"Erribera, Erribera
zure landen zabalera
ortzi muga den hartan mugatzen da...
Zure lur emankorretan
isurtzen diren asmoak
gogotsu hartuko al ditu lur gozoak?"
zure landen zabalera
ortzi muga den hartan mugatzen da...
Zure lur emankorretan
isurtzen diren asmoak
gogotsu hartuko al ditu lur gozoak?"
There are some who think that the true Hegoalde (South Euskadi) does not begin in the Pyrenees, but it starts in the river Ebro and extends by La Rioja and part of Burgos (Spain). The rock scene of La Ribera (south of Navarre and Alava) is not well known, but it has good representatives, several of them Basque speakers without complexes. For example, Banana Boats band emerged in Oyon (Alava). This basque combo loves calypso and ska music and had a charismatic Panamanian singer named Byron E. Downs. Banana Boats band included two of their songs ("Love and hate", "Good level"), into a great ska compilation "Latin ska fever" (1991). After, they recorded a cuco album, "No tengo bandera" (1993). Later, some members would form one famous basque band of rocksteady, The Starlites, publishing several discs under Brixton Records.
Nowadays, Oyon/Oion is one of those localities where twenty-three different nationalities live together, but also one of the urban centers with the highest unemployment rate in the Basque Country, reaching a devastating 25%. Oion is like a small town bedroom, as it is the place of residence of many people from Logroño (La Rioja, Spain) who work in the industrial estates of the area. A few years ago, through the local associations, such as the collective Bitartean Jolasean, the idea was born to give life to a musical project that reflects on the rumorology that often sprout in multicultural villages such as Oion. Thanks to Basque artist Mursego, the album "100% OION" compiles nine songs that reflect the real feelings and complaints of many neighbors. Mursego winks at the auroras (traditional songs of the dawn), and includes songs sung by children in Arabic and Basque.
In the town of Laguardia (Alava) emerged Alto Voltaje band, whose two guitarists would later found Allá Cuidaos band. In their day shared stage with other combos as Kolokon Mortal, Piperrak, Pipe Skape, Free Bar, Boxer, Piñamita or Jake Mate, the Urkiza brothers´ band, creators of some albums as "Nacidos para molestar" (in english "Born to annoy"). In Yécora (Alava), some kids of this village formed E.T.S. (En Tol Sarmiento) band, reviving the flame of ska-punk in Euskal Herria and offering more than 200 concerts in its first ten years of career. E.T.S. band are characterized by throwing joyful and powerful rhythms with lyrics in basque and spanish lenguage. They debuted with the album "Vendimia seleccionada" (2008), which would give way to "Hacia la luna" (2012), "Zure mundua" (2014) and "Beldurrik ez" (2015).
In autumn of 1984, a big rock festival in Tudela (Navarre) in favor of the dismantling of polygon of shooting of Bardenas, saw to birth the famous Basque Radikal Rock movement. Participated in that concert seven combos that would mark an entire era, Zarama, Hertzainak, Eskorbuto, RIP, Barricada, Basura (in english Garbage) and La Polla Records. Most later, in village of Tudela, Altxamendu was also born, a great Basque rock metal band that published a very powerful album, "Isilik" (2005), with the help of Aitor Gorosabel, the vocalist of Su Ta Gar band. And from the ashes of bands such as Rock Combativo, Somoskaya and Overdose, would emerge a local band, Ketesnuko, that bequeathed such punk rock albums as "Ketesnuko" (2002) or "Smart Bombs" (2009).
More recently, in Tudela village´s area have sprouted bands as Timbakada that, over time, have evolved a lot, from composing folk music to pop-rock or percussion. In 2015 Timbakada band participated in the first and second volume of a very animated music compilation, "Euskaraz bizi eta ikasi", emerged from a solidarity initiative in favor of the right to receive education in euskera (Basque lenguage) in the whole Navarre, including La Ribera. Other esteemed bands of this zone are Las Gafas de Mike, Darkgous, La Niña Hilo, Matti, Jabia Rock, Los Guru, Hora Zero, Lambrettos, Etiner, Steam Rock Band or the group Artea, who signed "En condiciones normales…" (2010), an album recorded at Lorentzo Records (Berriz, Bizkaia) mixed and mastered with the help of veteran Aitor Ariño.
Minoría Agraria pop band borrowed its name from a old political party. The musicians of Minoría Agraria came from bands as Orchestra Astro or Klabelin Komik. In 1986, Minoría Agraria band won the I Pop Rock Show of Navarre and, with that award, they were able to publish their first album "Luna turbo" (1987). After the dissolution of the combo, some members would integrate in the celebrated 21 Japanese band or in the strong Tahures Zurdos. One of them was Txabi Abrego, older brother Eneko and Mikel, vocalist and drummer of BAP!!, a mythical basque rock band.
On the banks of Ebro river, between Lodosa and Pradejón villages, erupted like an unstoppable hurricane Piperrak band, one of the most beloved combos of the Basque punk scene. Txitxarro (bass), Josetxu (vocals), Rufo (drums) and Fermín (guitar) would publish two very striking demos, "Ahorkate" (1990) and "La Ribera rock & roll" (1992), and two memorable albums, "Arde Ribera" (1994) and "Los muertos de siempre" (1996). Piperrak band's works were full of very simple punk songs, such as "Beste biktima bat", "Demokrazia", "Ilargi betea" and "Potrotaino", but they became genuine generational anthems for many people. Piperrak band's second album was somewhat more serious, perhaps influenced by the turbulent political situation in Basque Country or by the echoes of the celebrated Zapatista Revolution, which took place in Chiapas (Mexico), at the same time. On January 13, 2007, after eight years of silence, Josetxu (a native of Lodosa village), Txitxarro (a native of Alcanadre village), Rufo (a native of Pradejón village) and Javier met again to perform at Hatortxu Rock, the annual basque solidarity festival. Piperrak were active until 2010 and left as a memory a live album, "La kemos liau" (2009)... ¡Gora Sartaguda, siempre radikal!
Between Cadreita and Cintruenigo villages came Mala Vela band, a local rock combo who came to share the stage with Barricada, La Polla, Tahures Zurdos, Siniestro Total, Rosendo or Reincidentes. The musical legacy of Mala Vela consists of albums such as "Esto es Rock & Roll" (1998), "Todo ba vien" (2000) or "Rock & Roll" (2003). And between Valtierra and Tudela villages would arise a peculiar rock band called Piskerra. In the 80´s punk boom, the Piskerra band bet on doing something more street, rock of Bardenas, as they said. The musical legacy of this band is summarized in four great albums, "¡Apuñalalo!" (1986), "V Centenario" (1988), "Demasiado cielo para nuestras cabeza" (1991), "Ziudad zoologicada" 1993), which include several themes in basque lenguage as "Amets bat", "Zure etorkizuna" or one stupendous covers of Silvio Rodriguez or Victor Jara (“Ni chicha, ni limoná”). In 1986, Piskerra band released a series of concerts with Iñor, Hertzainak and Eskorbuto band, organized by the novel ikastola (Basque school) of Tudela village. Fired in the same place, acting in a march against the shooting range of Bardenas, Piskerra said goobye in 1994.
We can´t close this chapter without taking a quick look at part of the rock scene and Euskaldun that has appeared in the rest of the Navarrese merindades. Next to Sanguesa, in the town of Lumbier/Irunberri, Altxatu, a sensational trio of punk-rock, broke in with force. "We got together to do a couple of songs at the parties in our neighborhood in Ilunberri." Later on Julen gave him a bass, and we started to get together for a good time.As we saw the thing working, we decided to continue and gave the first concert in Tabar , The town of the amatxo of Julen. So to the silly we continue giving concerts by the towns around ". Ibai Osinaga (vocals and guitar), Iker (drums) and Julen (bass) have already recorded three albums, "Altxatu" (2013) and "Hitza" (2014) and "Hegalen indarraz aitzina " (2016). In parallel, Ibai is also part of Ibil Bedi band, a more leisurely rock project with folk touches formed by new musicians from the Olite/Erriberri, Lumbier/Irunberri, Sangüesa/Zangotza and Pamplona/Iruñea areas. Their first album, "Berandu baina garaiz" (2019), was recorded at the Musikorta studios in Amoroto (Bizkaia).
In Tafalla the group Odolkiak Ordainetan also practice punk rock in Basque language, but they add enough doses of rockabilly. Their musical influences range from Social Distortion and The Meteors to the legacy of american singer as Johnny Cash. The curious name of this local band is related to the distribution of food that took place after the slaughter of the pig, and that in basque language would also mean that "when they give, they take them". Their first album is entitled "Odolkiak ordainetan" (2014). After, they recorded "Lo egin aurretik" (2019). Other interesting sets that arose in the City of Cidacos ricer could be Ohiana, Galtzagorriak, Deskankis, JaleO!, Zartako-K... Recently, Los Lucians band has debuted whose first album, "Prohibido pensar" (20016), you can hear some basque songs, as "Estatu zakarra" or "Gure hizkuntza".
Zartako-K is a great band of street ska, a mix of Caribbean rhythms and punk oi sound. They have published three cuckoo albums, "Kalekumeak" (2012), "Odol berria" (2015) and "Alienados" (2017). They have been touring the Basque geography for years, playing in popular festivals and pubs. Zartako-K debuted at the first Garito Eguna organized in Tafalla on May 31, 2008. As they raised a great expectation, they enjoyed the total attention and intoxication of the local public. Although they claim that each member of Zartako-K has their own musical tastes, there are certain combos that are a clear influence for all of them, such as Skalariak, The Specials, Kortatu, Toots & the Maytals or Decibelios. "We had always wanted to form a music group in our group, but the thing is that we did not have any instruments, we did not know how to play, and over time, saving pasta little by little, that initial idea of getting together to try rennet."
One day, the kids of Zartako-K thought that a keyboardist would be very good, so they signed Mr. Asier. Since then there are eight components in the band, although some confess to being a disaster with the spikes. In certain occasions they have seen them go out to act with homemade quills made with Pokémon sticks and, even, with 50 cent coins. In the themes of "Odol berria" (2015) album, the new listener will be able to notice a higher sound quality with respect to the first album, "Kalekumeak" (2012). It also contains a greater variety of styles and a fine cover of classic "Rat race" by The Specials. Social criticism of their lyrics written in Basque and Spanish would increase over time, reflecting in them the social climate in the Tafalla area and the rest of Navarre. With the album "Alienados", this basque band would demonstrate the solidity of their lively concerts. They are not worth halftone, it is a superb album that encourages the new listener to turn up the volume and dance a dozen street ska anthems, including the hit "Burusoila", "Baserriko laguna", "Elkartasuna" or "Gogoan".
Near to Tafalla, in Pueyo, the village of the ramps, Los Goma band emerged. This local rock combo that managed to become hollow thanks to songs like "Euskal Herria", "Malatxo" or "Lur argia". And in the town of Lerin, inspired by the success of Piperrak, Solbenzia Zero members decided to express their vital doubts by means of catchy punk-rock themes like "Leringo jaiak", "Mundu nazkantea", "Ke se vayan" or "Leringrado". In spite of having devised a second album, Solbenzia Zero only released an album, "No le des más vueltas" (1997), in spanish, "Do not give more turns", whose cover of screws and bearings reflected the fine irony of many of the lyrics of the group. In 2005, the band met again to give a tribute concert to Txandi, their longed-for drummer and singer. "The red star of Leringrado resists, its five sharp tips do not surrender..."
In Estella city, the most absent-minded new listener will be able to discover Flitter band, one of the most rabid and complex funk metal combos in the entire Spain. Although they sing, above all, in spanish language, Flitter band have also signed subjects in Basque language ("Ile luzeak"). After recording albums as different as "Flitter" (1992), "Stop miseria" (1994), "Ciudadano Masokista "(1996), "La vida ke kotxina es"(1998)," Rastafari mamao "(2000) or "Mirarhaciadentro" (2003), the band took a long break, returning with an energetic seventh album under the arm, "Rabioso" (2013), a few years later.
There are also many influences from other rock bands from Estella/Lizarra, such as Irrikan, Bide Bakarra, Neu'e Buruben, Irkaia, Bolbora... In their debut album, "Neu'e Buruben" (2013), Neu'e Buruben band stars released the essences of good alternative, personal and quite direct rock. "Eklipse" (2018) is the name of second album for Neu'e Buruben. On the other side, Bolbora band is formed by several young people from the area of Estella and Arellano and, after overcoming several injuries, debuted with the album "Badator su ta eztanda" (2011), outlining a commitment to ska, reggae and festive rock and roll. Already in their second album, "Munduari bira" (2016), Bolbora band have added to their peculiar sound mix new styles, such as tango or Balkan music.
Near Estella, in the village of Gares/Puente La Reina, the small foundation Tortotxiki works to normalize Basque in the area. One of the initiatives has been the publication of two formidable compilations under the title "Euskeraz bizi eta ikasi" (Living and learning in Euskera). Within these two discs the novel listener will discover a handful of celebrated artists, such as Yosi Suaves, Aurora Beltran, Boni, Gorka Urbizu, Norton, El Drogas, Kutxi Romero, Aitor Gorosabel or Josetxu Piperrak collaborating with different Navarrese bands from the so- Non-Basque zone ". Some of these bands are Akort or Non Nahi, two basque rock bands emerged in Gares. The legacy of Non Nahi is summarized in albums like "Non nahi" (2012), "Hemen gaude" (2015) or "Piztiak hil dituzten piztiak (2017). Akort band debuted with the album "Akort" (2015), where they dared to version the classic hit "Amets bat", from the legendary basque trikipop duo Alaitz eta Maider... Biba zuek!
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