de Rabia (in spanish, Noise of Rage), while Joxi Ubeda started to sing in Basque lenguage with Bukaera band. Bukaera (in english, "The End") were selected to participate in a great tribute album to Mikel Laboa, "Txerokee, Mikel Laboaren kantak" (1990), where they released "Ama hil zaigu " song. Unfortunately, a traffic accident would truncate Bukaera band's career. Subsequently, Joxi has touched on new rock projects, such as Anima Vili, Batzuk or Belarminak bands. Under the Gaztelupeko Hotsak label, Batzuk band released a self-titled mini album "Batzuk" (2001) and with Belarminak band, Joxi Ubeda gave life to two albums, "Lehenengo pausoak" (2014) or "Haztearen izerdia" (2016). In 2004 Joxi Ubeda wrote a nice biography about BAP!! band, entitled "Bai ederki". Often, Joxi wrote interesting music articles in basque magazines like Entzun or Argia.

The small brothers of Joxi Ubeda, Imanol and Joni, also stirred the local scene with their mythical rock band, Deabruak Teilatuetan. Based on catchy catchy hardcore songs, but very melodic, Deabruak Teilatuetan band's first two albums, "Itsumutugor" (1995) and "Zein da zein?" (1997), captured all the energy of the unsubmissive Basque Country of the 90´s. In their lyrics, Deabruak Teilatuetan portrayed the hunger for a new generation of Basque youngsters burned for their oposition to obligated service inside of spanish and french army (Intsumisioa!). Years later, Deabruak Teilatuetan would return with "1973" (2007), a much finer and adult disc.

Currently, Imanol and Joni Ubeda are part of Bide Ertzean (in english, Into The Roadside), a basque band more oriented to the acoustic pop, with works of great quality and great poetic load, such as "Bidertzean" (1998), "Zure minari" (1999), "Grisa" ( 2000), "Maite out" (2002), "Esan bare" (2004), "Non dira" (2006), "Leidor Sessions" (2009), "Don Inorrez" (2010) or "77" (2013). Recently, Bide Ertzean has edited a compilation of curiosities, called "Zutaz kantatzeko" (2016), under the basque label Gaztelupeko Hotsak. This disc-book brings together fourteen unpublished, discarded songs, direct and radio versions, some demos, a remix, plus a biography written by a popular basque journalist, Jon Eskisabel.

Bide Ertzean's drummer, Karlos Aranzegi, came from Xaximiku band, a folkloric folk group whose debut was to open the great basque singer Erramun Martikorena in their village, Tolosa (Gipuzkoa). Xaximiku would edit several albums, such as "Musikaren indarrean gatoz" (1989) or "Saldaberri" (1993). Karlos Aranzegi and Joni Ubeda would sponsor Jone, a young singer from Anoeta (Gipuzkoa) with two beautiful music albums in the market, "Jone" (2005) and "Kateak" (2007). Jone identified with pop music, but among their songs you can see other styles, such as folk ballads, acoustic songs or others with more rhythm. Although, Jone started to study in Anoeta's Musika Eskola with only eight years old, in fact, it was his guitar teacher, Jon Oiartzun, who urged him to compose his own songs.

Baxi Ubeda is another brother of Ubeda family. He has not been quiet either
in the last years. After passing through rock band like Bukaera, Akauzazte or Lobo Eléctrico, Baxi Ubeda has been part of Jupiter Jon band, one of the most fascinating and unclassifiable rock bands that the beginner found in the Basque language. The two amazing albums by Jupiter Jon, "Pleistozenoko astelehenak" (2011) and "Eta metaforak greba egin zeben ..." (2015), are a waste of talent and experimentation rock, a song to creative freedom without prejudice... We can not fail to mention the works of Garbiñe Ubeda, sister of Baxi, Joni, Imanol and Joxi. She is
a great basque journalist and, for example, responsible for "Idea Zabaldu Tour 95", a surprising and pleasant book that narrates a multitude of anecdotes happened during the last European tour of Negu Gorriak in 1995...

In the area of Tolosa village have also emerged groups as varied as QB7, Lapsus Kalami, Dena Den, Marruma, Waika, Desordutan, Postal Kolekzionistak, The Window Ventanas... Marruma band participated in Martxaundi, a pionner audiovisual project in 1992, and, they released a curious album, "Gogoetak" (1998) under Oihuka basque label. Marruma merged funk, jazz and rap music with rock music. For its part, Waika band only edited "Magic beltza" (1995), a demo with six elegant progressive folk and rock themes, called "Magic beltza" (1995). In 2002 the members of Waika would record a second demo, but they got to commercialize it and ended up separating. Each of them got into another musical project, Igor and Gorka played in verbena groups (Alaiki or Basajaun band) and Joseba sings and plays the guitar in a basque power pop band, Desordutan. This band released discs such as "Desordutan (2007) or "Eromena zor dizut..." (2009). "We are people who listen and enjoy all kinds of music, pop-rock is the crossroads we have found now". Waika band's old drummer, Enrike, would go on to form part of Vendetta, very popular ska rock basque navarre band.

And with a rare, weird, unusual name that could well be inspired by their admired The Doors, members of a Tolosa village rock band, The Window Ventanas, would become one of the most underrated combos in the history of Basque rock. In the midst of the explosion of basque heavy metal, The Window Ventanas decided to bet on pop and psychedelia rock, giving their songs some strange and suggestive lyrics in Basque lenguage. Although, Jon Martija was far from being Jim Morrison, in songs such as "Itxura aldaketa", the vocalist of The Window Ventanas demonstrated to have charisma, and the demo song "Azken egia" sounds great twenty-five years after being edited, its rithm open the doors of perception.
The Window Ventanas would record a demo with Kaki Arkarazo, the great music producer. But this demo, "Hilbeltza" (1991), due to the lack of interest shown by the record labels
The Window Ventanas decided to self-produce their first and only album, "Naizitenjan" (1997). That music work is a perfect summary of the very vindictive race of this band of Tolosa. It contained seventeen subjects, including "Friends", a basque cover of Sex Museum spanish rock band. Until its dissolution, The Window Ventanas band would offer about fifty concerts, the first of them opening up to one popular American band, The Original Sins ... Biba zuek!!

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