lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


"Geuk piztutako sutan 
erreko gera berriz,
eta, su zaharren ke beltzetan,
biderik aurkitu ezinik, ihesi..."

Gipuzkoa has always been fertile ground within the Basque rock scene for idiomatic reasons. In the early 80's, four young people from Azpeitia and Azkoitia would found Jotakie, one of the best pop rock combos in the whole of the Basque Country (Europe). They debuted by sharing an album with three mythical Basque bands, "Kortatu / Cicatriz / Kontuz Hi! / Jotakie" (1985). In the midst of the boom of eighties Basque radical rock, Jotakie band differed from each other by adding much more pop sounds to their tuneful compositions, although their lyrics dealt with very delicate themes such as the suspicious introduction of heroin in working class neighborhoods ("Kontuz ibili", "Txibatue"). Jotakie band knew well that his province was a hard and active politic conflict area. As the members of Potrotaraino rock band stated, "this is not Bilbao city, there is no left margin and right margin. Here the whole margin is left, all Gipuzkoa".

Jotakie band's first album, "Zurt !!!" (1986), counted on the expert production of JC Perez, the leader of the mythical Itoiz basque pop band. On his subsequent albums, "Piztu nazazu jauna" (1987) and "Joxemai Beltza" (1989), Jotakie band was expanding the record of their unprejudiced pop rock, reaching such admirable levels as "Zure begietan" song. Jotakie band said goodbye by offering a concert in the village of Bergara in 1990. There is a biography about Jotakie, "Urolan pop" (2006), written by Xabi Borda. Years later, two members of the Jotakie, Patta and Luka, formed another band, Patta ta Sendaezinak, editing a homonymous pop album, "Patta ta Sendaezinak" (2011).

In 1984, the old abattoir or slaughterhouse of Azkoitia was squatted in the absence of premises where he could rehearse with dignity. Despite having to endure many obstacles and pressures, Matadero/Matadeixe gaztetxea was rebuilt and renovated step by step, with the priceless work of dozens of neighbors from Azkoitia and Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa, Europe). This gave rise to the development of multiple cultural, social and creative actions, from the construction of a popular cinema to the production of conferences and workshops of all kinds. Even international combos (por example, The Ex) have come close to playing into Matadero/Matadeixe. Since 90´s, part of the musical production of the local bands is channeled through the Matadero Ekintzak local platform. Today, Matadero is an example of alternative resistance and artistic will for the rest of Basque Country, especially in the face of voracious urban speculation and corrupt political myopia that have already liquidated similar spaces, such as the emblematic gaztetxe of Kukutza III in the neighborhood of Rekalde (Bilbao, Europe).

Akauzazte is one of the most respected bands formed within Matadero/Matadeixe gaztetxea. Since 1992, this experienced band has grown into one of the most respected ensembles of the basque post-rock scene. Faithful to self-management, Akauzazte rehearses and forms between the walls of the old slaughterhouse admirable recitative passages, with faint acoustic backgrounds wrapped in rock distortion and couplings. Akauzazte band recorded their first demo, "Maite Zaitut" (1994), on a four-lane sound table. It included three versions of three local groups (Psych Out, Olki Boys and Standa). To present his second demo, "Enlatatua" (1995), the band formed an amazing idea, a tin of preserves with a cassette inside. In one of the tracks of this demo, "Hegoekira begira" sang Anari, then the anonymous drummer of Psych Out band. The entry and exit of components within Akauzazte did not deflect the race of the band, proof of them are the albums "Ur gardenak" (1998), "X" (2002), "Azalberritan" (2004), "04-5-1 Bera "(2005)," Dan danok "(2009)," Bildumak "(2010) and " Etzazuaka "(2015).

Another band that also took its first musical steps around the old slaughterhouse
Matadeixe was Aldexok band. It was formed by several natural lads of Azpeitia and Azkoitia area and, despite having undergone several changes in their formation, they managed to publish a fantastic album, "Aldexok" (2011), where the echo of Hertzainak, great basque rock band, was very present. Other bands that appeared in Azpeitia could be Trini Fox, Zizel, Ezinean, Karkaba... Ezinean band practice a melodic hardcore and have already published four fine works, "Ezinean" (2006), "Zuretzat" (2008), "Berriz" (2014) and "Betirarte Ezinean" (2018). While Karkaba band, after editing his first album, "Hau pikutara doa" (2001), would release "75 gramos" (2002) and "Beldurrik gabe" (2008) albums, prove to be an agile hardcore punk band. After, two members of Karkaba would be part of the another basque rock combo, Gaitze.

Another fundamental reference of the music spirit of Matadero/Matadeixe gaztetxea is Anari, a band headed by the charismatic basque female singer Anari Alberdi.
"At nineteen I was an unconditional fan of Ruper Ordorika and Hertzainak. In their concerts I used to be in the front row, shouting". After being drummer of Psych Out rock band, Anari decided to begin to compose its songs inspired by the work of musicians as Ruper Ordorika. Mikel Abrego (drummer of Negu Gorriak) and Xabi Strubell (guitar of DUT) helped Anari to form her intimate debut, "Anari" (1997). The lyrics of her first compositions, nude and poetic, were inspired by the lyric of Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Eduardo Galeano or Joseba Sarrionandia poets. Step by step, Anari was settled in a solid band giving accommodation to musicians like Drake (ex BAP!!), Mursego (cello), Karlos "Txap" (sound technician) or Borja Iglesias (INORENERONI band´s guitarist).

In her second album, "Habiak" (2000), Anari counted on the collaboration of Ruper Ordorika on a great pop theme, "Geuk piztutako suak". After editing "Anari ta Petti" (2003) EP, the project of Anari was definitely consecrated thanks to the success of the album "Zebra" (2005). With her band, Anari Alberdi has managed to build her own recognizable sound, turning albums like "Irla izan" (2009), "Bidea eta denbora" (2013), "Zure aurrekari penalak" (2015) and her brief continuation, "Epilogo bat "(2016), in a clear reference for other many spanish and basque artists. "I spend most of my time writing, the music and the melody are spontaneous, the words are the result of a deeper reflection, and the lyrics of a song grow old, but the music does not. If not, when you hear it on the radio, you get a shame that you do not know where to get in. That happens to me with some songs from my first album, but, well, I was very young".

The death of musician Gonzalo Peláez Aranburu was especially felt in the area of Azpeitia. Until 1994, Gonzalo was bass player and singer of Egan, one of the groups of more popular verbenas of Euskal Herria. Later, Gonzalo left Egan to form another great band, Trabuko, next to its brother Joxe Mari "Peke", Alberto Franzesena or Imanol Aranburu. In his last years, Gonzalo was part of other bands, as Kiñu. More recently, the name of a Native American tribe has named Kaluse, an incredible instrumental post-rock duo from Azpeitia. Ibon Gerra and Unai Martinez debuted with the album "Kaluse" (2015), recorded with the help of technician Manu Rodriguez in Oilotegi in Zestoa (Gipuzkoa).

As already explained by his own name, The Friday's Crew band emerged to meet every friday five friends of Azpeitia and Azkoitia wanting to compose punk & oi! songs. This band is fierce and direct, loaded with catchy refrains in Basque lenguage. The Friday's Crew would be heirs of other local punk bands, such as Karkaba, Sin Oficio Ni Beneficio, KK Zarra, Semeputiek, Apunta or Korrosion Zerebral. Although they did not have much experience at the beginning, they were tanned by rehearsing on their bottom playing with instruments of second hand. After participating in the volumes of the rock compilation "Azpeitia Desegin", the members of The Friday's Crew took a run and, in September 2008, recorded their first album, "The Friday's crew" (2008) within the studios Lobo (Azpeitia). Then, his second album, "Pentsatu, iratzarri zure kontzientzia" (2011) would arrive and, after several changes in the formation, would launch the powerful "Hemen gara" (2015). This third album of The Friday's Crew was recorded at the AME studios (Mutriku) with the help of Axular Arizmendi.

The Friday's Crew band have remained true to their style, always having rock & roll as their base. The Friday's Crew are fans of very diverse styles, such as Irish punk folk, hardcore or ska. It could be said that his songs suck from respected international bands, such as Cock Sparrer, Oxymoron, The Crack, Cocney Rejets, but also from the hardened bands of Euskal Herria, such as Des-kontrol, Kañeria 13, RIP, Punch, Zakarrak or Iskanbila. The songs of The Friday's Crew have turned with time towards a punk more rock, moving to the instrumental part of their guitars the flavor of the melodies that Markexa achieves, his charismatic vocalist. "The melody in the voices is undoubtedly our greatest challenge, but also our best reward: to be able to see singing in front of you, 300 people, fists held high, is priceless". Although the Gipuzkoan punk scene has lost some steam, it is undeniable the heyday of the Bardulia territory, a name that was once known to a old part of Gipuzkoa and which, now, is used to refer to the punk oi movement! local. "It's true that the punk rock scene is not like it was before, but we try to make it come back and not decay. The reality is that nothing is like ten years ago. At that time, in the sound tests the gaztetxes were already full. Any leading group, or a new band, could play, the gaztetxes were packed... In any case, we are not here to complain about the number of people attending our concerts, it has always been admirable".

The small town of Zestoa shone on the 1990s basque rock map, thanks to the success of the Lin Ton Taun group. Behind that strange name, inspired by the name of an American basketball player (Linton Townes), there was a daring sound proposal that fused rap, hard rock and traditional trikitixa. Lin Ton Taun debuted with a superb homonymous album "Lin Ton Taun" (1993), which featured "Mendian gora rap", catchy rap version of a classic Basque singer Imanol. By virtue of good concerts the rookies Lin Ton Taun became worthy heirs of the celebrated Negu Gorriak, to which they would telonearían in three occasions. The second album Lin Ton Taun, "Nola esan dek?" (1994), consolidated its enormous success, tripling its number of followers.

A proof of Lin Ton Taun's great summoning power resulted in the unforgettable performance they offered at the Hitz Egin festival held in Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa) in October 1995. That festival was set up in solidarity with the censored label Esan Ozenki and, along with other bands Of the label (BAP!!, Deabruak Teilatuetan, Ama Say, Kashbad, Baldin Bada, Dut, EH Sukarra or Etsaiak), the Zestoa band would cram a huge tent for twelve thousand people. Exhausted his youthful effervescence, unexpectedly, the group Lin Ton Taun announced a sudden change of direction in his race, deciding to explore new sonorous territories. After leaving its characteristic trikitixa, the Basque band signed a sweet contract with a multinational company by five disks. But Lin Ton Taun would only record two, "Baneki" (1997) and "Micro" (2000). The cold reception of these discs accelerated the definitive dissolution of the group. Years later, three members formed another band, Karelean, releasing a record under the small Basque label Gaztelupeko Hotsak, "56. gelatik" (2008).

The industrial landscape of Eibar (Gipuzkoa) was conducive to be the cradle of heavy metal euskaldun. At the end of the 80's, the punk boom was running out, but thanks to the effort of the previous generation, the Basque public was not surprised to see four hairy heavys singing in Basque while playing so well and so fast. Su Ta Gar band was released live on August 14, 1988, acting in the old gaztetxe Ondarroa (Bizkaia). After recording the powerful theme "Haika mutil" for a tribute album to Mikel Laboa, "Txerokee, Mikel Laboaren kantak" (1990), Su Ta Gar band debuted with the shocking album "Jaiotze basatia" (1991). As announced the title of the album, it was a wild birth and encouraged a generation of basque musicians to embrace heavy metal with passion.

With the success of albums as "Hortzak estuturik" (1992) and "Munstro hilak" (1993), Aitor Gorosabel (guitar and voice), Asier (baxua), Xabi Bastida (guitar) and Borxa Division of European metal, having nothing to envy to any other English or German combos. Unfortunately, the serious accident suffered by Borxa completely altered his career. It was the brother of Borxa, Galder, that replaced to the battery in the fourth album, "Sentimenak jarraituz" (1996). Little by little, disc to disc, Su Ta Gar was reinforcing itself becoming a fundamental piece of the musical scene of the Basque Country. In almost thirty years of career, they have bequeathed very cañeros discs that will make enjoy to the butt listener more lazy, "Agur jauna gizon txuriari" (1997), "Homo Sapiens?" (2002), "Maitasunari pasioa" ("Maitasunari pasioa"), and "Maitasunari pasioa" (2016). 

Another rock band from Eibar, fundamental in the basque rock scene, has another one of the brothers Gorosabel (Mikel "Norton") in its rows. EH Sukarra started their career by winning the 1st Model Contest of the Euskadi Gaztea station in 1991. Within a few months, they gave life to the legendary album E.H. Sukarra (1992), achieving a huge success among the youngest lad. Moving away from Su Ta Gar's classic heavy sound, EH Sukarra members opted to practice a lively punk-rock, lined with funk or pop melodies. After "Irtenbide bakarra" (1993), the band began to collaborate with the writer Asier Serrano, who significantly extended the theme of the group's themes. The songs of "Garaien laberintoan" (1994), "Ura sutan" (1996), "Sua urtzean" (1999) contain interesting moments for all tastes. After the long silence that followed the formidable "Galtzailearen egunak" (2002), EH Sukarra returned revitalized with "Uhinak" (2013) and "Azken gezia" (2015). In 2017, Mikel Gorosabel "Norton" announced the arrival of his first solo album, "Barne basoan barna" (2017). After a crowdfundig campaign among his fans, this album saw the light under his own record label, Barne Records.

Parallel to the career of EH Sukarra, in the late 90's, Asier Serrano and Norton, gave life to a curious pop set, called Lorelei. This band's first album, "Bada hiri gorri bat" (1997), had its origin in a book of poems written by Asier himself. Lorelei's second album, "Tatuatu zenidan zerua" (1999), certified Norton's enormous musical talent, which could very worthily depart from EH Sukarra's sonorities, without causing prejudice among his more punk fans. Asier Serrano would also collaborate on Norton Klub, a Norton personal project that produced two albums, "Kale artean" (2005) and "Klub-a" (2006). The theme of the first album referred to issues such as freedom, love, the ordinary human being and music itself. Norton Klub's second album was composed of six more personal songs.

Five kids from Eibar formed Kafha rock band, whose name reflects their different personalities. The first initial of each component forms the name of this basque combo, Kike (guitar), Aitor (guitar), Fernando (drums), Haritz (voice and percussion) and Ander (bass). After winning the contest Maketas Euskadi Gaztea, Kafha released their first album under the label Gaztelupeko Hotsak. The recording of the songs of "Kafha" (1999) were performed at the Music Expression Center of Legarre and the mixtures at the studios Azkarate (Navarra), together with Jonan Ordorika. Later, Kafha's vocalist, Haritz, would play the drums in the interesting group Kokein. The first album from that group eibarres, "Kokein" (2002), was produced by Rafa Rueda and achieved some notoriety within the euskaldun scene thanks to the splendid voice of Zaloa and the successful mixture of rock intensities and quiet environments of the rest, Iker Guitar), Txitxes (guitar), Jatsu (bass) and Mr. Haritz (drums). Kokein's legacy is enriched with albums such as "Lotuta egon arren" (2004), "Mundu margotu berri bat" (2007), "Izan" (2012) and recently "Lurpekhariä" (2016).

Another curious set of the area of Eibar village would be the bluesman Markos Untzeta or Napoka Iria, a very special duo formed by Miren Narbaiza and Ander Mujika. Both have a huge talent when it comes to indie folk, rock and blues. His albums "Lehertarazi edifizioak, jendaurrean" (2011) or "Arnasten ikasteko berriz" (2013) are a good example of this. The restless Miren Narbaiza also acts alone in the name of MICE. She had recorded her first album, "MICE" (2017) and "Zilar printzak" (2019) or collaborates in several basque bands, as Joseba B. Lenoir Gang, Perlak, Drumkopters or Dual Split (the new combo of
Maia Ibar and Baptitse brothers).

In the neighboring village of Elgoibar other good projects have been forged, such as Arima Beltza, Amorante, Luther, Kukka or Ehun Kilo, pioneering band of Euskaldun heavy metal in the early 90's. Ehun Kilo only released two albums, but quite powerful , "Euli artean" (1994) and "Esaiek ..." (1995), achieving with them a good popular sense in Euskadi. In October of 1997 this band took leave of the Basque scene after offering a last concert in house, in the gaztetxe of Elgoibar. One of its members, guitarist Jon Iturrino, would form part of other rock groups, such as Hira, responsible for such cañeros discs as "Nortasuna" (2002), "Ostopoak gaindituz" (2003), "Hira" Delay "(2011) or" V "(2015), or the band Lau Mono, authors of" Beidau "(2001). For his part, Amorante is a personal project of Iban Urizar, tanned playing in local bands like Bizarra or Andrakan. Iban usually remix pop with folk touches, old songs, flamenco or even African music. He enjoys playing guitar, ukulele or trumpet. The album "Amorante" (2016) is his first record reference.

Arima Beltza (in basque, The Black Soul) was a powerful group of blues and rock music. They gave their first rehearsals in 1995, but at that time they had neither material nor a test room. In September 1997, Arima Beltza succeeded in allowing the city council to rehearse in an old smelter of the town and, in August of 1998, made their live debut in the gaztetxe of Soraluze (Gipuzkoa). The repertoire were versions of blues classics as well as several own songs in Euskera. In their second concert, they had the collaboration of veteran Joseba Alonso (harmonica), who became part of the band. Arima Beltza recorded their first album, "Arima beltza" (2000), in the studies Tiobibo (Azpeitia). Until their separation, Arima Beltza recorded two other memorable albums, "Blues Sustraia" (2002) and "Mundurako ateak" (2005).

In the nearby town of Arrasate have emerged some of the best bands in the Basque rock scene. If in the 80's, Muhammad, Portu, Jul and Txerra reached their mythical punk band RIP in the 90s, the Ekon group did the same thing by importing the vigor of nu metal to their land. Ekon ranks as diverse as John Sangre (Brutal Melody, Fjord, Governors) or the great Ines Osinaga (Gose). Ekon only released three memorable albums, "Zurrunbilo kaotikoa" (1998), "Etnia 2000" (2000) and "Salatzen dut" (2002), but no doubt will impact the new listener thanks to their hymns of melodic metal and hardcore industrial. After making choirs in Ekon, Ines Osinaga would surprise everyone leading Gose, a curious project where the sound of trikitixa fuses with electronic rhythms. With the invaluable help of some members of Bad F-Line and taking as studio a studio of Arrasate, Shot !, the group Gose have been editing very eclectic albums, each with different color on the cover, "I" (2005), "II" (2007), "III" (2009), "IIII" (2010) or "IIIII" (2012). The well-deserved success has led to this lively Gipuzkoa band playing even in lands of distant Japan.

In November of 2014, exguitarist of the mythical RIP punk band, Jul Bolinaga, passed away while acting in the scene of gaztetxe of Bergara (Guipuzcoa) with The Potes, its group of then. A few months later, on June 27, 2015, hundreds of people would come to Arrasate to enjoy the festival JULHNE27, a nice tribute to the co-author of the irreplaceable album "No te muevas" (1987), along with his brother Txerra (drums) and The missing Mohammed (voice) and Portu (bass). Following the steps of RIP, responsible for hymns such as "Lepoan hartu ta segi aurrera" or "Txapelgorri", many bands from the area, such as Iskanbila, Vioch R, Punchetazo, Zakarrak, SS-77, Des-Kontrol, Kaleko Urdangak or Heriotza, would break out. The members of Heriotza began to rehearse being very, very young, but would take many years to be able to publish their first disc, "Amets hutsa" (1993). The result sounded more mature, with a marked metallic sound and novenero.

Something more rockers, the members of SS-77 band declared to be very fans of Hertzainak and, after recording several models, they managed to debut within "Julio Kageta / Kiowak / Pottoka / SS-77" (1990), a compilation cuckoo edited by Basque seal Oihuka. The SS-77 included three temazos, "Jo ezak berriro", "Laster art, lagoon" and "Egia bat esateagatik". The curious name of the group reveals the seventy-seven kilometers between Arrasate and the Gipuzkoan capital, San Sebastian. In their animated direct the SS-77 used to versionar in Basque songs of Stiff Little Fingers ("Inoren heroi") or Kortatu ("Hemen zerbait ez dabil ongi"), but the life of SS-77 would not arrive much later unfortunately. Longer and more rugged has been the musical career of his countrymen, the band Des-kontrol. After editing "Behin eta berriz" (2002), "Duintasunez eutsi (2006) and" 10 urte "(2007), this group from Arrasate would release "Hipokrisia eta faxismoaren aurka" (2008), an album recorded with the collaboration of Bertsolari Navarro Xabier Silveira, Gari (Hertzainak), Iñigito Txapelpunk, Dieguillo (Cicatriz), Jul Bolinaga (RIP), Niko (MCD) or Fermin Muguruza, followed by "Aurrera begira" (2009). 

Ainara (guitar and voice), Itxaso (dancer), Amaia (violin and voice), Maialen (flamenco drawer and voice) and Iraitz (voice and guitars), five girls from Arrasate, Bergara and Gasteiz city formed a rock band, AIN_1 (Hainbat), in 2007. In basque lenguage or euskera, that name means "various", an allusion to which each component came from a different place and a different artistic discipline. But all together they formed a single unit. AIN_1 band began its journey almost by chance, after a recital of song and poetry of Iraitz and Ainara. This first performance was followed by others in which, step by step, were becoming more and more components and instruments to form the quintet AIN_1. They offered numerous concerts in the Basque Country, but also went out to play to Barcelona, Granada or Gorazde (Bosnia). The lyrics of their songs contain references to everyday life, love, hate or desire. In each show they mounted a careful staging, always adapting to the space in which they worked. In April 2011 they recorded an album, "Musika kaxa" (2011).

In the summer of 1997, several kids from Arrasate vilage founded Anger band, a basque rock and post-harcore combo. They started rehearsing in a family garage and, without losing their enthusiasm, they improved on the quality of the instruments, recording albums like "Zuhaitz lehorra ereiten" (2000) or "Jarraitzen digun itzala" (2002). In 2003 this band moved to a local ceded by the town hall above the gaztetxe of Arrasate. After that, Iban (drums), Ekain (bass), Beñat (guitar) and Arkaitz (vocals) would release "Biluztu" (2004), "Sedukzioaz" (2009) and "Hirugarren azala" (2012) albums. Step by step, Anger band have been maturing well. It could be said that they have achieved a certain balance of barrels guitars and other more stylized, with a powerful rhythmic base, with details, changes of intensity and different registers of voices. "The years do not go by in vain, we are no longer fifteen-year-olds who think that making a cane song is putting hundreds of drums, screams and distortion to death in three minutes. A solo piano and voice song can be just as intense and brutal".

With the vocalist Juanito Sangre as frontman (ex-member of Ekon, Brutal Melody or Fjord bands), Governors band would animate the local music scene thanks to an agile and assorted combination of rock and contemporary and melodic metal. Three years from his debut album, "Itxaron beharra ez da itxaropena" (2007), this band from Arrasate (Gipuzkoa) would present their second work, "Frenetikodrome" (2010). Governors band´s third album was "Collage" (2012), a very stylistically open work with electronic dance rhythms and keyboard arrangements on songs as "Bertigo" and "Larru azaletan", and devastating choirs by Jimmy SA and Iñigo SA (" Ipuin eta ironiak"). All this without leaving aside his classic influences of punk-rock with heavys riffs. In "Collage" album there are two very significant songs, the first one is "A song for Bobby", in memory of Bobby Sands, Irish prisoner who died after a long hunger strike in 1981. The second one is "Mikel Snake", a rock tribute to the figure of basque songwriter Mikel Laboa (eternal icon of Basque culture). The trajectory of Governors band has been unstoppable and all its direct ones are marked by fire shows and very spectacular lights. Afterwards, the band from Arrasate would release "Morphinapolis" (2013), "Su garaian" (2015), a live album recorded in Santana 27 (Bilbao) and "Z.E.R.O." (2017).

In 2004, in the neighboring village of Soraluze (Gipuzkoa), a group of friends decided to form one euskaldun rock band called Junzai Txetxera. Except for guitarist Santxa, the rest (Iker, Mikel and Gotzon) had no idea of playing any musical instrument. Step by step, they were all learning by rehearsing at a local in their village. The evolution of
Junzai Txetxera band was notorious and the 30 of June of 2006 made debut live acting in the gaztetxe of Deba (Gipuzkoa) with Tempestades, a rock band of Mendaro village (Gipuzkoa). In 2008 Junzai Txetxera band would record ten fine songs and published "Ihesi" (2009) album under MusikHerria, a Basque popular music label.

In the last thirty years the musical activity that has developed in the zone of Urretxu and Zumarraga (Gipuzkoa) has been considerable, Txost, Klak!son, Hi Exekutibo, Hiri Galduak, Taupada, Meatxu, The Hot Dogs, The Northagirres, Fits, Marrubi Sound, Isuo Eta Kezman, Zaparra... Around fifty more rock bands have managed to record some album, even, there are several groups that are dedicated to promoting live music in their town, such as Zarraparraz or Kalegorrian associations. Unfortunately the theme of rehearsal venues continues to be very painful, local rock bands have been forced to move from dump to dump, from neighborhood to neighborhood or to neighboring localities. It remains no priority for the mayors on duty. Klak!son band, which has several musicians from Antzuola, Urretxu or Zumarraga area, debuted by self-produced their first album, "Klak!son" (2006), which contained five tracks of psychedelic pop as "Intsektu arimen fabrikatzailea", "Snake of fire", "Hitzen ausentzian", "Nadaezberdiña" and "Kabina ustela". 

A long time later, Klak!son band would return eagerly to release their second album, "Zai at devo city" (2011), which contained seven songs and a great videoclip ("Ziklo baten istorio txikia"). The great third album by Klak!son band is titled "Denboraleak" (2015). Two exmembers of Klak!son band, Pini (bass) and Mikel (drums), would later join Josu Calvo (guitar and vocals) to form Hi Exekutibo, another basque rock band. This animated trio already has two cucko records, "Kondria guztiak" (2014) and "SOS" (2016). In parallel, Josu Calvo plays in a personal musical project called Hiri Galduak, whose first sound reference would be the album "Paititi" (2017).

At the end of 2018, a group of young people from Urretxu and Zumarraga prepared a great festival on the tenth anniversary of the death of Basque singer-songwriter Mikel Laboa (1934/2008). Several local pop and rock ensembles, such as Hiri Galduak, ZOL, Samba Dzanga, UTE eta Dj Sbans, Txost !, Narrax, Klak! Son, Vehiculo Longo or Alter Ego, interpreted a theme of Laboa with total sound freedom. And, just as the musician from San Sebastián would like, each band took it to its own land, following that groundbreaking, creative and libertarian character that made it worthy of the admiration of several generations of young Basque speakers. “Mikel Laboa is a musician that we listen to since childhood. Everywhere. He did very special things. Rare His work lends itself to a concert like Saturday's. We will modify your songs. He precisely liked to do it” . A part of what happened in the Zelai Arizti (Zumarraga) room would be recorded in a cuckoo album, "Mikel Laboa. Urretxu-Zumarragako zenbait lagunen omenaldi xumea" (2019). All the money raised was donated to Seaska, the federation of ikastolas of Iparralde.

Around the little village of Oñati (Gipuzkoa), a surprising number of punk and rock groups have emerged in recent years, Hor Konpon, Lenao, Zingira, Drakes, Sharon Stoner, Herstura, Bitz Krimen, Latzen, EZ!, Patxi Katarro y los Vagueza Crónica, Sospechosos, Triskantza, Iker Martinez, Kontralei, Mila Modu... A example, en the mid-1990´s, the members of Latzen band contributed to the rise of Basque heavy metal scene thanks to the success of two powerful albums, "Kontzientzia ala infernua" (1996) and "Ardi larruz "(1998). After a first dissolution in 1999, Latzen band would return again to reissue his old model "Heriotzari deika" (2007), and to record a great live album, "Hellmuga" (2008). 

Bitz (in basque lenguage, "Beer") is a punk rock band formed by some guys of Oñati village enough already tanned. Together with local rock bands such as Suspects and Gargantas Desgarradas, the member of Bitz band were in charge of inaugurating the new gaztetxe of Oñati back in 2008. This gaztetxe (basque squat) was located in the old house of the sacristan of the hermitage of San Martin (abandoned for fifteen long years). Despite dragging more than eight thousand euros in fines for previous attempts to occupy the gaztetxe, the youth of Oñati village area managed to restore the interior of the old building, both floors, thanks to an intense collective work and solidarity. After including four songs on the punk compilation "Oñati 2zirik" (2009), Bitz band debuted with a homonymous punk album, "Bitz" (2012).

EZ! (in basque lenguage, "NO!") was another great punk rock band that emerged in Oñati area towards the end of 2007. Two of its members, Mikel and Josu, came from local combos like Euripean, Banda Munizipala or Argi Ibili. EZ! band offered their first concert in the bar Gure Leku of the neighboring Arrasate village in February 16, 2008. They only played nine songs, but the band filled the local. Although in its beginnings EZ! band composed, above all, songs of punk-rock genre, ska sound has been getting a greater presence with the passage of time. EZ! band would record their first demo in 2009. That same year they would participate in the second volume of the punk compilation "Oñati Bizirik" (2009), where they included good songs such as "Prisoner", "Lege zikinak", "Ez gara jaio" and "Gaztetxia". EZ! basque band released, "EZ!", his first and homonymous album in 2011.

Three young musicians from Oñati village area would found Sharon Stoner, another great basque rock band in 2001. Sharon Stoner band were winners of the first Danbaka music contest (Debagoiena) in 2004. Later, in 2006, they performed in Azkena Rock Festival together with internacional bands as Pearl Jam. Sharon Stoner band's first album was "3000 bira" (2006), followed by "13 taupada" (2008) and "Puntu bakar batean elkatzen diren ertzak" (2012). Iñigo Ibarrondo, founding member, singer and bassist of Sharon Stoner band, would form other band, Zingira. This new musical project surrounding the symphonic rock and progressive rock of the 1970´s. The debut of Zingira was "Bidaia" (2015) album, presented under an elegant limited edition and silkscreen of only 350 physical units. The restless Iñigo recorded almost all the instruments, including mellotron sounds, hammond organs or bells.

The pop side of Oñati village would be represented by Lenao. This basque band consists of musicians and veterans such as Iker (Latzen, Potemkin, Amonal), Egoitz (Sharon Stoner, Sorkun), Joxeba Aranburu (Bitz) and Ander Etxaniz (Gas). Lenao band's first album, "Lenao" (2015), was recorded at Andoain's Garate studios, with the great productor Kaki Arkarazo. For many people, this album is one of the best records created in recent years in the Basque Country... In the neighboring village of Ormaiztegi would be founded rock bands as Amen or Leher. The first ones, Amen band, would record their album "Bakea menpean" (1995) in Jomes Studies (Andoain), property of one of the members of BAP!!, the amazing basque rock band. For other way, the trio Leher debuted with a homonymous album, "Leher" (1995), where they fused metal sounds with hard rock... Biba zuek!!

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