"Begiratzen zaitut,
zuloaren gainetik,
zerbait esan nahi dizut
zugan galdu aurretik,
zaharra zara, Bilbo!"
zuloaren gainetik,
zerbait esan nahi dizut
zugan galdu aurretik,
zaharra zara, Bilbo!"
The social discontent, youth unemployment and political repression led many young people from Bilbao to rebel at the end of the 70's . From Santurtzi to Bilbao (Bizkaia, Europe), the young ones channeled its vital yearning through the creation of free radios, fanzines and, above all, rabid punk-rock sound. It was a rather broad movement where it coincided with the popular struggles and anti-nuclear demands of the moment. In basque or spanish lenguage, any symptom of conformism was rejected by shouting indelible lirycs, organizing concerts, demos and squatting. Nowadays, the Left Bank and Bilbao seem very different, their urban landscape is no longer conformed by those enormous factories, smoking chimneys and iron cranes oxidized between black water and circulatory jams. The protest graffiti still stands, but the strike-machine-gunning of the Euskalduna shipyard, fortunately, is not a disturbing reality. "Between mountains of garbage, industries, pollution, banks and the river, there is the fucking Botxo (Bilbao). Stressful traffic, painted and posters, there is no currelo, only fear and repression... Bilbao, shit and rockanrol!!"
Things were swift in the 80´s. The Spanish Transition had already given everything it had to give and the disenchantment with political and social opening began to make a dent in large sections of the Basque population. At that moment the drift began and the horizon turned black. It is in 1978 when the first massive entry of heroin in Basque Country is detected. Although, at first, drug use was associated with transgressive, quasi-revolutionary experimentation, there were gangs of towns and neighborhoods as Sestao, Bermeo, or Otxarkoaga that were nearly destroyed overnight. The second massive entry of heroin arrived in 1983, spreading throughout society, affecting all strata. Only in its last entries, from 1986, the heroine was chronifying in the most underprivileged social sectors. "The 80s were a very special moment in Basque Country. A lot of drugs came in because many were interested in the existence of drugs. It was a time to get out of this false time, this supposed democracy. There was a burst of stories and the pots burned night and day. "
Basque punk rock resulting from that breeding stock, expressed hatred and rage. There was the conviction that there would be no solution and that the future in Basque Country would be a relentless, raw, direct and too sharp reality. The punk-rock tsunami reheated the neighborhoods of Bilbao city. In area of Rekalde, for example, the neighborhood association began to organize festivals with local bands as Zer Bizio?, Naste Borraste or Bahía de Kotxinos. Their media used to be quite precarious, the stage could be formed by a couple of vans united and use an anti-NATO mural painted a wall as a backdrop. But, without problems, everything had a meaning. Although the sound of the amplifiers crashed against the freeway pillars, dozens of young people from Bilbao were dancing, uncontrollably, at concerts.
The 80´s were hard years, there was a lot of crisis, but the bad host had to leave somewhere. With punk-rock, music and politics went hand in hand, for something, in police slang, that Euskadi was called ZEN (Special Zone North). In the neighborhood of San Ignacio, on May 17, 1985, one of those ephemeral places that would mark an era was opened. El Garage (The Garage) was an heiress of La Jaula (The Cage), and among its disco clubs, the audience was mixed with the concerts of pioneer Basque punk bands such as Zarama, Gazte Hilak, Vomito, Primitivos, Irula, MCD, Baldin Bada, Jotakie, Radikal HC, Zer Bizio, Distorsion, Kortatu, RIP, Cicatriz...
Gazte Hilak was a punk band of Bilbao whose name referred to the celebrated Dead Boys, a american rock band. Gazte Hilak could be classified like a superband, since its members also militated in other sets of the zone, like MCD (Niko), Vulpess (Loles and Sttibaliz), Primitivos (Jon Zamarripa) or Arlekin (Jimi). Gazte Hilak band sang in Basque, Spanish and English lenguage, mixing everything, without problems, rehearsing in a local of the popular Santutxu neighborhood. There they recorded the four themes of his first demo, "Si yo fuera Cesar" ("If I were Caesar"), "Nahi dut", "El día antes" and "Zergatik ez?". Later, they would record another demo, but, sadly, their master was lost in the installations of the public radio station Radio Euskadi, when they were going to present it to the hearing. Things of life... MCD band would also record several songs in Basque during their long career, "Popatik hartzera!", "Tio Sam (Egunero)" or the super hit "Athletic".
The 80´s were bad times for the lyric in areas like Barakaldo (Bizkaia), but they were optimal to bring together dozens of young people around a multitude of new self-managed leisure activities. In 1984, about sixty young musicians from Barakaldo approached the town hall to demand the transfer of empty premises where they could practice with dignity. After many strips and loosening, the city council gave them a place in the basement of the kiosk of San Vicente park. The gray aspect of that cold concrete space inspired the nickname "The Bunker." This name spread to the entire rock movement that would drive local bands like Yo soy Julio Cesar, Distorsion, Trapu Zaharrak or Putakaska. At the same time, local free radios (Zirika Irratia), theater groups (La Tramoya), literature workshops (La Galleta del Norte), photography clubs (Denbora) or alternative fanzines such as "Putrefación", "Ultima Generación" or "D.E.P".
Although, it is true that the information about some Bizkaian bands of eighties punk is somewhat trite, beyond the Eskorbuto, Zarama, DCM or the Vulpess, there were quite a few groups in the area of Bilbo and Bizkaia that only left us as testimony some bad models recorded. These formations have been reviewed and remembered in a cuckoo book "Mierda de Bizkaia y sus grupos punks maqueteros 1977-1989" (2017), written by Andoni Fernández Azkarai. In spite of the lack of means, some demos were certainly very interesting and some bands sang in Euskera. ( https://mierdadebizkaia.bandcamp.com ) It would not be fair for them to fall into oblivion. The book has 400 pages that summarize a period between 1977 and 1989. They are more than 60 unpublished interviews, told in first person by the protagonists, three decades later. The beginnings, its precariousness, funny anecdotes, soundless concerts full of energy, heroine, gaztetxes, cuttings of fanzines and newspapers; the anti-fashion, the crests, fights and many lags in a time when everything started from scratch and there was a lot of desire to spit.
But punk-rock would not be the only musical style in the 80's in Bilbao city. Local bands existed for all audiences, from sets of techno-pop, reggae or rockabilly, to important basque folk bands, as Oskorri. After forty-five years of unrepeatable musical career, until its final goodbye in 2015, the mythical Oskorri band have bequeathed dozens of delicious records that will not disappoint any beginner who comes to them for the first time. This is the case of albums such as "Gabriel Arestiren omenez" (1976), "Mosen Bernat Etxepare 1545" (1977), "Oskorri" (1979), "Plazarik plaza" (1980), "Hau hermosurie" (1997), "Datorrena datorrela" (1989), "Hi ere dantzari" (1991), "Landalan2 (1995)," 25 kantu-urte "(1996)," Marijane kanta zan! Ura "(2000)," Vizcayatik ... Bizkaiara "(2001)," Desertore "(2003) ... or his farewell album," Hauxe de despedidia "(2016).
In 1992 the mayor of Bilbao ordered the eviction and closure of the mythical gaztetxe (squat) of the old town. Since 1986, some of the best rock bands in the Biscayan capital have passed through this ocuppied space. Some would record live some of his albums, such as the shocking and ferocious "Bilboko gaztetxean" (1987) of veteran punk-rockers MCD. Following the eviction of Bilbo's gaztetxe, the well-known alternative distributor DDT, made up of people from various local association, such as "Resiste" punk fanzine and rock music bands of the city, moved its headquarters from the gaztetxe to the new local, Felix Likiniano Elkartea. All DDT sales tend to revert to the distributor itself, either by investing in new editions or by supporting other collectives (http://ddtbanaketak.com). The maintenance of the commercial, almost always means having to establish own channels that connect with other alternative distributors. At that time there were a handful of them in the Basque Country, such as Biziyuei Kaka (Azkoitia), Barbantzobeltz (Ermua), Eguzki Banaketak (Iruñea), Gaia (Bilbo), Ireki Begiak (Bilbao), Margen Izquierda (Sestao), Pozoin (Laudio), TSR (Bilbao), Trikua Banaketak (Zarautz) and Zalatta (Pasaia).
In 1998 a group of residents of the Recalde neighborhood opened the gates of Kukutza III gaztetxea and, for thirteen years, developed a growing public activity in an old abandoned factory. Until its ominous eviction, Kukutza III became one of the most emblematic self-managed spaces in the whole of the Basque Country, functioning as a model youth center, as an artistic laboratory and as a popular leisure space. Unfortunately, dark speculative interest, political corruption and the scourge of cultural fascism ended with all of September 24, 2011. This would force all the music groups that rehearsed in Kukutza to look for life again to be able to get together. This is the case of Akerjenbe Sound System, whose first steps were as an African percussion group. Later, the band went into reggae, dancehall and rap, releasing a tasty first album, "I. Bolumena" (2016).
Cynically, one of the politicians responsible for the pathetic end of the gaztetxe Kukutza III, would later yield his "illustrious" surname to baptize a luxurious leisure and culture center tolerated and staged. 75 million euros of the Basque taxpayers were "invested" to be able to add even a swimming pool, gym, restaurants and underground parking. None of the Kukutza´s rock bands were invited to perform at the inauguration in 2014... Not even the popular Zea Mays, another basque rock combo closely linked to the Kukutza III gaztetxe and the Rekalde neighborhood. Born in 1997, Asier (drums), Ruben (bass), Iñaki (guitar) and the charismatic Aiora Renteria (vocals) prevailed in Euskadi Gaztea radio showcase series. This accelerated the recording of his first album, "Zea Mays" (1998). Later, this amazing basque band has been publishing works like "Elektrizitatea" (2000), "Harrobian" (2002), "Sortuz, grabitatearen aurka" (2004), "Morphina" (2007), "Era" (2010) or "Da" (2013), garnering critical acclaim and a growing legion of fans.
After a somewhat heavier first stage, Zea Mays bands' career would mutate into alternative rock, but with good guitar blasts and electronic tones. In his eighth album, "Harro" (2016), recorded with the famous English producer Dave M. Allen, the new listener will also be able to listen to Santi Balmes, the lead singer of one successful spanish pop band, Love of Lesbian ("Orain" ). "Since the first model we have the same way of conceiving music. Life goes on, we grow, and many of our needs change over time, it is a process of constant adaptation. You do good songs, with energy and being sincere with what you transmit, it works well". After, Zea Mays band edited "20 urte" (2017) and "Atera" (2019).
Four young people from Santutxu, another neighborhood of the Bilbao city, gave birth to Zurt!, a nice punk-rock quartet in the early 90's. Bittor (voice), Willy (drums), Manu (bass) and Iñaki (guitar) started when Iñaki and Manu met Bittor learning Basque lenguage in an AEK academy. They were barely twenty years old, but their direct animations left good feelings. "I saw the Zurt! For the first time opening a festival in favor of AEK in Santurtzi. They were a very tight band, with many hours of rehearsal and with echoes to bands like Hertzainak or Delirium Tremens" commented an basque fan. The name of this band is very similar to the first album of Jotakie band, "Zurt!!!" (1986).
Also in Santutxu, but in 2006, a group of musicians of the neighborhood gave life to Solte, an eclectic band of hardcore euskaldun. To Aritza (drums), Oskar "Txitxo" (bass), Jon "Tolo" (guitar) and Haritz "Txipi" (vocals) would have to be added to Aingeru (guitar), who scattered in a French prison would write lyrics as "22 ordu" song. Due to the initial interest of the public, in 2011 they released a first album "Distantzia nahikoa!" (2011), which contained twelve tracks. Later the band would publish a second album, "EroAlea" (2012), and a third album, "Ixa" (2016). Behind the name of that last album, we find the idea that Solte band is ten years old ("IXA" is translated from basque lenguage as X). As in previous albums, the bertsolari Oihana Bartra has written some lirycs ("Arratoiek katuak jan"), and basque musicians like Gorka Leihotikan or Ines Osinaga (the vocalist of Gose band), sing in "Amets karratuak" and "Zurrunbilo triangeluarra" songs.
In the 90´s, while Getxo Sound was hatching thanks to the good work done by indie rock bands as Inquilino Comunista or Lord Sickness, four young people created a superb heavy euskaldun combo, Idi Bihotz, in the neighborhood of Basurto (Bilbao). Following the path opened by Su Ta Gar band, after almost fifteen years of career, Idi Bihotz band said goodbye on October 29, 2010 acting in the emblematic Kafe Antzokia local club. The musical legacy of this basque rock band is reflected in great albums such as "Herriaren taupada" (1997), "Arimaerratu" (1999), "Negarraren amorrua" (2000), "Amaigabe berria" (2002), "Odola sutan" "Zuzenean" (2007).
In the neighborhood of San Ignacio (Bilbao), born Naste Borraste, one of the first bands (next to Skalope or V Assembly) that merged punk sounds with ska music. Naste Borraste would start rehearsing in a nearby park using simple car batteries as a generator of light and electricity. Then this band would go through the mythical Kultur Etxea, a busy house next to several local punk bands of its own neighborhood, San Ignacio. Naste Borraste band sang in basque and spanish and they released albums as cool as "Put an idiot in your life" (1988). And in the area of the Left Bank, between Portugalete and Ortuella, would arise Sasoi Ilunak, an euskaldun pop rock band that recorded three more worthy albums, "Sasoi ilunak" (1991), "Herri xumeak" (1993), "Harakina "(1998). Later, the singer of the group, Txuma Murugarren, would start an interesting solo career.
In the neighborhood of Deusto, in the early 1990s, Keats appeared, a rocket septet, one of the few bands from Bilbao that sang, totally, in Basque at the time. Keats included the songs "Herio ihesi" and "Espekuladore" within a compilation compiled by the managers of Gusto Lokala of Deusto, "Deustuko Gazte Lokala" (1992). Slam, Kartzarot, The Trasten Traste and Fosa.) In 1997 Keats recorded the song "Bizirik betiko" for the Ibilaldia 97 festival, the annual festival of Bizkaia ikastolas and in 1998 the Keats group would self-publish their first album, On February 19, 1999, Keats performed at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao, at a party organized by free radio station Tas-Tas, which featured "Keats." It featured 15 rock & roll songs, driven by a strong section of winds. Was recorded for posterity, Keats would also leave a recorded version of the famous "Laino ilunak" of the Basque group Delirium Tremens, after its dissolution, Mr. Alex Arregi played in bands like Urreztieta Konexion or the poets Katamalo.In 2011, Keats returned to participate In a documentary film "Herrialde berdea", where they edited the song "Herrialde berdea" of the folk group Eltzegor.
In Sestao, in the late 1990s, a group of musicians in love with the powerful sound of bands like Ktulu, Clawfinger or Narco tried to found theirs. But the thing did not curdle and the dream was delayed. It would take almost ten years to see the Basque band Sobieht emerge with great force. Heavy loaded riffs, samplers and scratches, Mr. Ruby (guitar), Urko (drums) and Jon Ander (vocals) teamed up with Ieltxu (bass), Ibon (vocals) and Aitor, the rap group DJ North Apache. Sobieht's legacy already includes works such as "Sobieht" (2010), "Azken berba esatear dago" (2012) and "Techno-illogical" (2014).
Also in Sestao, in 1998, inside the headquarters of the dance group Eusko Lorak, some kids gave life to Eten, a superb post rock band. The following year, they would move to Elgero de Trapaga neighborhood and, in 2000, after winning the 2nd Gaztetoki Model Competition (Basauri), they would edit their first album. At the beginning, Eten performed as a trio, but by staying in a duet, they began to experience more and more, breaking records such as "Ertzean" (2004), "Labeatzomorroen bibisekzioa" (2008), "Kaseten" Atx! " (2015). Another duo from Bilbao with an excellent taste for sound experimentation and rock improvisation are Gora Japon, formed by Miryam Petralanda (voice and percussion) and Jon Manzisidor (guitar and voice). Under the Bidehuts label, Gora Japon have released two identical but very different music albums, "Gora Japon" (2008) and "Gora Japon II" (2013).
In the Right Margin, crossing the bridge of Portugalete, the area of Getxo, Algorta and Romo, has been the birthplace of bands like Ixkitt, Ehiztari, Iraultza, Hilotz, Izenik Ez, Hiru Beltz, Zurkaitz, Alproja or Emon Behi Bi. Alproja made a rock & roll of rural atmosphere, although its letters reflected also the street moves of his time. Alproja participated in a compilation, "Urgente" (1988), next to three Basque bands, Estupidofacientes, Los Lopez and Caligula. Alproja were opening acts of Kortatu in the festivals of Getxo and dared to versionar to The Clash in Euskera, transforming the famous "Police on my back" in "Txakurrak bertan". And in the neighboring town of Leioa, many bands have been able to perform once in the ship of active gaztetxe Udondo. In this area groups like Estua Larri or the Basaki, whose albums "Esperantzaren zain" (2006), "Egunero hasten da" (2011) or "III" (2020), formed with great bases of heavy metal and melodic rock choruses.
Aizkorak Zorroztu, a young basque rock trio riding between Bilbao and Getxo. The name of this band is inspired by a famous song by Fermin Muguruza & DUT band. Their shows are a sonic explosion of complex structure, the same remiten to the metal that to the experimental after punk. Aizkorak Zorroztu band usually carry many pedals and they like to play with the sound effects, although it is not a direct reference. "We like psychedelic very much". After publishing their great debut album, "Ez ahaztu inoiz nor zaren" (2015), they recorded "Apur nazazu" (2016) and "Arkitekto mental baten paranoia kronikoa" (2017) albums.
Other rock band from Getxo was Emon Behi Bi. Arose almost from nowhere, nobody knew them but they already had a fine album in the music market, "Mesias berriak" (1990). They self-produced that debut and they themselves curraron the distribution, sticking dozens of posters of promotion by the streets. Thanks to that strong insistence, Emon Behi Bi band made their pop songs with ska tones sound on several radio stations. Unfortunately, the career of this basque band was abruptly cut short after the death of the singer Felix Agüero in a tragic mountain accident. And if any beginner approaches the coastal village of Gorliz, he will discover a rock band like Hardezan, whose sonic legacy includes such albums as "Umeek har dezatela" (1996) or "Euren belaze beltzetan" (1997).
The zone of the Right Margin of the Nervión river is famous of not being as punk as the Left Margin, but for decades, there continues to arise a multitude of bands that do not exist so much difference between both banks. There arose Nerviosah, a rock band that practices an aggressive hardcore in Basque and Spanish lenguage, sometimes quite metalized and extreme, but without becoming grindcore. In front of Nerviosah band is the vocalist Mariñe with her voice torn and brutal. "Deshumanización" (2015) is his first album, and before they only edited a demo. For quite some time, the members of Nerviosah band had their rehearsal place in the gaztetxe Txarraska (Basauri). This allowed them to participate with the theme "Biolentzia" inside a rock compilation, "Txarraska. 10 urte ametsak autogestionatzen/10 years self-managing dreams " (2009).
In another populous neighborhood of Bilbao, in La Peña/Abusu, Sembrando Kaos band was born. This basque rock combo played a very hardcore hardcore with melodic and metallic touches. They maintain the claw and vitality of Beltzez band and all those punk combos that emerged in Iparralde area (Euskadi North) in the hectic 90's. Although the debut EP of Sembrando Kaos, "Amorruak beldurra jango du" (2012), was already quite powerful, with The album "Argia egin bedi" (2014) took a step forward, both in their compositions and in the quality of their sound. Songs as "Adrenalina", "Ez dago hiltzerik", "Basajaunaren babesean", "Hogeita hamasei", "Lurpetik gorrotoz beterik" or teh hit "Argia egin bedi" make clear what his message of struggle and social commitment. "Gezurra mila bider kontatu digute, ondorio larriak izatera arte ..."
In the fall of 2003, five young people formed Kloratita, their own punk-rock band. Alberto (voice), Iraitz (voice), Gaizka (bass) and Saul (drums) came from the Zorrotza area while Ekaitz (guitar) was Leioa. In their bustling career they recorded albums such as "Inoiz baino gehiago" (2004), "Etikaz mintza gaitezen" (2006) or "Inoiz baino gehiago, komunismoa" (2007). Another young banda bizkaina is Jarrera (in Euskera, Attitude). After releasing a few loose songs in different compilations, they debuted with "Jarrera" (2015), an album that shows that their original hardcore sound has improved and that they sound more and more rockers, with certain influences of Turbonegro or the Basque Kuraia.
In recent years the Biscayan rap scene has been gaining strength and, as with eighties punk rock, hip hop has served as an escape valve for an important part of youth. Between Barakaldo and Bilbao came 121Krew, a veteran band formed by Endika LaHaine (MC), Lamá (MC), Hawa (beatmaker), Rufoh (beatboxer), Maisha (beatmaker) and David (guitar). After publishing the album "El surko del tiempo / Denboraren Ildoa" (2007) and the mixtape, "Guztiok bat ... Euskal Rap !!! 1.Bol "(2009), the 121Krew have released" Hiriaren taupadak "(2011) and" Mahatsen denbora "(2016).
The young musicians of 121Krew formed part of a celebrated rap compilation in basque lenguaje, "Rap Herria" (2011), alongside bands like M.A.K. (Lapurdi), Indarrap (Araba), Raptors of Emaus (Nafarroa), 2zio (Lapurdi), ZTK Rap (Nafarroa), FDLN (Bizkaia), Ardi Beltza (Nafarroa Behera), Thow MC (Nafarroa), Gourmet Gipuzkoa ), RPV (Nafarroa) or Mix6T (Lapurdi). Eventually, Endika LaHaine would form a rap duo, Suaia & LaHaine, in the company of Gorka Suaia (Kodigo Norte). In the lyrics of the album "Herrima" (2015), both launched furious messages against the wild capitalism.
The basque rapper Xatiro began being part of FDLN-Fenomenos band ("Zarataren legea"), but from 2012, Xatiro rhymes in basque lenguage too. In his formidable first album, "Xatirokeriak" (2016), Xatiro gathers part of this recent work, eleven memorable songs, with a wonderful cover and collaborations of Manugaitz and La Basu, a veteran female rapper from Bilbao that has begun to rhyme in Basque in recent times. "Cassiopeia" (2019) is the new album of Xatiro. La Basu has dazzled with the cuckoo EP "Izotz erregina" (2016) and announces the upcoming "Ni naiz Izotz erregina" (2017) and "Gerra" (2019) albums after several albums in Spanish lenguage. Fortunately, La Basu is not the only female voice that is heard in the rap scene of the Basque Country, because there are another good rappers as Iramina, La Furia or Fanny, La Chula Potra, Aneguria ("Irrikitan"), La Omega, Mai, Herbalis, Ziztada... La Basu and Aneguria would sing together "Piztu gaua", the long and fabulous song composed for the occasion of the celebration of the Gazte Danbada 2016. "Danba, danba, danbada, gure iraultza. Kaleko oihuak berriz gogor entzuten dira. Dantza, dantzaka, gure iraultza. Bat, bi, bat, bi, herria mugimenduan... "
Another respected rap combo from Bilbao would be North Apache, which combines letters in Basque and Spanish lenguage. After editing "Hesiaren beste aldean" (2009) and "North Apache zuzenean" (2010) album, the members of Northern Apache band would obtain the aid of Aiora Renteria (Zea Mays), the basque bertsolari Miren Amuriza, Piti (Zea Mays), Iker (Abrakadaver), Endika Lahaine (121 krew), Jon (MAK), Hawa (121 Krew) and Dj Alf (MAK) to create their next album "Quilombo" (2011), a perfect combination of what every rap record needs, strong and solid rhythm bases, good moments in crescendo and others more relaxed. The lyrics are very bright. For example, "Gurea da geroa" (The future is ours) has a positive message for the most exploited youth, "Azal gorriak" (The Redskins) brings to mind the suffering of the Native Americans and calls for the resistance of the oppressed peoples and "Nire aitaren etxea" (My father's house) is an adaptation of the famous poem of Gabriel Aresti. Later North Apache band would edit "Errima" (2014) and "Juanito Laguna" (2015) albums.
Revolta Permanent combo was born in 2008, when two boys from Barakaldo, Iker Villa and Iker Aginaga, got together to make rap music. After several years giving concerts, this band would incorporate the guitarist Mikel Becerra and the teclista Aitor Abio (ex member of two basque amazing bands, PiLT and Matxura). After, nearly a year of forming within their rehearsal room, the members of Revolta Permanent band released their first album, "Genesis" (2014). It was recorded at Gaua Studios (Mungia). Revolta Permanent would go on tour, offering more than 70 concerts throughout Spain. At the end of that tour, they would record their second album, "Kimera" (2016). In parallel, Iker, Mikel and Iker have another rap metal band called Herri Oihua, with which they have already released three albums, "Arjea" (2012), "Ez" (2013) and "Sustrairik dagoen bitartean..." (2016 ).
Very close to Bilbao, in the town of Zalla (Bizkaia), appeared a basque band that mixed hardcore rock and metal, Odolaz Blai (in basque, The Blood Stainers). They debuted in the alternative rock parties of their town, acting next to Prisioner Of War. In 2009, after dozens of concerts, this band presented two albums, "Gudarako garra" (2009) and "Izate ustela" (2009), under one alternative basque records label, Musikherria. The next album of Odolaz Blai was "Egon hadi lo ... ta jango haute!" (2010), recorded with the help of Mikel Anestesia at Fidelenea studios (Zarautz, Gipuzkoa).
And in the neighboring town of Zornotza (Bizkaia), artists as diverse as the songwriter Mikel Urdangarin or Nuuk-At band have emerged. Moving in a field of hard rock, Turbonegro type, the basque band Nuuk-At debuted with a powerful album, "Zuzen" (2004), which would follow "Geisha" (2006). "Usoa and Iñaki come from a rock band called Noizbait, which they released two albums with Discos Suicidas records label. Marki, from Dardara band, and Beny, our current bass player, currently apart from Nuuk-at also plays in Alerta band. Our lyrics talk about everything that happens around us. For example, the song "Geisha" talks about prostitutes who have been on a bridge for a couple of years near where we live, and who spend every day there, rain or heat. Approach from the perspective that we believe they live".
Mikel Urdangarin possesses an enormous facility to endow a folk patina with his elegant pop compositions. After releasing his first album, "Haitzetan" (1997), Mikel has achieved a respectable career spanning more than two decades. Following the success of works such as "Badira hiru aste" (1998) and "Espilue" (2000), Mikel began collaborating with musicians such as Rafa Rueda, Bingen Mendizabal or the prominent Basque poet Kirmen Uribe. Together they have released three albums, "Bar Harbor" (2001), "Zaharregia, txikiegia, agian" (2003) or "Jainko txiki eta jostalari hura" (2013). "Kirmen Uribe proposed to us to set up a poetic-musical show for performances that had been offered him in New York.We are all friends and at that time we went out a lot for Gazteiz.It was wonderful because the communication was very easy and, On the return from New York we continued in Euskadi and, also, Ireland, Germany and some cities of the Spanish state".
The rest of the discography of Mikel also does not detract, "Heldu artean" (2002), "Dana" (2005), "Anek idatzi dit zutaz" (2007) "Zubia" (2009), "Zuzenean 2010/12/30" (2011), "Azula" (2012), "MMXV" (2015), "Margolaria" (2017) or “Hotza da. NY is cold”(2019). Another good singer-songwriter emerged in the Zornotza area would be Mikel Inunziaga, who is also working a solid pop career under the artistic nickname of Inun. Born in 1983, Mikel Inunziaga "Inun" debuted with "Berreginez" (2014), followed by two cuckoos albums, "Da nola" (2016) and "Aingurak" (2018).
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