lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


 "En la Pinto, 
en la Kutxi, en la Zapa, 
la gente dura rula, 
rula, rula, rula…”

As in Pamplona/Iruñea, the rock scene of Vitoria/Gasteiz city has been strikingly active and forceful to have emerged from the bosom of a conservative provincial capital. The great variety and quality of the local scene has been reflected in the songs of rock bands such as Hertzainak, Betagarri, Bizkar Hezurra, Nahiko, Neubat, Trumbo, Mairu, Potato, Cicatriz, Soziedad Alkoholika ("Pauso bat", "Demokrazia"), H2SO4, Tutan Come On, Apotekhe, Vice Presidentes, Giante, Ortophonk, Bidelapurrak, Subeltz, Korroskada, La Obesa Negra, Eratu, Subversion, Ke De Ke, Pleyade, Mirotz Taldea, Hiena, Ekaitz, Lola y Sus Mataperros, Ley Seca, A la Fuga, Primavera en Chernobil, The Allnighters, Harresian Zulo, M.A.L.M. ("Ez dakit"), Osiris, Rock DAM, Forjas Alavesas, U.T.M., Duluth, Merlin, Izaki Gardenak, Sálvate Si Puedes, Segismundo Toxicómano, Requiem, Montauk, BO2, Ziklone, Libe, Idoia, Piruleta de Hormigón, Harlem, Quemando Ruedas, La Xeta Pasote, Ziakhus... 

All these bands gave life to the soundtrack of a veteran alternative radio, Hala Bedi. Since 1983, the waves of Hala Bedi radio have denounced the continuous attempts to evict the local gaztetxe, announced thousands of concerts and narrated the key events to understand the rock scene of Vitoria/Gasteiz. Hala Bedi radio released a very special album, "Hala Bedi, 30 urte kolpez kolpe" (2013), where a handful of Basque bands paid homage to another handful of Basque bands. For example, The Allnighters (Eskorbuto), SextySexers (Niko Etxart), Hesian (Alaitz eta Maider), Anai Arrebak (M-ak), Indarrap (Gozategi), Gari (RIP), Betagarri (Potato), Ortophonk (La Polla Records), Izaki Gardenak (Ruper Ordorika), Bronze (Itoiz), Neubat (Negu Gorriak), Sumision City Blues (Zuloak), Willis Drummond (Hertzainak) and Xabier Montoia (BAP!! band).

In the 80's, after the decline of progressive folk, punk burst with fury in Vitoria/Gasteiz area. In the hard years of the industrial reconversion, with a grisly youth unemployment, bands like Cicatriz and Hertzainak longed to spit on what they so much despised and rejected. While the Cicatriz (in english, Scar) members did it by singing in Spanish, Hertzainak band showed that the sonic sputum of Johnny Rotten or Joe Strummer, could irritate, perfectly, in basque (euskera). Step by steop, the local rock scene was opening and specializing, generating new bands and styles. For example, the local punk scene has enjoyed a good quarry, expanding to areas like Agurain village, thanks to the presence of greats bands as La Polla Records, Kaos Etílico, Kaótiko ("Hitz egin begiekin", "Paradisu taverna") or Gatillazo. Their albums opened a hole for the songs of Desterrados, Síndrome del Deskontrol, Sioux, Disturbio, Gartzen, Sortuz, Síndrome de Deskontrol, Sobrekarga, Katapunk, Punktazo, Bili Gitarralari, Kagando a Pulso, Radeko, Descapotables, The Montons, Oppium, Zona Zero, Puta Lokura, Zatarrock, Dupla...

In the last years, the Basque rock scene highlights the work of mister Kanda, vocalist and guitarist of such interesting bands as Neubat, Vice Presidents, Trumbo or Tutan Come On. Into Neubat band, Kanda approached stoner rock, collaborating, in parallel, in the creation of the first albums of a good friend, the basque singer Sorkun, "Onna" (2003) and "Duna" (2005). With Neubat band, Kanda created Matasellos records label to be able to self-publish their second album, "Stereosaurus" (2006), after debuting with "Dantzaldiko erreginak" (2004) album under the missing basque company Metak. By that time, the record crisis hit hard and self-production proved to be the most suitable outlet for many basque bands. After the dissolution of Neubat band, the restless Kanda would found Vice Presidents band, a risky proposal of grindcore. After the wild and furious debut of Vice Presidents band, "Basque street boys" (2007), Kanda would travel until Palm Spring (California) accompanying to Sorkun. There far, with the help of producer Robbie Owen, Sorkun and Vice Presidents combo would record a powerful stoner rock album titled, "Sorkun & Vice Presidents" (2008). Upon his return, Vice Presidents band would regain their liking for guttural voices to form new albums such as "Bloodola" (2009) or "Grind capital" (2016).

In parallel, the restless Kanda would join Gorka (Kashbad) and Eneko (Näut) to form a new rock group, Trumbo, whose name honors the repressed North American writer Dalton Trumbo. This basque trio recorded one fantastic album, "Trumbo" (2011), full of superb songs of crude and blunt rock. Currently, Kanda plays his guitar in Tutan Come On band, a powerful rock duo who has released two of the best albums of the recent local scene, "Tutan Come On" (2013) and "Emaidazu mainstream" (2015). In their live performances, Tutan Come On band are usually placed face to face on stage and, perfectly coupled, are linking subjects such as slaps, keeping at all times the raw pulse of their songs.

For her part, the ex-keyboardist of Neubat band, the restless Libe Garcia de Cortazar, would start a solo career debut under the name Libe, thanks to the elegant album "Ihesaldi handia" (2014). Parallel, Libe also forms part of Izaki Gardenak band (in Euskera,
Transparent Beings), a very recommendable basque pop band combo led by the fine musician Jon Basaguren. After editing "Itsasargiak" (2012) and "Amaieratik Hasi" (2013) albums, Izaki Gardenak band would present "Aurri gara" (2015) album, one of the best examples of the American genre at the european level, and the new single "Oinak lurrean / Bihotz "(2017). The American genre is original US music of an extremely purist tradition, a mixture between primitive country and an ancestral folk that, at the moment, possesses a certain alternative or indie character (for good and for bad). "When I began to compose my obsession it was not having to rely on anyone to give concerts. But because I tend to complicate myself and because I was surrounded by friends who were good musicians, the name of that project changed from Jon Basaguren to Izaki Gardenak."

In 1986, a group of residents of Vitoria/Gasteiz city founded the Cultural Association of the Zapa with the intention of encouraging Zapatería street and the old part of this city through rock concerts and various art exhibitions. After the troubled summer of 1987, a group of youngs began to claim access to premises. This gave rise to the Gasteizko Gazte Asanblada (Youth Assembly of Vitoria) which, since April 28, 1988, is responsible for self-managing with solvency the popular gaztetxe (squat) of the city. It was buried in the old bishop's garage, and after cleaning the premises and taking out hundreds of kilos of abandoned garbage, the youngs have been able to enjoy for almost three decades thousands of activities and concerts, really, unpayable. In 2002, in the face of the threat of eviction by the acting mayor, a great march would bring together thousands of citizens under the motto "Gaztetxea gure etxea. Gaztetxea guztion etxea" ("Defends the local gaztetxe. It´s everyone´s house").

In the hectic 80´s, the local music scene saw the birth of Potato band, a key group of state reggae. Starting almost from an anecdote, the members of Potato band tried to give color and humor to the fierce Basque Radical Rock. The band proved that it could be punk and not have to destroy everything, wildly, to each concert. Step by step, the members of Potato band were consolidating their particular music style, playing better and better, more seriously. Perhaps the claim to an Tropikal Basque Country scene failed immediately, but Potato band albums would inspire a handful of Basque combos who continued along the Jamaican path, such as Betagarri, Kannabis, Ttak!, Trepi eta Arawak, Bilbomatiks, Beñaranks, Akatz, Peppin Toms, Ke Rule , Green Valley, 12Tribe, Trikoma, Mr. Pongo Band, Afu, Skalariak, Doktor Deslai, Autobus Magikoa, MG Banda, Addis Abeba...

Trepi eta Arawak band emerged in parallel to Arawak combo project, made up of several excomponents from Potato and Kannabis bands. Both formations were united by their love to reggae roots, but Trepi eta Arawak band developed it in Euskera thanks to mister Trepi, its seductive and fine frontman. The texts of his formidable first album, "Sorterrira" (1999), were well-worked and centered on Basque Country, birthplace of writers as Joseba Sarrionaindia ("Bake beltza", "Herri proiektua"), Joxan Artze ("Galipotakumeak" ), Jon Maia ("Marrazki bizidunak", "Gizon arrunta", "Garaiak") or Xabier Montoia ("Iparragirretarrena"). Later, Arawak band would record new songs, but, at that moment, there was no way to make the big jump and their musical career suffered.

Singing also in Basque language, the popular Betagarri band have taken their skatalite rock much further than they would have anticipated when they first met. Betagarri band began rehearsing in La Nave Pirata, a venue opened in 1993 in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Vitoria/Gasteiz city. Thanks to the support of a great local label (Mil A Gritos), the members of Betagarri would debut with "Betagarri" (1997), a lively first album followed by others with great popular acceptance in Basque Country and Catalunya area. After, Betagarri band has edited other interesting albums, as
"Arren erro zaharra" (1999 (2000), "Remix" (2001), "Arnasa hartu" (2002), "Zuzenena" (2004), "Hamaika gara" (2006), "Bizitzari txistuka"(2009), "Zorion argiak" (2012) and "20 urte zuzenean" (2014).

Vitoria/Gasteiz city´s area pop face is represented in bands such as Nahiko, whose first album, "Suizidio legal" (1985), was an authentic commercial suicide in the midst of the eighties radikal punk earthquake. Nahiko band members would separate without getting to edit a second album that already had half projected. Luckily, Bingen Mendizabal would later become successful composing elegant soundtracks for films by basque cinema directors such as Juanma Bajo Ulloa or Montxo Armendáriz. Also, Bingen revolutionized the career of his countrymen Hertzainak band by transforming the initial version of the rock single "Aitormena" (1989) into a fine string quartet. It is very difficult to explain the enormous impact that hit "Aitormena" in the Basque pop scene and the subsequent rehabilitation of the career of old Hertzainak band. Within the book "Hertzainak: la confesión radical" ("Hertzainak: the radical confession") there is a chapter where the journalist Elena Lopez Aguirre explains in detail that curious musical anecdote.

At the end of 2010, several members of Laia, Xasta, Sortuz or Tubokaspi bands formed another band, Eratu, whose style was not pop, nor metal, but in some of their riffs they approached American melodic punk with hardcore bases. Eratu demonstrate a rather open mentality and in their lyrics have adapted texts of popular writers as Eduardo Galeano or Joseba Sarrionandia. Eratu band's career includes three good albums, "Eratu" (2011), "Ispilu iluna" (2013) or "Bidea" (2015). "Normally we try to criticize things we do not agree with, to denounce injustices, or to tell things that happen to us or to people close to us. Sometimes we simply reflect or ask ourselves about issues Speaks daily, but we do not even question ourselves".

Three great Basque rock musicians, as Goar Iñurrieta (Cicatriz), Benjamín Villabella "Triku" (Korroskada) and the bass player Mikel Irazoki (M-ak), were joined by another rap rock band, Bizkar Hezurra (Euskera, Columna Vertebral). Under the basque label IZ, Bizkar Hezurra band would publish two memorable albums, "Informazio pozoindua" (1993) and "Beldurraren kultura" (1994). The growing and recent hip hop scene in Vitoria/Gasteiz city is represented by bands like Kodigo Norte, a musical group halfway between reggae and hip hop. The rhymes of their albums, "Kodigo norte" (2006), "Sutan blai" (2011) or "Eutsi" (2015), usually give where it hurts, being reflexive and combative.

Trikitixa Kontrairo Taldea & Big Band Probisionala was a massive local music combo that surprised everyone in the bustling Basque Country of the 90´s. Fusing, cheerfully, folk and triki-pop,
Trikitixa Kontrairo Taldea & Big Band Probisionala band recorded alongside producer Josu Zabala (Hertzainak) their first demo, "T.K.T." (1994) and, also, his wonderful first album, "Trikitixa Kontrairo Taldea" (1995). Subsequently, this basque band reduced its first and very long name being called, simply, Kontrairo. Under that name, they would publish albums as "Bazen garaia" (1999) and "Harrapazak !!" (2003). Despite several forced changes inside the line-up, this band always tried to be faithful to their mixed rock and festive triki-pop mix.

Montauk band is a young Basque rock combo formed by Victor Aitor García de Vicuña (electric guitar), Gorka Etxebarria (drums and choirs), Goio (bass) and Beñat Goitia (vocals). In 2015 Montauk won the Gaztetalent competition and soon debuted with "Bilaketan" (2016), a first album recorded and mastered by veteran Jonan Ordorika at the studios Mamia and Katarain Studios (Azkarate, Navarre). The albums includes nine intimate rock songs with experimental pop flavors. The name of this band has its origin in the novel "Martutene" of Ramon Saizarbitoria
, a very popular Basque write. In this basque novel, another novel of the Swiss writer Max Frisch, "Montauk", is mentioned repeatedly. With this mention attracts attention also to his letters, loaded with much content. "Geruzak" (2018) is their second album. 

Hiena band is formed by four local musicians with long trajectories in other rock bands of Vitoria/Gasteiz city as Same Old, Näut or the superb Trumbo. Since the year 2014, Hiena band (in english, Hyena) have been offering abrupt guitar riffs and melodies in Euskera (basque lenguage) that evoke amazing bands from the Bidasoa area (Dut) and the groovy 90's groove, such as that practiced by the Anglo-Saxons combos as Helmet, Deftones or Fugazi. That is, anger with heart. The first reference of Hiena band is "Otsoak ere ez du bere haragirik jaten" (2016), an great album containing seven themes, such as "Maskarada", "Ez zara joango", "Hariak" or "Komun zulo ilunetan". I have been told that they have a great live show... "Lurperatutako otsoak erraiak irensten ditu, otsoak basaki ulu egiten du, egindakoaren lekuko isila!"

The beginner can´t leave the area of Alava without savoring some of the joyful and catchy albums of the Ruiz de Gordoa brothers, that is, the celebrated Joselu Anayak (in english, The brothers of Joselu). With more than fourty years of career, the veterans Andoni, Joselu, Javier, Felix and Jesus do not miss even a popular party. It was his father, very fond of playing the trikitixa, who shared his love for music. Nobody knows why the name of the band refers to Joselu in particular, it may be because Joselu is the one who usually has the singing voice and who is in charge of making the arrangements. Albums such as "Araiatik Jaliskora" (1989), "Ondo ibili" (1991), "Pausorik pauso" (1992), "Hator hi ere "(1995), "Gau jaiak" (1996), "Laugarren dantza" (1997), "Ibili hadi" (2000) or "Beti eta betiko" (2017) are full of their own hits and of the Basque versions of classic Mexican rancheras.

Joselu Anayak know all about the geography of the Basque Country, they are able to recite by heart the long list of localities that celebrate their patron saint festivities during the summer. Enclosed in their festive bubble, Joselu Anayak live among txupinazos, kalejiras, concerts, txoznas and paella contests. "People think that doing speeches is a bargain, but they do not see all the hard work behind them. We loaded the instruments in our truck and drove for hours. Then we unloaded the material, assembled the equipment and tried sound. Verbena is a very rewarding job, but sacrificed for family life. We never get home before seven or eight in the morning. We always sleep during the day, because we always work at night. We see little of our children"
During the winter, Joselu usually teaches Harmony and Composition Fundamentals at the Jesus Guridi Conservatory (Vitoria/Gasteiz city). The other brothers of Joselu also have other parallel occupations since, normally, the circuit of verbenas does not begin until April and ends in October. When most demand they have is in summer. Joselu Anayak have acted in lost corners of Euskal Herria (Basque Country), in remote farms, in inaccessible places, but there is one thing they repeat, the smaller the town, the better the public that goes to the verbena. The concerts more comfortable of this band have occurred before barely two hundred or three hundred people... Biba zuek!!

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