"Santurtzitik goizez irtenda
Donibane Lohitzunerantz,
farre eta kitarren artean,
furgoneta zahar honetan..."
Donibane Lohitzunerantz,
farre eta kitarren artean,
furgoneta zahar honetan..."
The route of the Basque coast has been traversed by hundreds of Basque rock bands for years and years. Both those who were going to act in North Euskadi (Iparralde) area and those who did the reverse route by South Euskadi (Hegoalde). All of them have spent hours and hours inside their van, traveling between baffles and instruments, composing new songs, laughing together or fighting. Zarama, the mythical rock band from Santurtzi (Bizkaia), dedicated a beautiful song to this specific geographic space, "Kostako bidea" (in english, "The coast road"). Zarama were pioneers of punk sung in Basque lenguage, in fact, the immortal rocker Josu Eskorbuto, before founding his celebrated band, Eskorbuto, passed by Zarama´s ranks. Like Hertzainak band, Zarama band had an outstanding musical evolution. They began spitting blasts of incendiary punk with lyrics full of dirty realism and political criticism, but without forgetting their acidic sense of humor. Zarama's first two albums, "Indarrez" (1984) and "Gaua apurtu arte" (1985), captured the urgency of the moment. Its vocalist, Roberto Moso, spit hallucinating and nervous lyrics in subjects like "Edan ase art" or "Ezkerralde".
The following works by Zarama band, "Dena ongi dabil" (1987) and "Bostak bat" (1989), already reflected a certain musical maturity. Although the punk tension was lowered, the compositional ambition was in increased. The last records of Zarama, before their first separation, represent a peak within the basque rock scene. The beginner will find in "Sexkaletrik" (1992) and "Binilo bala" (1994) albums enough reasons to continue deepening it. Reinforced with the entrance of some brilliant keyboards, Zarama band pivoted on a very elegant pop-rock, arriving to record great balades like "Urtain", in memory of the ill-fated Basque boxer Jose Manuel Urtain (1943/1992). Roberto Moso would publish an interesting book, "Flores en la basura" (http://floresenlabasura.blogspot.com.es), where he portrays the trajectory of Zarama and the misadventures of a generation of Basque musicians marked by the hard industrial reconversion in 80´s, the rise of basque punk rokc and the black abyss opened after the calculated introduction of heroin in Basque Country. In the Santurtzi area, other basque bands like Ekintza or Izaki, would also produce their raw lyrics on albums such as "Hogeita hamabi minutu" (1995) or "Eta kitto!" (1996).
The following works by Zarama band, "Dena ongi dabil" (1987) and "Bostak bat" (1989), already reflected a certain musical maturity. Although the punk tension was lowered, the compositional ambition was in increased. The last records of Zarama, before their first separation, represent a peak within the basque rock scene. The beginner will find in "Sexkaletrik" (1992) and "Binilo bala" (1994) albums enough reasons to continue deepening it. Reinforced with the entrance of some brilliant keyboards, Zarama band pivoted on a very elegant pop-rock, arriving to record great balades like "Urtain", in memory of the ill-fated Basque boxer Jose Manuel Urtain (1943/1992). Roberto Moso would publish an interesting book, "Flores en la basura" (http://floresenlabasura.blogspot.com.es), where he portrays the trajectory of Zarama and the misadventures of a generation of Basque musicians marked by the hard industrial reconversion in 80´s, the rise of basque punk rokc and the black abyss opened after the calculated introduction of heroin in Basque Country. In the Santurtzi area, other basque bands like Ekintza or Izaki, would also produce their raw lyrics on albums such as "Hogeita hamabi minutu" (1995) or "Eta kitto!" (1996).
Following on the coast road, between the villages of Algorta and Mungia, such interesting groups like Nun, Belako, Itziarren Semeak, Broken Bihotz or Póg Mo Thón have sprouted up. Belako is one of the Basque rock bands with more international projection. With great albums as "Eurie" (2013), "Hamen" (2016) or "Render me nunb, trivial violence" (2018), this basque band has gone from playing in the parties of Mekoleta neighborhood in Otxandio (Bizkaia) to touring Europe. Although they usually sing in English, some of Belako's compositions also expand their magnetic pop sound in basque lenguage ("Zaldi baltza", "Eurie"). This band met for the first time in an old metallurgy factory of the grandfathers of Josu Ximun (guitar) and Lore Billelabeitia (bass). This factory was in the neighborhood of Belako (Mungia). They liked the etymology, since "Belea" in english means "Crow", and we could understand Belako as "Crow's nest". Josu Ximun Billelabeitia also plays with another great Basque band called Lukiek. His first album was "Lukiek #1" (2019).
Less success harvested the albums of the highly demanded NUN. With the powerful voice of Aitziber Omagogeaskoa in front, this basque band recorded "Maketa" (2002) and "Collage" (2006), achieving an effective sound clash between the anguish of existentialist lyrics and the post- rock melodies. Years later, after going through The Great Barrier band, the blonde vocalist Aitziber Omagogeaskoa founded Oma_Go, a somewhat more personal project next to musicians such as Iñigo Larrazabal, (guitar) and Oier Aldekoa (bass and keyboards). Their first reference is an EP cuckoo with four electronic pop songs sung in Basque and Spanish, "Oma_go" (2019).
In other music side, Itziarren Semeak band gave its first steps thanks to the basque platform MusikHerria. Over time, this ska rock combo has earned a loyal following thanks to albums like "Itziarren semeak" (2008), "Dale candela" (2012) or "Revolta" (2014). "When we started we didn´t think of anything more than to give a concert in Mungia, then in Bilbo. Everything has gone like this, most of the groups that met in the local with us now no longer exist, You realize that the music is a great effort, if you want to continue you have to dedicate time and work hard".
Another young group from Mungia are TOC, whose first record reference was the single "Enemies" (2018), recorded with the technical help of Javier Letamendia, exbattery of EL Inquilino Comunsta, a popular indie band. Following the path opened by the missing Ama Say basque band, that is, the members of TOC also mix Basque and English in their lyrics and, in addition, add many good melodies to their punk rock bursts. As a curiosity, during their lively TOC band concerts, guitars and bass players often exchange their instruments, as do the singer and drummer. His second reference is "Badau" (2019), an EP that contains five very cool cuts, such as "Begire zauz bile" or "Ispilu". We must also discard the animated videoclips of this Basque group, such as "Zaratak saltzen" designed by the artist Maria Casanueva, or "K", a videoclip where act her friend Lore Billelabeitia (bass player of Belako band).
But, if there is an artist from Mungia who has excelled in the Basque language scene that is Rafa Rueda. Being the main composer and guitarist of the basque band Broken Bihotz, the young Rafa published the album "Desioak izena gradua galtzen duenean" (1992). Later, influenced by hard rock styles and metal rock, Rafa Rueda would found PiL.T. (Or Π L.T), whose name is inspired by a power outage suffered at the rehearsal room, when they saw a frozen recorder in the 3:14 minute. Members of PiL.T. band had a fruitful music career and, like their countrymen Belako, took off after winning in the demo contest of Euskadi Gaztea radio. PiL.T. band enriched the Basque metal rock scene with five albums that will surprise the most curious beginner, "Π L.T." (1996), "Denbora" (1998), "Hiru" (1999), "Minus" (2002) and "Game Over" (2004).
Less success harvested the albums of the highly demanded NUN. With the powerful voice of Aitziber Omagogeaskoa in front, this basque band recorded "Maketa" (2002) and "Collage" (2006), achieving an effective sound clash between the anguish of existentialist lyrics and the post- rock melodies. Years later, after going through The Great Barrier band, the blonde vocalist Aitziber Omagogeaskoa founded Oma_Go, a somewhat more personal project next to musicians such as Iñigo Larrazabal, (guitar) and Oier Aldekoa (bass and keyboards). Their first reference is an EP cuckoo with four electronic pop songs sung in Basque and Spanish, "Oma_go" (2019).
In other music side, Itziarren Semeak band gave its first steps thanks to the basque platform MusikHerria. Over time, this ska rock combo has earned a loyal following thanks to albums like "Itziarren semeak" (2008), "Dale candela" (2012) or "Revolta" (2014). "When we started we didn´t think of anything more than to give a concert in Mungia, then in Bilbo. Everything has gone like this, most of the groups that met in the local with us now no longer exist, You realize that the music is a great effort, if you want to continue you have to dedicate time and work hard".
Another young group from Mungia are TOC, whose first record reference was the single "Enemies" (2018), recorded with the technical help of Javier Letamendia, exbattery of EL Inquilino Comunsta, a popular indie band. Following the path opened by the missing Ama Say basque band, that is, the members of TOC also mix Basque and English in their lyrics and, in addition, add many good melodies to their punk rock bursts. As a curiosity, during their lively TOC band concerts, guitars and bass players often exchange their instruments, as do the singer and drummer. His second reference is "Badau" (2019), an EP that contains five very cool cuts, such as "Begire zauz bile" or "Ispilu". We must also discard the animated videoclips of this Basque group, such as "Zaratak saltzen" designed by the artist Maria Casanueva, or "K", a videoclip where act her friend Lore Billelabeitia (bass player of Belako band).
But, if there is an artist from Mungia who has excelled in the Basque language scene that is Rafa Rueda. Being the main composer and guitarist of the basque band Broken Bihotz, the young Rafa published the album "Desioak izena gradua galtzen duenean" (1992). Later, influenced by hard rock styles and metal rock, Rafa Rueda would found PiL.T. (Or Π L.T), whose name is inspired by a power outage suffered at the rehearsal room, when they saw a frozen recorder in the 3:14 minute. Members of PiL.T. band had a fruitful music career and, like their countrymen Belako, took off after winning in the demo contest of Euskadi Gaztea radio. PiL.T. band enriched the Basque metal rock scene with five albums that will surprise the most curious beginner, "Π L.T." (1996), "Denbora" (1998), "Hiru" (1999), "Minus" (2002) and "Game Over" (2004).
At the same time, mister Rafa Rueda would begin to publish solo albums, moving away from hard rock and exploring other more pop harmonies. His career continues to advance and includes works like "Kea" (2003), "Saredun eskua" (2006), "Hauxe" (2006), "Zuhaitz okerretan gora noa" (2008), "Haragizkoa" (2010), "Enaren geometria" (2011) or "Hiri kristalezkoa" (2017). "Both the use of the melody and the song format are parameters in which I move at ease. I guess I also have enough to see the music I heard in a child's home. My sisters bought many records by David Bowie or Supertramp. I've always wanted to do things like that".
The coastal village of Bermeo has been home to many rock bands like Hotsaren Ikaraz, Beltzan Blai, Urgatz, Bidxorrak, GorriBaltz, Bakelite, Kriston Moroie, Tutiliklas, OST, Jarri Berton, Münsterland, Hilzorian, Addar and also local celebrities, like Lupe or the rapper Gatom. Lupe was a very young singer who during the 70´s participated in almost all the great festivals of the Basque Country. Lupe would record beautiful albums like "Txori kantari" (1971), "Bangla Desh" (1972), "Lupe" (1974) or "Kaleak bustirik gelditu ziren" (1978). Nowadays, these pop gems are very difficult to find for collectors. By his side, Mr. Gatom is part of the young basque rap scene of the 21st century. With the help of other basque rappers, as Aneguria, mister Gatom has released eclectic albums, as "Esnea hil, gazta, tiro, pum!" (2015) or "Kostako vibes" (2016).
Jarri Berton band had a somewhat short run. The members of this band from Bermeo used to collaborate with Itsuki, a alternative radio of the town, also creating a fanzine called "Fanzintsuki". Jarri Berton band included their small hit "Askatasuna" inside a rock compilation, "Hemendik" (1987), edited by the Basque public radio station Radio Euskadi. Later, Jarri Berton would sign on the basque label IZ, releasing a single with two songs, "Uko egin gabe" and "Ezin dut ahaztu". The guitarist of this band, Jabier, would leave his music career to be arrantzale (sailor). After this, although they planned to take out a complete album, Jarri Berton band said "bye" and dissolved forever.
In the middle of 90´s several members of the Bidxorrak band formed OST, one of the most potent basque rock metal ensembles. That strange name, OST, made reference to a god of the Basque mythology that lives in the heaven. This band from the Bermeo area has already released five works that deserve to be heard by any metal rock fan, like "Hitzak-Hotsak" (1996), "Salbuespena" (1998), "Ostinato" (2007), "Inorena ez den lurrean" (2008) or "Bost" (2011). It is difficult to define OST band with a single music label. I would say that OST band is modern metal rock that respects classic rock metal. As in many groups, the music style they make is a kind of liqueur that is distilled from a mixture of a lot of drinks they have savored, even out of metal and rock&roll. The last reference of OST is a cuckoo Ep with four songs, "Hitz bardinak-Hots barriak" (2016).
The coastal village of Bermeo has been home to many rock bands like Hotsaren Ikaraz, Beltzan Blai, Urgatz, Bidxorrak, GorriBaltz, Bakelite, Kriston Moroie, Tutiliklas, OST, Jarri Berton, Münsterland, Hilzorian, Addar and also local celebrities, like Lupe or the rapper Gatom. Lupe was a very young singer who during the 70´s participated in almost all the great festivals of the Basque Country. Lupe would record beautiful albums like "Txori kantari" (1971), "Bangla Desh" (1972), "Lupe" (1974) or "Kaleak bustirik gelditu ziren" (1978). Nowadays, these pop gems are very difficult to find for collectors. By his side, Mr. Gatom is part of the young basque rap scene of the 21st century. With the help of other basque rappers, as Aneguria, mister Gatom has released eclectic albums, as "Esnea hil, gazta, tiro, pum!" (2015) or "Kostako vibes" (2016).
Jarri Berton band had a somewhat short run. The members of this band from Bermeo used to collaborate with Itsuki, a alternative radio of the town, also creating a fanzine called "Fanzintsuki". Jarri Berton band included their small hit "Askatasuna" inside a rock compilation, "Hemendik" (1987), edited by the Basque public radio station Radio Euskadi. Later, Jarri Berton would sign on the basque label IZ, releasing a single with two songs, "Uko egin gabe" and "Ezin dut ahaztu". The guitarist of this band, Jabier, would leave his music career to be arrantzale (sailor). After this, although they planned to take out a complete album, Jarri Berton band said "bye" and dissolved forever.
In the middle of 90´s several members of the Bidxorrak band formed OST, one of the most potent basque rock metal ensembles. That strange name, OST, made reference to a god of the Basque mythology that lives in the heaven. This band from the Bermeo area has already released five works that deserve to be heard by any metal rock fan, like "Hitzak-Hotsak" (1996), "Salbuespena" (1998), "Ostinato" (2007), "Inorena ez den lurrean" (2008) or "Bost" (2011). It is difficult to define OST band with a single music label. I would say that OST band is modern metal rock that respects classic rock metal. As in many groups, the music style they make is a kind of liqueur that is distilled from a mixture of a lot of drinks they have savored, even out of metal and rock&roll. The last reference of OST is a cuckoo Ep with four songs, "Hitz bardinak-Hots barriak" (2016).
Bakelite is another gaudy Bermeo rock band, one of the most suggestive duets in the current Basque music scene. It is formed by Sergio, an ex-member of Atom Rhumba or Yogurt bands, and Naiara, an ex-member of Stubborn Daughters or Paniks bands. "In my time of member of Stubborn Daughters band, I got a rehearsal place in Bermeo, in Josefinas´ concretely. It was the place where the village bands rehearsed and, in a short space of time, we were able to give shape to a few sound proposals and present them live. It was a very brief but very intense stage". On Bakelite band's albums, Sergio's guitars solve each song with very different tones and aesthetics. After editing a couple of singles, this Basque duo would present a great two albums, "Azeriak"(2013 ) and "Zain" (2020).
Moving along the coast of Biscay, we reached the village of Elantxobe, where The Uski's band emerged. This peculiar basque band plays surf rock with catchy, dance-like tunes in the style of famous The Beach Boys. After debuting with the album "Itxosun zarati" (2005), The Uski's recorded "Barikun (2007), "Katuek bezala" (2010) or "Tximinotan" (2012). In the nearby village of Ea, called Chiquita Venice, was born Josu Bergara, a formidable Basque songwriter. At the age of twelve, Josu began to play the cello and at eighteen he played guitar. Although Josu likes the sounds of Anglo-Saxon groups like Glen Hansard, Herman Dune or Damien Rice, he also claims to be a fan of Benito Lertxundi, the basque bard of Orio (Gipuzkoa). It can be said that Josu Bergara's albums are a mixture of his musical tastes. After releasing "Karramarroen hiria" (2006), Josu would record "Nora zoaz" (2009), the poetic "Katiuska gorriak" (2012), "Kanta txikien indarra" (2015) and "Asunak" (2018). In all their albums there are small tributes to Ea and the good people of this little basque village.
On the first floor of the old gaztetxe of Lekeitio (Bizkaia) used to rehearse Zulo, Askatu or Etsaiak band, key set of the Basque rock scene. Etsaiak (in english, Enemies) began following the punk trail of mythical basque bands like RIP, who would fondly pay homage to Etsaiak´s album "Presoak SOS" (1994), "Gerra zikina" (1995) or "Bakearen guda" (1997). Concert by concert, Etsaiak were forging their particular style, a bold hardcore-punk, very eclectic, seasoned by the peculiar way of singing of Auo. Since its debut album, "Etsaien etsaiak" (1993), until the fifth album, "Askatasun taupada" (1999), the evolution of Etsaiak band was remarkable in both its sound and its formation. By Etsaiak passed musicians like Keu Agirretxe, Toki Parasma, Iratxe, the unforgettable Apolino or the great vocalist Afrika (she would get to record "Entzun" (2004), an elegant album of basque soul music). After editing the album "Zuzenean" (2001), recorded live in Gazte Topagune festival in Kanbo (Lapurdi), Etsaiak band has been spacing enough their next works, "Kaos" (2003), "Apurtu arte" (2007) or "Bukaeraren hasiera" 2016).
Moving along the coast of Biscay, we reached the village of Elantxobe, where The Uski's band emerged. This peculiar basque band plays surf rock with catchy, dance-like tunes in the style of famous The Beach Boys. After debuting with the album "Itxosun zarati" (2005), The Uski's recorded "Barikun (2007), "Katuek bezala" (2010) or "Tximinotan" (2012). In the nearby village of Ea, called Chiquita Venice, was born Josu Bergara, a formidable Basque songwriter. At the age of twelve, Josu began to play the cello and at eighteen he played guitar. Although Josu likes the sounds of Anglo-Saxon groups like Glen Hansard, Herman Dune or Damien Rice, he also claims to be a fan of Benito Lertxundi, the basque bard of Orio (Gipuzkoa). It can be said that Josu Bergara's albums are a mixture of his musical tastes. After releasing "Karramarroen hiria" (2006), Josu would record "Nora zoaz" (2009), the poetic "Katiuska gorriak" (2012), "Kanta txikien indarra" (2015) and "Asunak" (2018). In all their albums there are small tributes to Ea and the good people of this little basque village.
On the first floor of the old gaztetxe of Lekeitio (Bizkaia) used to rehearse Zulo, Askatu or Etsaiak band, key set of the Basque rock scene. Etsaiak (in english, Enemies) began following the punk trail of mythical basque bands like RIP, who would fondly pay homage to Etsaiak´s album "Presoak SOS" (1994), "Gerra zikina" (1995) or "Bakearen guda" (1997). Concert by concert, Etsaiak were forging their particular style, a bold hardcore-punk, very eclectic, seasoned by the peculiar way of singing of Auo. Since its debut album, "Etsaien etsaiak" (1993), until the fifth album, "Askatasun taupada" (1999), the evolution of Etsaiak band was remarkable in both its sound and its formation. By Etsaiak passed musicians like Keu Agirretxe, Toki Parasma, Iratxe, the unforgettable Apolino or the great vocalist Afrika (she would get to record "Entzun" (2004), an elegant album of basque soul music). After editing the album "Zuzenean" (2001), recorded live in Gazte Topagune festival in Kanbo (Lapurdi), Etsaiak band has been spacing enough their next works, "Kaos" (2003), "Apurtu arte" (2007) or "Bukaeraren hasiera" 2016).
It´s very difficult for Etsaiak to regain such memorable music nivel of "Gerra zikina" (1995), one of those albums that mark a generation, pure young rage canalized by amazing shots of punk-rock. Actually, the political and social circumstances in Basque Country (Euskal Herria) may be different, but Auo, Paulillo, Iñiguito and company have a lot to offer. For example, the vocalist Auo took advantage of a parenthesis of the Etsaiak band, to create Pin Pan Pun Band, a crazy combo that took to the extreme the rhythms of batucada that Toki Parasma had been pouring in the last albums of Etsaiak. Pin Pan Pun Band traveled to Cuba to record their festive and rabid debut, "Lehenengo bolumena" (2003). Then, Pin Pan Pun Band would bequeath "Bigarren volumena" (2004) and "Sistema arrakalatu" (2006), ideal to reanimate the listener more depressed. Recently, Auo promotes a new punk-rock project under the name of Etsaiakeroak. "Naufragoak" (2016), "Lur errebeldean" (2017) or "Antisozial" (2009) are their first references.
On the other way, Paulillo, the charismatic drummer of Etsaiak, started Nök band, editing a very direct album, "Dbkatuak" (2004). Podri and Laila were complemented to be able to sing all the sharp texts signed by Paulillo in that new rock proposal. "Our mother lenguage is Basque lenguage, but like everyone living in Hegoalde (South Basque Country), whether we like it or not, we are influenced by spanish lenguage. It's like being anti-capitalist but forced to live in capitalism. We respect, protect and promote basque lenguage, the oldest language in Europe and in danger of extinction". Also the Etsaiak guitarist, Iñiguito, took the time to found and lead Txapelpunk band, reviving the old punk origins of Etsaiak band. Mixing Basque and Spanish lenguages, Txapelpunk band has released albums like "Txapelpunk" (2000), "Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla... Stop" (2002), "Tonto el ke lo lea" (2004), "Vaya full" (2009), "Krem de la krem" (2012), "Los mejores de los peores" (2014), "Punkaren semeak" (2015), "Betty Rockanroll" (2017) or "Zorionak nire partez niretzako" (2018).
Other great bands in the area of Lekeitio could be Nabil, GAZ Limbo, Haustura band or Mitosia band, a thrash metal combo with two great references, "Meiosia" (2010) and "Tabula" (2014). Or the longed-for Ume Gaiztuak band (in english, Naughty Kids), a vigorous punk-rock combo formed by Jokin, former member of the first Etsaiak band, and Portu, member of a very popular basque punk band called RIP. Despite not speaking fluent Basque, the charismatic Portu left for eternity a handful of hit singles like "Ttipi ttapa" (1993). After the death of Portu, Ume Gaiztuak band would publish the album "Testamentua" (1998), being Inigo Txapelpunk chosen to replace his idolized Portu.
Continuing along the basque coast, we reached the village of Ondarroa (Bizkaia), where a number of bands of different fates, as Baneteuanba, Piztiak, Tu-k, Hilobi, Rare, Kriston Atxurre, Gudari Beltzak, Hara!, Azalera, Argoitia anai-arrebak, Izen Baikua, BTP, KTI, Hazurbaltzak, UEK, Kresala, Txatanuga Futz Band, Psycophony, Skandalu Publiku, Jonny Gerriwelt, Pater Noster, Asmo Txarrak, Uste Dut, Braulio, The Gominols, RSK, Agian, Sagar Komplota, Ezbaian... In the 60´s, trying to avoid Franco dictator´s censorship, Andoni Argoitia and his sister Irune Argoitia adapted to the Basque lenguage known hits of the time, like "Paroules de amor" ("Maitasun hitzak") or "Puppet on a string" ("Txoriburuak sokan"). The biggest success of this basque duo turned out to be "Ikusi mendizaleak" song, a lively versioned by countless basque rock bands, for example, Leihotikan.
On the other way, Paulillo, the charismatic drummer of Etsaiak, started Nök band, editing a very direct album, "Dbkatuak" (2004). Podri and Laila were complemented to be able to sing all the sharp texts signed by Paulillo in that new rock proposal. "Our mother lenguage is Basque lenguage, but like everyone living in Hegoalde (South Basque Country), whether we like it or not, we are influenced by spanish lenguage. It's like being anti-capitalist but forced to live in capitalism. We respect, protect and promote basque lenguage, the oldest language in Europe and in danger of extinction". Also the Etsaiak guitarist, Iñiguito, took the time to found and lead Txapelpunk band, reviving the old punk origins of Etsaiak band. Mixing Basque and Spanish lenguages, Txapelpunk band has released albums like "Txapelpunk" (2000), "Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla... Stop" (2002), "Tonto el ke lo lea" (2004), "Vaya full" (2009), "Krem de la krem" (2012), "Los mejores de los peores" (2014), "Punkaren semeak" (2015), "Betty Rockanroll" (2017) or "Zorionak nire partez niretzako" (2018).
Other great bands in the area of Lekeitio could be Nabil, GAZ Limbo, Haustura band or Mitosia band, a thrash metal combo with two great references, "Meiosia" (2010) and "Tabula" (2014). Or the longed-for Ume Gaiztuak band (in english, Naughty Kids), a vigorous punk-rock combo formed by Jokin, former member of the first Etsaiak band, and Portu, member of a very popular basque punk band called RIP. Despite not speaking fluent Basque, the charismatic Portu left for eternity a handful of hit singles like "Ttipi ttapa" (1993). After the death of Portu, Ume Gaiztuak band would publish the album "Testamentua" (1998), being Inigo Txapelpunk chosen to replace his idolized Portu.
Continuing along the basque coast, we reached the village of Ondarroa (Bizkaia), where a number of bands of different fates, as Baneteuanba, Piztiak, Tu-k, Hilobi, Rare, Kriston Atxurre, Gudari Beltzak, Hara!, Azalera, Argoitia anai-arrebak, Izen Baikua, BTP, KTI, Hazurbaltzak, UEK, Kresala, Txatanuga Futz Band, Psycophony, Skandalu Publiku, Jonny Gerriwelt, Pater Noster, Asmo Txarrak, Uste Dut, Braulio, The Gominols, RSK, Agian, Sagar Komplota, Ezbaian... In the 60´s, trying to avoid Franco dictator´s censorship, Andoni Argoitia and his sister Irune Argoitia adapted to the Basque lenguage known hits of the time, like "Paroules de amor" ("Maitasun hitzak") or "Puppet on a string" ("Txoriburuak sokan"). The biggest success of this basque duo turned out to be "Ikusi mendizaleak" song, a lively versioned by countless basque rock bands, for example, Leihotikan.
Keu Agirretxea is another well known artist from Ondarroa is the respected guitarist. He was released to record solitary under the name of UEK after growing up in bands like KTI, Psycophony or Etsaiak. Later, Keu Agirretxea was part of the hard rock band Fjord, responsible for a self-titled album, "Fjord" (2004), and mounted the rocker duo KX with his friends Xabier Iriondo, editing the album "KX" (2014). Currently Keu's musical work has elegant albums like "Heltzear diren egunak" (2006), "U10" (2009), "Kantuak vs denbora" (2010), "Uhinak" (2012), "Nomadak eta kofrea" (2016) or "Improphono" (2017 ). In one of his new songs, "Bila", Keu Agirretxea has had the help of Depedro, exponent of a spanish pop band, Vacazul.
Hazurbaltzak band was responsible for signing the second reference of the basque label Slam Records. Hazurbaltzak included a strange version of a Michael Jackson hit, "Billie Jean", inside of "Hazurbaltzak" (1991) mini album. Baneteuanba band was other combo who dared to version in Basque lenguage famous classics like "Long train running" of The Doobie Brothers ("Beti lo"). At night, this pop-rock band that used to rehearse in the upper floor of a local factory of fish boxes. Baneteuanba band released several albums, like "Baneteuanba / Hor Konpon" (1991), "Ondarrocktik" (1992)... And of the ashes of the rock band Jonny Gerriwelt is born a new band called Gatz. They are Josu (voice and guitar), Seber (bass), Eihar (guitar) and Mikel (drums) tanned in local bands like Pater Noster, Eskandalo publiku, Sikofoni, Gominols, Sulfato, Ukabil or Drongeners. Gatz band do a punk rock with melodic touches and, after recording a demo, have released their debut album, "Ez dut nahi" (2016).
But, undoubtedly, the most outstanding band of the basque rock scene formed in Ondarroa village are Piztiak (in english, The Beasts). Until they released their first mini-album, "Huts nazazu" (1991), Piztiak were known as Tu-k band, bequeathing two marvelous eighties pop music demos like "Distantzia" (1987) and "Beltza" (1989). To record his second album, "Hasi Orduko" (1992), Piztiak band had the help of producer JC Perez (Itoiz) and Kirmen Uribe, the younger brother of the group's guitarist, Txomin wrote many lyrics. After overcoming a forced extramusical break, the members of Piztiak returned eagerly to publish, in a very short time, two of his best albums, "Argia eta itzala" (1998) and "Zero" (1999). Later, the new albums of this group have been appearing in a much more widely spaced way, although works like "Euriaren zai" (2005), "Gabeko kalapitxixak" (2011) and especially "U" (2014), show that Piztiak band remains fresh after staying three decades in the gap.
But, undoubtedly, the most outstanding band of the basque rock scene formed in Ondarroa village are Piztiak (in english, The Beasts). Until they released their first mini-album, "Huts nazazu" (1991), Piztiak were known as Tu-k band, bequeathing two marvelous eighties pop music demos like "Distantzia" (1987) and "Beltza" (1989). To record his second album, "Hasi Orduko" (1992), Piztiak band had the help of producer JC Perez (Itoiz) and Kirmen Uribe, the younger brother of the group's guitarist, Txomin wrote many lyrics. After overcoming a forced extramusical break, the members of Piztiak returned eagerly to publish, in a very short time, two of his best albums, "Argia eta itzala" (1998) and "Zero" (1999). Later, the new albums of this group have been appearing in a much more widely spaced way, although works like "Euriaren zai" (2005), "Gabeko kalapitxixak" (2011) and especially "U" (2014), show that Piztiak band remains fresh after staying three decades in the gap.
In the neighboring village of Mutriko (Gipuzkoa) two bands of very different styles stand out, Itoiz and Delirium Tremens. From 1976 until 1988, Itoiz band was the most popular pop band in Basque Country and his albums are a must stop for any beginner. The germ of Itoiz band is in a group of verbenas called Indar Trabes band, which drifted towards progressive rock, jazz and experimental music. After editing three memorable albums, "Itoiz" (1978), "Ezekielen profezia" (1980) and the superb long play "Alkolea" (1981), Itoiz's sound drifted towards a more modern, almost perfect pop. After the signing of guitarist Jean Marie Ecay and drummer Jimmi Arrabit, Itoiz band recorded three wonderful albums, "Musikaz blai" (1983), "Espaloian" (1985) and "Anbulance" (1987). The members of Itoiz said goodbye with "Eremuko dunen atzetik dabil" (1988), a live album that sums up the band's career. Juan Carlos Pérez, singer and leader of Itoiz band, would start an interesting solo career, leaving samples of his enormous talent in albums like "Atlantic river" (1994), "Hau berua" (1996), "Ikaro" (2000), "Hiriko istorioak" (2006) or "Itoiz suite" (2009).
Delirium Tremens was a very, very peculiar punk-rock band from Mutriko. Loved by the young public, their songs marked a whole time in Basque Country. Andoni Basterretxe´s guitar traced environments, almost, epic with curious way of playing and with its tone of voice, apparently, reluctant. After publishing a half-length album with Zarrapo punk band, "Hemen denak berdinak dira" (1987), Delirium Tremens band surprised everyone with "Ikusi eta ikasi" (1989), an amazing rock album that contains several of those moments that revitalize any music scene. Later, Delirium Tremens band hardened their sound a lot by incorporating Iñigo Muguruza (Kortatu) as the second guitarist. After releasing "Hiru aeroplano" (1990), which included a great version of the Australian rock band AC / DC ("Ametsetan"), Delirium Tremens band bade farewell with "Bilbo zuzenean" (1991), a live record recorded May 24, 1991 in Bilbao (Bizkaia). Song like "Boga boga", "Baztan", "Laino ilunak", "Kaixo" or "Ikusi eta ikasi" are classic hits of the basque scene, versioned by many young bands, for example, Eraso! or Negu Gorriak.
Continuing along the basque coast we arrive at Zumaia (Gipuzkoa), a village that has seen bands like Karidadeko Benta, Izu Nauk, Atxantatu and, more recently, Marlik band or Voltaia band, responsible of "Voltaia" (2014) and "Medusa" ( 2015) rock albums. In the neighboring Zarautz (Gipuzkoa), around the active gaztetxe Putzuzulo, sprout a stupendous scene composed by local bands like Zulö, Metralleta or Txixaparrazta. These amazings combos carried to the extreme, the sonorous thrashcore of Estigia or Anestesia, pioneering band of basque thrash metal. Metralleta band emerged from the merger of several members of 100 Mushrooms band with bassist Tximas. Metralletas band´s style was a crude rock style called powerviolence. Faithful to the DIY (Do it yourself) philosophy, Metralleta band opted for full self-management, without managers, without intermediaries. The first album of this basque band, "Metralleta" (2012), is not suitable for fine and sensitive ears. Recently, they have released another music work, "7 hatzbetekoa" (2016).
A young and hairy guitarist named Mikel Kazalis would form his own hard rock band and thrash metal, Anestesia, after passing through Estigia band. At first, this superb band of Zarautz had a hard time making itself heard among the Basque people, but the participation of Mikel as bass player of the legendary Negu Gorriak band, made many Basque fans finally open their ears to Anestesia´s albums. After "Toki berean" (1991), came albums that would sow an entire scene in the accelerated thrash of Basque Country, "Gorrotoaren ahotsa" (1993), "Erantzun" (1995), "Gu" (1997), "Ultra-komunikatzen" (2000) or "Terapia" (2006). After several years of absence, Anestesia band returned with "Zirkulutik espiralera" (2015) album. Today, Mikel shows that, although in his mane combs gray hair, keeps his riffs very cool.
Delirium Tremens was a very, very peculiar punk-rock band from Mutriko. Loved by the young public, their songs marked a whole time in Basque Country. Andoni Basterretxe´s guitar traced environments, almost, epic with curious way of playing and with its tone of voice, apparently, reluctant. After publishing a half-length album with Zarrapo punk band, "Hemen denak berdinak dira" (1987), Delirium Tremens band surprised everyone with "Ikusi eta ikasi" (1989), an amazing rock album that contains several of those moments that revitalize any music scene. Later, Delirium Tremens band hardened their sound a lot by incorporating Iñigo Muguruza (Kortatu) as the second guitarist. After releasing "Hiru aeroplano" (1990), which included a great version of the Australian rock band AC / DC ("Ametsetan"), Delirium Tremens band bade farewell with "Bilbo zuzenean" (1991), a live record recorded May 24, 1991 in Bilbao (Bizkaia). Song like "Boga boga", "Baztan", "Laino ilunak", "Kaixo" or "Ikusi eta ikasi" are classic hits of the basque scene, versioned by many young bands, for example, Eraso! or Negu Gorriak.
Continuing along the basque coast we arrive at Zumaia (Gipuzkoa), a village that has seen bands like Karidadeko Benta, Izu Nauk, Atxantatu and, more recently, Marlik band or Voltaia band, responsible of "Voltaia" (2014) and "Medusa" ( 2015) rock albums. In the neighboring Zarautz (Gipuzkoa), around the active gaztetxe Putzuzulo, sprout a stupendous scene composed by local bands like Zulö, Metralleta or Txixaparrazta. These amazings combos carried to the extreme, the sonorous thrashcore of Estigia or Anestesia, pioneering band of basque thrash metal. Metralleta band emerged from the merger of several members of 100 Mushrooms band with bassist Tximas. Metralletas band´s style was a crude rock style called powerviolence. Faithful to the DIY (Do it yourself) philosophy, Metralleta band opted for full self-management, without managers, without intermediaries. The first album of this basque band, "Metralleta" (2012), is not suitable for fine and sensitive ears. Recently, they have released another music work, "7 hatzbetekoa" (2016).
A young and hairy guitarist named Mikel Kazalis would form his own hard rock band and thrash metal, Anestesia, after passing through Estigia band. At first, this superb band of Zarautz had a hard time making itself heard among the Basque people, but the participation of Mikel as bass player of the legendary Negu Gorriak band, made many Basque fans finally open their ears to Anestesia´s albums. After "Toki berean" (1991), came albums that would sow an entire scene in the accelerated thrash of Basque Country, "Gorrotoaren ahotsa" (1993), "Erantzun" (1995), "Gu" (1997), "Ultra-komunikatzen" (2000) or "Terapia" (2006). After several years of absence, Anestesia band returned with "Zirkulutik espiralera" (2015) album. Today, Mikel shows that, although in his mane combs gray hair, keeps his riffs very cool.
Parallel to Anestesia band, Mikel Kazalis has developed a very fruitful activity in other basque musical projects. After the dissolution of Negu Gorriak band, Mikel would found 2Kate, a duo of techno-metal with Izaskun Forkada (Mikel´s sons mother). After editing two albums, "Bide laburra" (1997) and "Birziklatu" (1999), Mikel Kazalis would join Fernando Apoa (exmember of spanish banda El Corazón del Sapo) and Joseba Ponce and Galder Izagirre (exmembers of basque band DUT). They will form together Kuraia, a super band, whose legacy are three of the best hard rock albums that has given the basque music scene, "Kuraia" (2003), "Iluntasunari barre" (2004) and "Piztu da piztia" (2005). If that were not enough, Mikel Kazalis would still have the time to record an industrial rock album "Matxura" (2011), accompanied by musicians like Aitor Abio (Pi L.T.), Fernando Apoa (Estricalla) or Txarly Diaz (Gutural) .
Other great rock bands in the area of Zarautz would be Perlak, Erantzun or Neü, a metal band author of "Hilezkor" (2005) album. In the middle would be the veterans Eraso!, one of the best groups of prosper basque metal rock. The members of Eraso! began practicing a crude thrash metal, inspired by local bands like Anestesia or Estigia, but, they have been evolving towards rather broad sonorities. The beginner will find many good moments in works like "Guztiaren arabera" (1996), "Erantzunik gabe" (1999), "Oraina eta geroa" (2001), "Grisez bustitako egunak" (2003), "Kontra" 2005), "Ez gara inoiz hilko" (2012), "Kaiolatik ihes" (2016) or "Inoren lurretan" (2018). As a curiosity to comment that Ander, Eraso's exbass player, replaced Enrique Villarreal "El Drogas" in the last season of Barricada band. The vacant gap left by Ander in Eraso! band would occupy Ibai, the great bass player of Mitosia band.
In sound grounds closer to post punk moved Perlak band, a young combo from Zarautz that would bequeath us a couple of good albums, "Perlak" (2014) and "Itzaletatik" (2016). The group Perlak (in Euskera, "The Pearls") arises in 2013 and, until its dissolution in 2018, attracted a part of the public thanks to its vital and exciting melodies. Punk intensity and pop immediacy were two characteristics of this surprising Basque combo that had the ability to mix raw and dark themes with other more tender ones. Perlak presented their first album, "Perlak" (2014), the same year they made it to the final of the popular model contest of the Gaztea radio station. In 2015 Perlak composed the theme "Bandera moreak" for the World March of Women and recorded a live show, "Elkar Estudioa Sesioak" (2015). The following year he would see the light of his second and final work, "Itzaletatik" (2016).
From his birth, Perlak were quite clear what were his main musical influences, his was the sound of bands like Joy Division or Siouxsie & the Banshees. Although in Euskadi we already knew some other set with these same referents, nobody had bet so, clearly, to compose this way in Euskera. Perhaps because of this, because of the novelty of his propusta, the quartet Perlak quickly found its own space in the Basque rock scene. Its components were comfortable in that place and, for their second album they maintained almost the same ingredients as in the first. In fact, the recording of the album "Itzaletatik" (2016) was carried out in the same Gaua studios (Mungia), using the same formula, that is, playing together, day or night, for a week.
One of the most significant changes in the Perlak group came in the wake of the fall of Oihane Abarretegi, who was replaced by Miren Narbaiza (Napoka Iria). His presence gave the band a slightly more guitar tone. But, Oihane did not completely leave the project, since his voice can be heard in one of the most outstanding songs of the second album, "Emakume kuantikoa". She herself was the composer of the lyrics of the song and, it is in this section where the Perlak group can stand out the most. They were not very common letters and, their way of dealing with them, either. Thus, it was surprising the ability of Perlak to combine lyrics in Basque full of crudeness, but also of a certain tenderness. In the song "Isilpeko hitzak", the band talks about a mother who lost her daughter in front of Intxorta, for example.
Also in the village of Zarautz, but in different musical coordinates, bands as Lou Topet, Pottors ta Klito, Ginger, MKT, Occhi di Farfalla, Skasti, Serge, Drumkopters, Sofa or Buffalo. Lou Topet band have released folk and rock albums like "Esnatu dira" (2013), "Abesti bat gutxiago" (2015) or "Pete Seeger gogoan" (2017), where they version in Basque lenguage to artists of the nivel of Pete Seeger, Wilco, Jeff Tweedy, John Hiatt, Damien Jury, Will Oldham, Mavis Staples, Cass McCombs... By his side a versatile local disc jockey called Makala, has produced lively albums for the dance floor, as "Makala plays Novophonic" (2002), "Hondartzan” (2005), "Makala selects Boom Shaka Laka" (2006) o "Unexpected tapas" (2011). When Makala was younger, pounded the electric bass in hardcore bands (Tofu or Noise Am Behin) and was encouraged to create Aza Records label, to be able to publish the demos of local combos as Folkcore or ITV, the first band of the celebrated and distinguished Delorean pop band.
Although, Delorean band used to sing in English lenguage, recently, they have been encouraged to take a surprise, but momentary, turn to their particular electronic indie sound. Entering the sonorous and personal legacy of the great Mikel Laboa, father of basque modern music. Delorean band have reinterpreted some of the most experimental and iconoclastic pieces of Mr. Laboa, such as the "Lekeitioak", pieces that combine invented languages, shouts and basque mantras ( http://www.ehu.eus/mikellaboa/es/grabaciones/discografia ). The curious album "Delorean eta Mikel Laboa" (2017), is another step forward in the desire to experience this popular indie band from Zarautz.
Before leaving the area of Zarautz, we should remember Lou Olangua, a singer from OK Korral band, a mythical rock combo that delighted the punk and rockabilly parish during the hectic and rebellious 80's. The two albums of this great basque band, "OK Korral "(1986) and "Beti gogor, beti mozkor" (1988), waste incredible energy. After, several members of OK Korral band, as Fermin Iraola (1968-2010) or Dani, would form new rock bands, like Kiowak or Labanak. Their new tracks were somewhat more influenced by the sonorous influx of american and australian garage-rock bands. For example, Labanak band edited little rock & roll gems like the mini album "Labanak" (1990) or "Nor da pobre, nor da aberats" (1991), a LP very difficult to find today.
Other great rock bands in the area of Zarautz would be Perlak, Erantzun or Neü, a metal band author of "Hilezkor" (2005) album. In the middle would be the veterans Eraso!, one of the best groups of prosper basque metal rock. The members of Eraso! began practicing a crude thrash metal, inspired by local bands like Anestesia or Estigia, but, they have been evolving towards rather broad sonorities. The beginner will find many good moments in works like "Guztiaren arabera" (1996), "Erantzunik gabe" (1999), "Oraina eta geroa" (2001), "Grisez bustitako egunak" (2003), "Kontra" 2005), "Ez gara inoiz hilko" (2012), "Kaiolatik ihes" (2016) or "Inoren lurretan" (2018). As a curiosity to comment that Ander, Eraso's exbass player, replaced Enrique Villarreal "El Drogas" in the last season of Barricada band. The vacant gap left by Ander in Eraso! band would occupy Ibai, the great bass player of Mitosia band.
In sound grounds closer to post punk moved Perlak band, a young combo from Zarautz that would bequeath us a couple of good albums, "Perlak" (2014) and "Itzaletatik" (2016). The group Perlak (in Euskera, "The Pearls") arises in 2013 and, until its dissolution in 2018, attracted a part of the public thanks to its vital and exciting melodies. Punk intensity and pop immediacy were two characteristics of this surprising Basque combo that had the ability to mix raw and dark themes with other more tender ones. Perlak presented their first album, "Perlak" (2014), the same year they made it to the final of the popular model contest of the Gaztea radio station. In 2015 Perlak composed the theme "Bandera moreak" for the World March of Women and recorded a live show, "Elkar Estudioa Sesioak" (2015). The following year he would see the light of his second and final work, "Itzaletatik" (2016).
From his birth, Perlak were quite clear what were his main musical influences, his was the sound of bands like Joy Division or Siouxsie & the Banshees. Although in Euskadi we already knew some other set with these same referents, nobody had bet so, clearly, to compose this way in Euskera. Perhaps because of this, because of the novelty of his propusta, the quartet Perlak quickly found its own space in the Basque rock scene. Its components were comfortable in that place and, for their second album they maintained almost the same ingredients as in the first. In fact, the recording of the album "Itzaletatik" (2016) was carried out in the same Gaua studios (Mungia), using the same formula, that is, playing together, day or night, for a week.
One of the most significant changes in the Perlak group came in the wake of the fall of Oihane Abarretegi, who was replaced by Miren Narbaiza (Napoka Iria). His presence gave the band a slightly more guitar tone. But, Oihane did not completely leave the project, since his voice can be heard in one of the most outstanding songs of the second album, "Emakume kuantikoa". She herself was the composer of the lyrics of the song and, it is in this section where the Perlak group can stand out the most. They were not very common letters and, their way of dealing with them, either. Thus, it was surprising the ability of Perlak to combine lyrics in Basque full of crudeness, but also of a certain tenderness. In the song "Isilpeko hitzak", the band talks about a mother who lost her daughter in front of Intxorta, for example.
Also in the village of Zarautz, but in different musical coordinates, bands as Lou Topet, Pottors ta Klito, Ginger, MKT, Occhi di Farfalla, Skasti, Serge, Drumkopters, Sofa or Buffalo. Lou Topet band have released folk and rock albums like "Esnatu dira" (2013), "Abesti bat gutxiago" (2015) or "Pete Seeger gogoan" (2017), where they version in Basque lenguage to artists of the nivel of Pete Seeger, Wilco, Jeff Tweedy, John Hiatt, Damien Jury, Will Oldham, Mavis Staples, Cass McCombs... By his side a versatile local disc jockey called Makala, has produced lively albums for the dance floor, as "Makala plays Novophonic" (2002), "Hondartzan” (2005), "Makala selects Boom Shaka Laka" (2006) o "Unexpected tapas" (2011). When Makala was younger, pounded the electric bass in hardcore bands (Tofu or Noise Am Behin) and was encouraged to create Aza Records label, to be able to publish the demos of local combos as Folkcore or ITV, the first band of the celebrated and distinguished Delorean pop band.
Although, Delorean band used to sing in English lenguage, recently, they have been encouraged to take a surprise, but momentary, turn to their particular electronic indie sound. Entering the sonorous and personal legacy of the great Mikel Laboa, father of basque modern music. Delorean band have reinterpreted some of the most experimental and iconoclastic pieces of Mr. Laboa, such as the "Lekeitioak", pieces that combine invented languages, shouts and basque mantras ( http://www.ehu.eus/mikellaboa/es/grabaciones/discografia ). The curious album "Delorean eta Mikel Laboa" (2017), is another step forward in the desire to experience this popular indie band from Zarautz.
Before leaving the area of Zarautz, we should remember Lou Olangua, a singer from OK Korral band, a mythical rock combo that delighted the punk and rockabilly parish during the hectic and rebellious 80's. The two albums of this great basque band, "OK Korral "(1986) and "Beti gogor, beti mozkor" (1988), waste incredible energy. After, several members of OK Korral band, as Fermin Iraola (1968-2010) or Dani, would form new rock bands, like Kiowak or Labanak. Their new tracks were somewhat more influenced by the sonorous influx of american and australian garage-rock bands. For example, Labanak band edited little rock & roll gems like the mini album "Labanak" (1990) or "Nor da pobre, nor da aberats" (1991), a LP very difficult to find today.
In the village of Orio (Gipuzkoa), the beginner can enjoy Basque music bands as diverse as Giranice or Gozategi. Giranice's members like to practice a instrumental rock, almost experimental. After releasing albums as "Giranice" (2011) and "Enea" (2013), this band announced the publication of four consecutive works. The first of which is titled "Ur" (2015). In another sonorous way are the famous Gozategi combo. They are the kings of Triki-pop, a mix of the traditional trikitixa (diatonic acordion) with pop and rock sounds. Gozategi's first album was "Gozategi" (1995), a comercial boom thanks to the power of mestizo hits like "Nork-Nori-Nor". The band's second album, "Ainhoa" (1996), also made a huge impact, especially for "Nirekin", a beautiful song of love porreta written in Biscayan dialect by the well-known bertsolari Jon Maia. Then came albums as "Kalanbreak" (1998), "Egunon" (2000), "Goztg.kom" (2006), "Bizi bizirik" (2010), "All stars 1992-2012" (2012) or "Zingel" (2018). All they creating a perfect fusion of fandango, arin-arin, pop-rock or reggae to enliven any summer festivals of this new century.
We couldn´t cross the streets of Orio without mentioning Benito Lertxundi, one of the pillars of modern Basque music, along with the missing Mikel Laboa or Xabier Lete. Any of his great albums deserves to be heard by the beginner, his sensitivity will become skin-deep. The music work of Benito Lertxundi is immense, and includes many albums as "Benito Lertxundi" (1969), "Oro laño mee batek ..." (1974), "... eta maita herria, üken dezadan plazera" (1975) "Zuberoa" (1977), "Askatasunaren semeei (1977), "Altabizkar / Itzaltzuko bardoari" (1981), "Gaueko ele ixilen balada "(1985)," Mauleko bidean ... izatearen mugagabean " (2005), "Hunkidura Kuttunak I eta II" (1993), "Hitaz oroit" (1996), "Auhen sinfonikoa" (1998), "Nere ekialdean" (2002), "40 urtez ikasten egonak", "Itsas ulu zolia" (2008), "Oroimenaren oraina" (2012) or "Ospakizun gauean" (2018). Five decades of musical career contemplate to the basque Donovan.
Benito Lertxundi's partner, the unparalleled Olatz Zugasti, has developed an interesting solo career, and deserves a place of her own within this humble guide. Among such beautiful albums such as "Kantu baten bila nabil" (1991), "Bulun bulunka" (1998), "Elearen lainoa" (2002), "Gau hotzenean ere" (2010), "Ur goiena" (2015), the classic harp echo serves Olatz Zugasti to explore more diverse territories, moving freely between folk and pop more contemporary. "If I consult some idea of Benito ... He has a very strong artistic personality and has his idea of where I should walk, which does not always coincide with mine. Other opportunities and that's why I have not taught him an idea of my last records.He did not know anything about them until they were finished. And he respects me, of course".
Following the road to the coast we reach Donostia/San Sebastian city, where so many Basque bands have emerged, Miztura, Naun, Danajan, Orreaga 778, Txorromorro, Ze Esatek!, Pelax, Liher, Lauroba, Beñaranks, Lau Behi, Oso Fan, Koban, Sonakay, Norzonne, Mikel Karton, Madeleine, Lurpeko Ikarak, Niña Coyote eta Chico Tornado, NAU!, Lappa, Euripean Sua, Ttak!, Olatz Salvador, Le Mans ("Ama hil zaigu"), Daroa, Azken Garrasia, Bananas, Nerabe, Lamiak... One good example, Ezin Izan band were in their day a clear reference for the melodic hardcore hatching of Basque Country (Euskal Herria). Ezin Izan band was composed of musicians coming from Gaizkiñe, Barrakos or La Perrera, local rock combos that helped the so-called Buenawista Sound, an intense and refreshing music movement born inside the premises of Buenawista, a disappeared center occupied in the neighborhood of Alza. Inside the album "Nora Goaz?" (1998), Ezin Izan band mustered the bulk of almost their entire career. Recently, this great band from San Sebastian has returned with a new album, "Erdibidean" (2016).
We couldn´t cross the streets of Orio without mentioning Benito Lertxundi, one of the pillars of modern Basque music, along with the missing Mikel Laboa or Xabier Lete. Any of his great albums deserves to be heard by the beginner, his sensitivity will become skin-deep. The music work of Benito Lertxundi is immense, and includes many albums as "Benito Lertxundi" (1969), "Oro laño mee batek ..." (1974), "... eta maita herria, üken dezadan plazera" (1975) "Zuberoa" (1977), "Askatasunaren semeei (1977), "Altabizkar / Itzaltzuko bardoari" (1981), "Gaueko ele ixilen balada "(1985)," Mauleko bidean ... izatearen mugagabean " (2005), "Hunkidura Kuttunak I eta II" (1993), "Hitaz oroit" (1996), "Auhen sinfonikoa" (1998), "Nere ekialdean" (2002), "40 urtez ikasten egonak", "Itsas ulu zolia" (2008), "Oroimenaren oraina" (2012) or "Ospakizun gauean" (2018). Five decades of musical career contemplate to the basque Donovan.
Benito Lertxundi's partner, the unparalleled Olatz Zugasti, has developed an interesting solo career, and deserves a place of her own within this humble guide. Among such beautiful albums such as "Kantu baten bila nabil" (1991), "Bulun bulunka" (1998), "Elearen lainoa" (2002), "Gau hotzenean ere" (2010), "Ur goiena" (2015), the classic harp echo serves Olatz Zugasti to explore more diverse territories, moving freely between folk and pop more contemporary. "If I consult some idea of Benito ... He has a very strong artistic personality and has his idea of where I should walk, which does not always coincide with mine. Other opportunities and that's why I have not taught him an idea of my last records.He did not know anything about them until they were finished. And he respects me, of course".
Following the road to the coast we reach Donostia/San Sebastian city, where so many Basque bands have emerged, Miztura, Naun, Danajan, Orreaga 778, Txorromorro, Ze Esatek!, Pelax, Liher, Lauroba, Beñaranks, Lau Behi, Oso Fan, Koban, Sonakay, Norzonne, Mikel Karton, Madeleine, Lurpeko Ikarak, Niña Coyote eta Chico Tornado, NAU!, Lappa, Euripean Sua, Ttak!, Olatz Salvador, Le Mans ("Ama hil zaigu"), Daroa, Azken Garrasia, Bananas, Nerabe, Lamiak... One good example, Ezin Izan band were in their day a clear reference for the melodic hardcore hatching of Basque Country (Euskal Herria). Ezin Izan band was composed of musicians coming from Gaizkiñe, Barrakos or La Perrera, local rock combos that helped the so-called Buenawista Sound, an intense and refreshing music movement born inside the premises of Buenawista, a disappeared center occupied in the neighborhood of Alza. Inside the album "Nora Goaz?" (1998), Ezin Izan band mustered the bulk of almost their entire career. Recently, this great band from San Sebastian has returned with a new album, "Erdibidean" (2016).
Also, Lau Behi band was born in the city of Donostia/San Sebastian. That band was formed by Mikel Azpiroz (hammond), Alberto Bosch (bass), Juanra Etxaburua (drums) and Txenan Calvo (guitar), four fans of the 70´s and 80´s rock & blues. In their songs they put enough touches of blues and funk. Mikel and Alberto used to alternate to sing lyrics in Basque where references to sex, nightlife, women or uninhibited desire abound. After editing three albums under IZ label, "Lau behi" (1995), "Bi" (1996) and "Merke & ona" (1997), Lau Behi quartet became a trio due to the march of Txenan. Inside their last album, "Emakume interesgarriak" (2000), Lau Behi band took a turn towards the power pop, turning in to rhythms somewhat more direct and appetizing. After the dissolution, Mikel Azpiroz would found Elkano Browning Cream band, while Alberto Bosch has played in another basque bands, as Hotel or the fantastic funk combo Triz3ps.
The basque multi-band Ttak! debuted with a traditional and purist ska album, "Ttak! attak" (1999), after recording a short demo titled "Ataka Tanaka" (1997). Edited under the local label Zaunka Diskak, the debut album of Ttak! wasting ska instrumental themes elaborated to make its section of winds shine. There were also more festive cuts, with the exception of reggae song "Indarkeria" (sung by Mr. Koldo). It was Jamaican music to dance to but also to listen carefully in "Clockwork ska", a free adaptation of the soundtrack of film "The mechanical orange". After its dissolution, some members of Ttak! worked with the basque musician Javi Pez or in Fermín Muguruza´s lively tours. For many people, Ttak! were some of the best ska groups in the Basque Country... If not the best!
But some of the highlights of the Donostia/San Sebastian city scene have sprung up on the banks of this Gipuzkoan capital. For example, in the locality of Añorga emerged Utikan band, later germ of projects as different as Oreka TX or UK Bill. From the area of Lasarte-Oria have come sets of afrobeat (Makulu Ken) or extreme metal (Hilotz, Gabezia). Hilotz band were responsible for recording albums such as "Hil ala bizi" (2012) and "Giza ankerkeria" (2016). Emerged in 2102, Gabezia (in Basque, "Scarcity or Misery") produced three very interesting metal disks, "Gizakia etsai" (2013), "Bilanx" (2014), "Orain" (2015), before saying goodbye with " Hazi "(2019), his last sound gift and considered his best work. Guillermo, Sizis, Aimar and David always had it quite clear. "Our level of demand is high, or we do something right, or we don't do it. That is why we have decided to end this project. Due to schedule problems and commitment to the project we were not able to keep the group at the level we would like. Gabezia It has always been for us more than a music group, and we will undoubtedly have it tattooed all our lives on our skin.We dedicate countless hours to finish composing our last album and record it, taking care of even the smallest detail.We travel three times to Madrid and we invested a lot of money and passion in mixing, mastering, video clips ... We are normal people, but we did something extraordinary".
Also in the neighboring village of Lasarte would sprout NIL, a hard rock band formed by four young people, Nerea (vocals), Aitor (guitar), Juanillo (bass) and Rosa (drums). They bequeathed for eternity one homonymous album, "NIL" (1999). Already in the nearby village of Usurbil, the beginner can enjoy blaring sounds thanks to rock bands as Floxbin, Mendeku Itxua, Izeberg, authors of albums such as "Azalera" (2014) or "Lurrik ez begi bistan" (2016), or Larrua Truk, combo responsible for "Larrua truk" (1995) or "Aurpegi biren jabe" (1998). Mendeku Itxua band is worthy successors of the heavy legacy of the 90´s metal basque pioneers (Su Ta Gar, Latzen, Azken Garrasia or Idi Bihotz bands).
The basque multi-band Ttak! debuted with a traditional and purist ska album, "Ttak! attak" (1999), after recording a short demo titled "Ataka Tanaka" (1997). Edited under the local label Zaunka Diskak, the debut album of Ttak! wasting ska instrumental themes elaborated to make its section of winds shine. There were also more festive cuts, with the exception of reggae song "Indarkeria" (sung by Mr. Koldo). It was Jamaican music to dance to but also to listen carefully in "Clockwork ska", a free adaptation of the soundtrack of film "The mechanical orange". After its dissolution, some members of Ttak! worked with the basque musician Javi Pez or in Fermín Muguruza´s lively tours. For many people, Ttak! were some of the best ska groups in the Basque Country... If not the best!
But some of the highlights of the Donostia/San Sebastian city scene have sprung up on the banks of this Gipuzkoan capital. For example, in the locality of Añorga emerged Utikan band, later germ of projects as different as Oreka TX or UK Bill. From the area of Lasarte-Oria have come sets of afrobeat (Makulu Ken) or extreme metal (Hilotz, Gabezia). Hilotz band were responsible for recording albums such as "Hil ala bizi" (2012) and "Giza ankerkeria" (2016). Emerged in 2102, Gabezia (in Basque, "Scarcity or Misery") produced three very interesting metal disks, "Gizakia etsai" (2013), "Bilanx" (2014), "Orain" (2015), before saying goodbye with " Hazi "(2019), his last sound gift and considered his best work. Guillermo, Sizis, Aimar and David always had it quite clear. "Our level of demand is high, or we do something right, or we don't do it. That is why we have decided to end this project. Due to schedule problems and commitment to the project we were not able to keep the group at the level we would like. Gabezia It has always been for us more than a music group, and we will undoubtedly have it tattooed all our lives on our skin.We dedicate countless hours to finish composing our last album and record it, taking care of even the smallest detail.We travel three times to Madrid and we invested a lot of money and passion in mixing, mastering, video clips ... We are normal people, but we did something extraordinary".
Also in the neighboring village of Lasarte would sprout NIL, a hard rock band formed by four young people, Nerea (vocals), Aitor (guitar), Juanillo (bass) and Rosa (drums). They bequeathed for eternity one homonymous album, "NIL" (1999). Already in the nearby village of Usurbil, the beginner can enjoy blaring sounds thanks to rock bands as Floxbin, Mendeku Itxua, Izeberg, authors of albums such as "Azalera" (2014) or "Lurrik ez begi bistan" (2016), or Larrua Truk, combo responsible for "Larrua truk" (1995) or "Aurpegi biren jabe" (1998). Mendeku Itxua band is worthy successors of the heavy legacy of the 90´s metal basque pioneers (Su Ta Gar, Latzen, Azken Garrasia or Idi Bihotz bands).
After making their debut with the album "Gure oihua" (2006), recorded with the help of the great Kaki Arkarazo, Mendeku Itxua band would release two new albums, "Indarrak batuz" (2009) and "Piztien pare" (2010). Different music way take another local bands as eMe, Rukula band, Natali duo or a pop singer called Labrit, who achieved some commercial success with his first albums, "Paradisua" (2000) and "Nori egin so!" (2001). This female vocalist for a long break in her career, but her unexpected return with "Z8rtzi" (2016), her third album, endows him with something different from the basque pop scene, remixing electronic pop with the sweet voice. Labrit evoking a kind of basque chillout, that will warmly warm the most uncreated beginner.
In the village of Hernani (Gipuzkoa), during the emergence of Triki-pop sound, Xabi Solano was announced leading Etzakit band. After editing "Etzakit" (1998) and "Goiz edo noiz?" (2000), this basque trikitilari has developed an energetic race in bands as 4 Itzal, The Solanos, Esne Beltza... A few years earlier, Madarikatuak band had already put Hernani on the music map thanks to "Etsaiari makailua desertuan" (1987), an album where the basque singer Morau collaborated. Born in 1963, Morau is a basque pop chronicler of artists such as Woody Guthrie or Billy Bragg. His interesting legacy is composed of albums such as "Morau" (1996), "Kantu galduak" (1998), "Amodio domestikoa" (2000), "Txukalda" (2004), "Kalamidadiak" (2008), "Arrainentzako himnoak" (2014) or "Egunsentiak alperrentzat" (2018), elaborated with the help of related colleagues, such as Beñardo Goietxe, Mursego, Joseba Irazoki, Mattin, Joxi Ubeda, Petti, Ñaco Goñi or Joseba Tapia.
The proposal of Maite Larburu is something different. This violinist, after completing her musical studies, moved from Hernani to Amsterdam (The Netherlands, Europe), where she met the american Josh Cheatham, a neighbor of his neighborhood specializing in ancient music. Singing in Basque and English lenguage and wanting to offer author pop music, Maite and Josh give life to Neighbor band. The basque label Gaztelupeko Hotsak has edited its first two albums, "Ura patrikan" (2013) and "Hau" (2016). Although the main pillar of Neighbor's instrumentation is guitar arpeggios, the beginner will be able to savor the sound of ukulele, pianola, sansula, violin, viola de gamba ... A sonic festival!
In the neighboring town of Lezo (Gipuzkoa) appeared Harlax band, a basque hard rock band with two vocalists. After publishing their first album, "Kontsumhiltzen" (2000), Harlax band would release "Ez diren gauzak ere badira" (2003), where they predominated their taste for the nu-metal of their time, and "Irribarre behartuak" (2005). Also in the area of Lezo village appeared Jousilouli band, a crazy basque combo that dared to mix rap metal and hardcore in a way absolutely personal. "The situation we are experiencing now, the persecution that is taking everything Basque is a step that is being taken to the extreme. What has happened to the local newspaper Egunkaria is a tragedy. Musically, we touch many ends, there are very hardcore and some very soft. We want to reflect a little that".
With scratches and insanity, the members of Jousilouli band paid homage to Su Ta Gar ("Hitz Margotuak") and Anestesia ("Kontraesanak") on their two albums, "Prest" (2000) and "Terrorist" (2002). With the first album they had enough problems with the mixes. In the second, too, because Jousilouli weren´t rock band to use, as they had a DJ, keyboards and a thousand things... From the ashes of Jousilouli band would arise new basque combos, Dirua and Naizroxa. Naizroxa band's debut album was a rock band grindcore titled "EP laburrean" (2005), later this amazing band would edit "Iqharaturic" (2007), where the beginner will be able to enjoy for the last time the charismatic voice of the missing Mikel Laboa. At the same time, Martxet, the peculiar vocalist of Jousilouli or Naizroxa bands, has launched Anai Arrebak duo, a daring electronic dance project doing with his sister Marga. Anai Arrebak have released two pieces, "Anai-arrebak" (2012) and their subsequent follow-up, "Anai-arrebak II" (2015).
Continuing along the coast, in Oiartzun village (Gipuzkoa), emerged bands such as Kearrak, Beira, Autobus Magikoa, Gurutze Beltzak or Hira, spearhead of the second batch of basque heavy metal rock. Winners of the demo contest of Euskadi Gaztea radio, Hira band published such powerful albums as "Nortasuna" (2001), "Oztopoak gaindituz" (2003), "Hira" (2006) or "Delay" (2011). Also in the area of Oiartzun would arise the mythical Pikutara band, a peculiar combo that mixed punk rock, ska and txalaparta (basque percusion). After successfully editing a demo, "88-91 maketa" (1991), the singer of Pikutara would suffer a serious work accident and the race of the band would be truncated. After many years of silence, this band would return to edit, finally, that first pending album, "Agur eta ohore" (2007).
The town of Renteria/Orereta (Gipuzkoa) has been a powerful musical epicenter, with examples such as Basura (Garbage), Odio (Hate), The Bobby's, Aze Gose, Sorkun, Ostikada, Honako Putzua, Kashbad or the great singer-songwriter Mikel Markez. Born in 1971, Mikel Markez is a veteran of the basque pop and folk scene since he began to give his first concerts being only a teenager. The musical work of Mikel Markez is of exquisite quality and includes discs as recommendable and varied as "Eta etorri egin zait ..." (1991), "Oroitzapenak oparitzen ditut" (1993), "Zertarako mugak jarri" (1995), "Dharma hankaz gora" (1999), "Tribuaren hitz galduak" (1999), "Erabil nazazu" (2004), "Hiri hartan izan zen" (2011), "Indar bat dabil hor" (2013) or "Bi ahizpak" (2015), the latter recorded alongside the California female vocal trio Noka.
Continuing along the coast, in Oiartzun village (Gipuzkoa), emerged bands such as Kearrak, Beira, Autobus Magikoa, Gurutze Beltzak or Hira, spearhead of the second batch of basque heavy metal rock. Winners of the demo contest of Euskadi Gaztea radio, Hira band published such powerful albums as "Nortasuna" (2001), "Oztopoak gaindituz" (2003), "Hira" (2006) or "Delay" (2011). Also in the area of Oiartzun would arise the mythical Pikutara band, a peculiar combo that mixed punk rock, ska and txalaparta (basque percusion). After successfully editing a demo, "88-91 maketa" (1991), the singer of Pikutara would suffer a serious work accident and the race of the band would be truncated. After many years of silence, this band would return to edit, finally, that first pending album, "Agur eta ohore" (2007).
The town of Renteria/Orereta (Gipuzkoa) has been a powerful musical epicenter, with examples such as Basura (Garbage), Odio (Hate), The Bobby's, Aze Gose, Sorkun, Ostikada, Honako Putzua, Kashbad or the great singer-songwriter Mikel Markez. Born in 1971, Mikel Markez is a veteran of the basque pop and folk scene since he began to give his first concerts being only a teenager. The musical work of Mikel Markez is of exquisite quality and includes discs as recommendable and varied as "Eta etorri egin zait ..." (1991), "Oroitzapenak oparitzen ditut" (1993), "Zertarako mugak jarri" (1995), "Dharma hankaz gora" (1999), "Tribuaren hitz galduak" (1999), "Erabil nazazu" (2004), "Hiri hartan izan zen" (2011), "Indar bat dabil hor" (2013) or "Bi ahizpak" (2015), the latter recorded alongside the California female vocal trio Noka.
Kashbad band was basque rock combo who would mark a time and help to renew the local scene after the dissolution of Negu Gorriak band. Under the Esan Ozenki Records label, Kashbad band evolved very quickly, releasing three albums where the fierceness of hardcore was tempered with elegant touches of pop and reggae, "Kashbad" (1996), "Distantzia" (1997) and "Hesiak". Years later, this basque band would return by surprise and very rejuvenated, recording their superb fourth album to date, "Arrakala" (2014). The fascinating voice of Sorkun Rubio, a female singer from Kashbad, would captivate the Basque musician and cultural agitator Fermin Muguruza, who would take her on tour with her band around the world. Fermin Muguruz himself collaborated in the recording of "Onna" (2003), the dark and captivating first solo album of Sorkun. Later, this basque singer would publish interesting works, such as the jazzman "Duna" (2005), the powerful "Sorkun & Vice Presidents" (2008) and the elegant "Ziklomorphosia" (2015).
In village of Irun (Gipuzkoa), the sonic hurricane of Kortatu band inspired Baldin Bada, a young punk formation that would have a remarkable evolution since they premiered with "Lur azpian bukatuko duzue" (1986). Albums such as "Baldin bada" (1990), "Lurralde kolpatuak" (1991) or "Erraien Iraultza" (1995) are good proof of its progression from punk-rock to more funky and metallic sounds. "The first time we heard Kortatu was amazing. Everything we knew about ska and reggae was a few chords in Itoiz. As I listened to Kortatu I started to get interested in The Specials, Madness and other ensembles of this music style. We had an amazing time playing ska, but music is also a form of combat for young people. We're not in a pool anymore, spending money to fool. Through music we fight, as others throw stones at the riots".
Crossing the bridge over the Bidasoa river, in the coast village of Hendaia (Lapurdi), Addis Abeba band would arise like precursor of reggae sung in the Basque language. Several of its members would later form Doktor Deslai band, another great local combo with Jamaican musical airs. Doktor Deslai band came to record three eclectic albums, both in their formation and in their rhythms, melodies and texts, "Addis Ababa" (1997), "Viviendo en Babilonia" (1999) and "Wadada egunero" (2001). In this latest album, Doktor Deslai band included a couple of curious versions of AC/DC ("Whole lotta Rosie") and Hertzainak ("Eh, txo!").
Near, in the area of Miarritze/Biarritz (Lapurdi), the beginner can continue to enjoy Jamaican sounds of great quality. A great basque reggae band, King Mafrundi, was driven by Jimmy Arrabit, a reputed member of Itoiz band (a very popular basque pop combo in 80´s). Within two elegant music albums, "King Mafrundi" (1996) and "Diah!", King Mafrundi band expanded their texts by singing in Basque lenguage, but also, for example, in Uolof and Mandinga lenguages too. Jimmy Arrabit knew musicians from the African french colonies and he had the idea to start to work with African rhythms. In this way, this music idea grew more, until, in 1994, King Mafrundi was formed. "We give a lot more importance to the musical aspect although we know that for people to move, we have to encourage them from the stage. He is melodic because it has not been difficult to adjust our rhythms to basque lenguage".
In village of Irun (Gipuzkoa), the sonic hurricane of Kortatu band inspired Baldin Bada, a young punk formation that would have a remarkable evolution since they premiered with "Lur azpian bukatuko duzue" (1986). Albums such as "Baldin bada" (1990), "Lurralde kolpatuak" (1991) or "Erraien Iraultza" (1995) are good proof of its progression from punk-rock to more funky and metallic sounds. "The first time we heard Kortatu was amazing. Everything we knew about ska and reggae was a few chords in Itoiz. As I listened to Kortatu I started to get interested in The Specials, Madness and other ensembles of this music style. We had an amazing time playing ska, but music is also a form of combat for young people. We're not in a pool anymore, spending money to fool. Through music we fight, as others throw stones at the riots".
Crossing the bridge over the Bidasoa river, in the coast village of Hendaia (Lapurdi), Addis Abeba band would arise like precursor of reggae sung in the Basque language. Several of its members would later form Doktor Deslai band, another great local combo with Jamaican musical airs. Doktor Deslai band came to record three eclectic albums, both in their formation and in their rhythms, melodies and texts, "Addis Ababa" (1997), "Viviendo en Babilonia" (1999) and "Wadada egunero" (2001). In this latest album, Doktor Deslai band included a couple of curious versions of AC/DC ("Whole lotta Rosie") and Hertzainak ("Eh, txo!").
Near, in the area of Miarritze/Biarritz (Lapurdi), the beginner can continue to enjoy Jamaican sounds of great quality. A great basque reggae band, King Mafrundi, was driven by Jimmy Arrabit, a reputed member of Itoiz band (a very popular basque pop combo in 80´s). Within two elegant music albums, "King Mafrundi" (1996) and "Diah!", King Mafrundi band expanded their texts by singing in Basque lenguage, but also, for example, in Uolof and Mandinga lenguages too. Jimmy Arrabit knew musicians from the African french colonies and he had the idea to start to work with African rhythms. In this way, this music idea grew more, until, in 1994, King Mafrundi was formed. "We give a lot more importance to the musical aspect although we know that for people to move, we have to encourage them from the stage. He is melodic because it has not been difficult to adjust our rhythms to basque lenguage".
Near Biarritz village, between Donibane Lohizune and Ziburu (Lapurdi), ex-members of local bands as Uharteko Punkak, Txingoma II, Begi Txintxo or KGB, formed a new powerful rock band called Beltzez. In just one decade of existence, Beltzez (in basque, Paint it Black) gave more than 200 concerts, touring through Brittany, Bern, Nantes, Paris and in various squatters of Italy and Catalonia area. Beltzez band raised their own record label, R.Dizka, self-publishing their two albums. In "Beltzez" (1994) album, Beltzez versioned one song of the celebrated Basque duo Pantxoa eta Peio ("Itziarren semea") and, in "Bazterretan zer dago?" (1997) album, they versioned "Dantzari beltzak", a song of Kapten Egurrak band.
Also from the zone of Ziburu village sprouted a rock band (Fusible), a pop band (Santa Barbara or a great folk pop band (Unama) formed by four cousins of the Zubeldia family (Kamila, Nahia, Unai and Domeka). After including an elegant version of the basque folk classic "Goizian goiz jeikirik" within the music compilation "Ipar Euskal Herria Kantuz" (2002), Unama band would present their first self-titled album, "Unama" (2005). Subsequently, Nahia Zubeldia has been part of new and varied music projects, such as Sohano band or Saioa pop duo. Within Sohano band, Nahia Zubeldia recorded a pair of albums, "Lehoi enea" (2012) and "Erabakia" (2013). Along with Marieder Hiriart, the ex-critic of The Sparteens, Nahia released the album "Bi" (2014). Recently, she has worked alongside comrade Manu Matthys to shape Lumi band, a pop and electronic music project. Their first EP, "Lumi" (2015), was edited under Moï Moï Records label.
Also from the zone of Ziburu village sprouted a rock band (Fusible), a pop band (Santa Barbara or a great folk pop band (Unama) formed by four cousins of the Zubeldia family (Kamila, Nahia, Unai and Domeka). After including an elegant version of the basque folk classic "Goizian goiz jeikirik" within the music compilation "Ipar Euskal Herria Kantuz" (2002), Unama band would present their first self-titled album, "Unama" (2005). Subsequently, Nahia Zubeldia has been part of new and varied music projects, such as Sohano band or Saioa pop duo. Within Sohano band, Nahia Zubeldia recorded a pair of albums, "Lehoi enea" (2012) and "Erabakia" (2013). Along with Marieder Hiriart, the ex-critic of The Sparteens, Nahia released the album "Bi" (2014). Recently, she has worked alongside comrade Manu Matthys to shape Lumi band, a pop and electronic music project. Their first EP, "Lumi" (2015), was edited under Moï Moï Records label.
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