"Gaüa heldü denin,
adiskidiekin juiten gela bestaka,
zü eta ni, biak goxoki,
dantzan, dantzan rock&rolling...
Izan gira Euskal Herrin rock&rollin!!"
adiskidiekin juiten gela bestaka,
zü eta ni, biak goxoki,
dantzan, dantzan rock&rolling...
Izan gira Euskal Herrin rock&rollin!!"
The list of folk, pop or rock bands and artists of Iparralde area is extensive, Beltzez, Kolpe-K, Beñat Achiary, Mister Saguak, Kapten Egurrak, Haurtzarrak, Sustraia, Anje Duhalde, Aire Ahizpak, Ikus, Eltzegor, Pantxoa eta Peio, Etxamendi eta Larralde, Xabaltx, Erramun Martikorena, H20, Ipar Haize, Zaldibobo, Minxoriak, Tehenta, Mattin Lerissa, Jojo eta Ramuntxo, Amaia Riouspeyrous, Errobi, Newhouse, Jean Bordaxar, Guk, Paco Etxebers, Jean Mixel Bedaxagar, Kalakan, Pil Pil, Triki Trakan, KGB, Malkoz , Kapten Egurrak, Haurtzarrak, Lumi, Zain Ere, Torheit, Uharteko Punka, Zipotzero, Falta, Zezenaren Taldea, Pantxika Bidart, Zezenaren Band, Paxkal Irigoyen, Anne Etchegoyen, Txakun, Diabolo Kiwi, Txingoma II, Tagada, Mikelats, IX, Haurrock, Joana Etcharren, Frikum, Xiberoots, Michel Etcheverry, Orbel, Gazteok, Zorriak, Odei, Nat eta Watson, Patxi eta Konpania, Unama, Pantxix Bidart & Alexis Therain, Tristtan Mourguy eta Horeba, Saioa, Ztah, Zortziak, Paul Berzaitz Pier, Hiru Soinu, Mattin Lerissa, Zapozain, Mixel Arotze, Küskiak, Zortzi, Ekhi Lambert, Santa Barbara, Amaren Alabak, Niko Etxart, Mixel Etxekopar...
Pantxoa eta Peio, a respected Basque folk duo formed by Pantxoa Carrere and Peio Ospital, have a preferred place in our hearts. In forty-five years, Pantxoa eta Peio´s musical career has evolved with elegance, going from composing hymns inspired by the revolutionary texts of Telesforo Monzon, to lyrical ballads of enormous sentimental depth. The beginner can´t pass great albums like "Peio eta Pantxoa" (1975), "Euskalduna naiz eta maite dut herria" (1978), "Bai euskarari" (1980), "Bakezko besarkada batean...", "Eguzkiaren musu" (1990), "Oles ta oles" (1997), "Lurra eta maitasuna" (2006) or "Beste bat" (2009). After the final farewell to the Peio eta Pantxoa musical project, Pantxoa Carrere has not ceased and, with the collaboration of the producer and musician Iñaki Dieguez, he has recorded a new album, "Anaitasunean" (2016). Pantxoa offers a rich and melodic repertoire as traditional as contemporary. Pantxoa´s old partner, Peio Ospital, not been quiet. Peio have edited his first solo album, "Arnasa...hatsa... bizia..." (2016), under Agorila label. Fifty years later, Peio and Pantxoa are still in-com-bus-ti-bles!
On the other side, Pantxoa Carrere´s son, Ramuntxo, would form another respectable musical duo, Jojo eta Ramuntxo, with his friend Jojo Bordagarai. The two youngs met during the Euskal Kantu Txapelketa 1987, the traditional Basque singing competition. Jojo and Ramuntxo would record three great albums, "Haize andrea" (1990), "Maitasunez ba ote..." (1993) and "Zure kanpoetara" (2001). They haven´t nothing to envy to the best works of veterans Pantxoa eta Peio. Jojo tended to write the lyrics habitually, while the melodies composed between them. After the separation of the duo Jojo eta Ramuntxo, Jojo Bordagarai has continued in solo publishing several albums, like "Bahaki" (2008).
Another artist from Iparralde (North Euskadi) with an extensive musical career, but without ever becoming a professional. For example, Erramun Martikorena and his exceptional voice. He born in 1943 and his profession has always been to care for and herd his flock of sheep in his hometown, Baigorri (Baxe Navarre). Erramun debuted with an album that reflected very well the peculiar personality of singer, "Baigorriko artzain laboraria" (1978). That album is to say, simple songs sung a cappella with precious letters in Basque lenguage about the nature and the rigors of rural life. After the edition of "Olerkarien oihartzun (1993), "Aire xaharretan" (1995), "Herrian" (1997), "Elorrietan loreak" (2000) or "Kantuz sortu naiz eta" (2001) albums, Erramun announced his retirement in 2004. But it was such affection that received by the fans, this peculiar Basque singer decided to continue. Erramun sing again from place to place, above all, in solidarity with basque popular festivals as Nafarroa Oinez or Herri Urrats. He would still record a new album, "Gure lurretik" (2011)... A real crack!
Niko Etxart was born in Altzürükü (Zuberoa) in 1953. For half a century, he has left his life to make Basque rock a reality, by publishing such music jewels as "Nahasteka" (1979), "Has' dantzan" (1980) , "Tumatxa" (1983) or "Baikor" (1990) albums. Three musical sources co-exist within Niko Etxart, the classic rock & roll (Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton or Pete Townshend), verbena band´s sound (Tximinorak or Minxoriak) and traditional Basque folk songs, often next to his father, Dominika Etxart. Father and son collaborated on the album "Eperra" (2003). Niko Etxart has a sharp and powerful voice, of which they gain with the watts. He has gone on tour with Hapa-Hapa band, with which he has released two amazing blues rock albums, "Gili-gilikatzen haüt" (1996) and "Minuette" (2005). Undoubtedly, the Basque rock scene owes a monument to Niko.
In the mid-1970s, two young people from Iparralde, Anje Duhalde and Mixel Ducau, surprised everyone with the sounds of their rock band, Errobi. This basque combo was a pioneer in Basque Country rock scene and would achieve a tremendous success. Errobi opened the doors of the local scene to new music sounds and styles. Anje Duhalde and Mixel Ducau had talent, chemistry and a great ability to combine classic rock with folk and beautiful vocal games. In their powerful lyrics, the members of Errobi band were always very committed to the different problems of the Basque working class, achieving hymns that still maintain their clout and actuality. Until its final dissolution, Errobi band would publish five excellent albums, "Errobi" (1975), "Gure lekukotasuna" (1977), "Bizi bizian" (1978), "Ametsaren bidea" (1979) and "Agur t'erdi" (1985), which reflects the evolution of the band, and much of the Basque scene too.
In the 80's Anje Duhalde temporarily joined Akelarre, another celebrated basque band, knowing the exhausting but festive atmosphere of popular festivals. Anje Duhalde would return to his previous solo career after recording two albums within the ranks of Akelarre, "Gau pasa" (1982) and "Ari gara" (1984). Anje debuted with the superb album "Errobiaren hegitik" (1980) and enlarged his great rock & folk legacy with new albums as "Erroz eta oroz" (1987), "Nahas mahas" (1988), "Amurizarekin kantari" (1989), "Bakezaleak" (1992), "Suaren gainean dantzan" (1994), "Azkarate" (1997), "Pinpirin eta Florian" (2000) or "George Brassensen kantari". Anje Duhalde have edited two live albums, "Zuzenean" (1993) and "Ibilean" (2012). Mixel Ducau, the other pillar of the Errobi group, founded the Zaldibobo group alongside the celebrated Basque trikitilari Joseba Tapia. On Zaldibobo's two albums, "Basajaun" (1992) and "Aio!" (1996), they collected joyful melodies that run through musical genres as little exploited in Euskal Herria as raggamuffin, funk or rai (the so-called pop of North Africa).
Zapozain band was a cute quintet of multi-instrumentalist musicians created in the Iparralde area in the summer of 1996. Their main objective was purely festive and their lively mix of alternative rock and Celtic music with lyrics in Basque, Spanish, French and English lenguage led them to be selected to represent the Basque Country in a contest organized by the French newspaper Sud-Ouest. The first album of the Zapozain band (in Basque, The Guardians of the Toads) was titled "Zangoz jo, apo!" (1998) and to present it they went on tour through cities of Euskadi, France, Spain, Italy or Great Britain sharing stage with bands of the time, such as Soldat Louis, Matmatah, Celtas Cortos, Zebda, Tryo, Wanpas, Massilia Sound System, La Cock, Sinsemilia, Pierpoljak or Lou Dalfin. In their next albums, "Jauzi! Jauzi! Zapoak" (2000) and "Zain" (2002), the members of Zapozain band remained faithful to their style of Celtic & Basque rock and to the echo of their favorite instruments, as violin, txistu, txirula or galician bagpipe.
Jean Bordaxar is an illustrious representative of long tradition of singing acappella in Zuberoa. In 1996 he won the Tradicional Basque Song Competition, Euskal Herriko Kantu Txapelketa. Shortly, Jean recorded his first album, "Adiskideer" (1999). Then came works like "Aitzina" (2003) or "Zuzenean-En Concert" (2010). Jean Bordaxar has also worked as an actor, dancer and creator of pastoral works. In particular, this basque artist has written "Telesforo Monzon" (2011) and "Ameriketan eüskaldünak, José Mendiague" (2012). Another important reference in area of -zuberoa is Jean Mixel Bedaxagar. He sang in public for the first time in 1976 and, after editing the album "Xiberoa" (1983), health problems kept him away from the stage for many years. Jean Mixel Bedaxagar has a solid experience in pastoral teatre in Zuberoa. In 1988 he wrote a piece based on the life of Agustin Xaho, a very important basque catholic, and staged another piece, "Ama", in memory of mister Etxahun Iruri. His folk music career includes albums as "Otea lili denean" (1995), "Bedaxagar" (1996) or "Auñamendi" (2009).
Maddi Oihenart was born in the village of Barkoxe (Zuberoa). This great basque female singer has signed some of the most beautiful albums of the local pop music scene, as "Lürralde zilarra" (1998), "Arbaila" (2002), "Ilhargi min" (2003), "Hari biru" (2007) and "Baldi" (2013). Recently, Maddi Oihenart has collaborated with musician Jeremie Garat on his new album, "Doi" (2015). Unfortunately, the work of Maddi Oihenart is not well known in the area of Euskadi South, perhaps because of her great timidity. But listening to her, the beginner will enjoy a fascinating voice, a tanned voice in the a cappella style and in the traditional music of Zuberoa, although it also includes territories into pop and jazz music. As a curiosity, Maddi Oihenart made a version of the classic "I'm your mirror" by Lou Reed inside a great album of homage to this famous American rocker, "Lou Reed, mila esker" (2014).
Also in the area of Zuberoa the figure of Mixel Etxekopar shines. This restless basque artist, language teacher and bertsolari founded and promoted the Xiru festival in his small native town, Gotaine-Irabarne (Zuberoa). Mixel Etxekopar plays the alboka and the three-hole flute, a typical instrument throughout the western Pyrenees. Mixel has recorded several folk albums, such as "Transhumantzia" (2012), together with great local artists such as Mixel Arotze and Maddi Oihenart or Mr. François Rossé. Mixel's own daughter, Maika Etxekopar, has been part of singing groups such as Amaren Alabak. Another musician surnamed Etxekopar, the young trombonist Jon Etxekopar, plays and sings into Xiberoots, a lively Jamaican reggae and ska combo, with Pette Jaragoihen (guitar and voice), Jordi Foucher (percussion), Niko Guiresse (keyboards), Antoine Stassinet (guitar), Armand Ahusborde (guitar). The first album of Xiberoots band, "Maule Muffin" (2018), contains wonderful pieces as "Maule muffin" or "Euskal Vibration" and four covers("Kalera, kalera", "Agur Xiberoa", "Ni naiz" and "Euskalduna naiz" of GUK band).
Joxemari "Xalbardin" Ostolaza and three members of Alegera band (Juantxo Garzia, Jakes Etxeberria and Marco Jossie) formed Eltzegor band in 1976. Subsequently, Fernando Unsain and Benito Zubeldia reinforced this basque folk band, achieving a great success in Iparralde thanks to their beautiful songs. Eltzegor band mixed very lyrical melodies with very politically charged and compromised lyrics. Eltzegor band sang about the national liberation and social problems of his time in all Basque Country. At one time, they came to sang at the festival in Antwerpen (Flanders, Europa). Eltzegor band career includes superb albums such as "Ebihotz" (1984), "Sasitik sasira" (1988) and "Herrialde berdean" (1992).
At the end of the 80s, the rock scene of Iparralde revived thanks to the appearance of new gaztetxes in Donibane Lohizune, Hendaia, Itsasu or Maule, to music festivals as Ipar Rock, to new fanzines, free radios and new record labels such as Amanita, R .Dizka or ZTK. This hot musical magma gave life to rock combos like Txakun, Kizkurdura, Trukes, De La Daube, Mahuma, Voodoo Muzak, Keinu, Mister Saguak, Zein Ere, Les Trolls, Burlesk, Haurtzarrak, King Mafrundi, Kanabera, Skunk, Ozke, Dementzia, Hats, Zpeizurdiak Jan Eta Edan or Beltzez (whose members came from bands like Uharteko Punkak, Txingoma II, Begi Txintxo or KGB). Some subjects of these bands were compiled within discs like "Dur d'oreille" (1991), "Inguma" (1995), "Insumisioa" (1996) or "Erdizka Lauetan" (1998).) Mister Saguak band drank of the heavy metal and the new listener will be able to find albums like "Rock'n'Roll ta kitto" (1996) into their discography. in the other side, Txakun band had a much more eclectic career publishing very varied albums as "Mila sagarroi bide bazterrean (1995) , "Merke & ona" (1996) or "Arratsa barroka" (1997).
One of the members of Txakun band, Paxkal Indo, would found Kalakan band with a friend called Thierry Biscary. They began as a txalaparta duo, but soon joined the percussionist Frédéric Chambon, who added his sounds of nozzle, atabal, ttun-ttun, tambourine and drum. Before recording his first album, "Kalakan" (2010), Chambon was replaced by Jamixel Bereau and, shortly afterwards, Paxkal Indo would give way to another splendid percussionist, Xan Errotabehere. Since then, the trio Kalakan has found a solvent balance and has developed the traditional Basque songbook from a very contemporary vision. In 2012, after winning the prestigious Transhumances Music Festival, Kalakan band went on a world tour with Madonna, the famous American pop star. Subsequent works by the Basque group, such as "Elementuak" (2015), deepen and expand their particular sound.
In Baiona (Lapurdi), Sustraia band burst into force in the early 90's. Their first album was a success as they sold 10,000 copies, almost one for each home that exists in Lapurdi. At first, Sustraia (in Basque, "The Root") developed as a combo of party verbenas, obtaining very good reputation by its festive performances. Charismatic singer Patrick "Mixu" Mixelena was a symbol for Sustraia. Unfortunately, mister Mixu died on December 2, 2009, after suffering a heart attack. His legacy in front of Sustraia band is recorded in popular albums such as "Segi segi" (1995), "Euskal label" (1996), "Live" (1997), "Bi mila" (2000), "Ze bizia" "Beti bidean" (2005) or a video documentary called "Sustraia in live" (2008).
Also from Baiona, the Patxa collective promoted radikal rock, antisexism, feminist struggles and alternative party throughout the area of Iparralde. Curiously, Patxa collective grew up from the coast, since she was born in the premises of the Patxokia gaztetxea, located in the street Tonneliers (Baiona Ttipi), and it developed towards the interior, coinciding with the height of the insumisión to the military service in the rows of the French army. Patxa collective was somewhat more urban than usual in Iparralde and had a cuckoo fanzine, Patxaran, as a speaker of ideas, (in parallel with another local fanzine called Kalimotxo). Patxa collective members began organizing concerts, such as that of 1987 in Arrangoitz, which included Kortatu, Hertzainak or the parisians Bérurier Noir. Then the animated Rock Eguna, cycling marches in support of insomniac prisoners, assemblies, occupation of gaztetxes would arrive. In 1994 the Patxa collective announced its dissolution leaving its creative seed in festivals of rock like the respected EHZuzenean.
GUK band (in basque, "We") also appeared in the area of Lapurdi, but much earlier in the late 60's. They debuted with a play-theatrical work called "Aita, seme, laborari" (1972), where they put the sonorous pillars of their artistic work, a lyrical but very firm vindication of the struggle to improve the conditions of life of the Basque working class and the inhabitants of the rural zones of Iparralde. Another album of GUK band, "Laborari, langile eta nagusi ..." (1977), was the result of another musician-theatrical experience. Later, in 1983, GUK band incorporated a new member, Eneko Labegerie, after the departure of the singer and composer Pier Paul Berzaitz. Along with Eneko Labegerie, the member of GUK released beautiful lyric folk albums as "Herria zain" (1985), "Gerlarik ez" (1987), "Arrozten" (1995) or "Bidez bide" (1999). After the march of Beñat Sarasola, GUK band finished his long career in 1999. Eneko Labegerie released a solo album, "Nazio Berria" (2005), the same year that Elkar label collected 107 old songs from GUK band in a superb compilation box called "Guk" (2005).
In the locality of Beskoitze (Lapurdi) have appeared Basque different bands like Otxalde or ZOO. For example, Otxalde is a traditional popular music combo, whose name honors to Joanes Otxalde, old basque poet and composer of century XIX. For more than three decades, Otxalde band has supported the cultural transmission to the new generations. Under Elkar music label, Otxalde band released two albums, "Otxalde Taldea" (1979) and "Dantzariak" (1982). This last album contained lyrics of a young basque poet, Itxaro Borda, and a great version of Woody Guthrie ("Larunbat arratseko sukarra"). Some years later, with the collaboration of a choir of 250 pupils from various schools of Iparralde, Otxalde band published "Hazia" (1996). And, in other album called "Ameslari" (2008), they approached classic folk sounds as central european polka, gaelic and gypsy folk reminiscences. Recently, Otxalde band have presented a new album under Agorila label, "Ama lur begira" (2016). For its side, ZOO is a new band formed by some members tanned in another basque combos as Izate, Ikara, MAK, Islaia or 430 band. Their first namesake album, "ZOO" (2015), was recorded partly in the attic of Aiherrako farm and in the gaztetxe of Donibane Ziburu (Lapurdi).
In the town of Azkain (Lapurdi) was born a celebrated pelotari and folk singer, Panpi Ladutxe. With only 19 years, Panpi won the individual handball world championship and then he won twice the Basque handball championship in pairs. After finishing his great sport life, Panpi deepened his enthusiasm for lyrical and traditional singing by fine albums such as "Aitari" (1995), "Chansons du Pays Basque" (2002) or "Orhoit" (2012). Very near from Azkain, in the little village of Zuraide (Lapurdi), right in one country house called Zabaltza. Inside was born in 1969 mister Pantxoa Bergara "Xabaltx", a popular Basque pop singer, poet and musician . At the age of twenty, Xabaltx was part of Ipar Haize band, where it coincided with Patrick Mixelena "Mixu", the longed vocalist of Sustraia band. Afterwards, Xabaltx has been developing an interesting solo career, betting almost always on an intimate rock with touches of pop and electronic music, whose fruots are hits like "Ostatu Psi".The first work of Xabaltx was a demo called "Xabaltx eta H2O" (1994). It demo was recorded with musicians of H2O band, as the battery Jakes Rouet, the bassist Manu Badiola and the guitarist Jean François Feriol.
Later, mister Xabaltx would publish under IZ label a new album, "Zalantzak (1998), where he kept songs as" Beti taberna huntan","Belar hoberena" or "Nor zen" (a cover of the popular Cuban artist Silvio Rodriguez). Three years later comes a new album of Xabaltx with aroma of alcohol and nocturnal recorded "Gau erdi pasa eta" (2001). Xabaltx had the help of famous some Basque artists such as Joseba Tapia, Mixel Ducau (Errobi), Jimmy Arrabit (King Mafrundi ) or Natxo de Felipe (Oskorri). On his next album, "SMS galduak" (2005), Xabaltx returned to light and he recorded much more pop sounds. In 2008, Xabaltx reunites with Mixu Sustraia and Maialen Errotabehere to release an unique album, "MXM". This trio came to visit Argentina during their presentation tour. Unfortunately, Mixu's heart stopped when he returned and the MXM project ended. The last albums of restless Xabaltx have been "Cymeus" (2009) and "Loreak askatu" (2016).
Three granddaughters of the celebrated bertsolari Fernando Aire "Xalbador" (1920/1976), Amaia, Paxkalin and Miren, formed the group Aire Ahizpak (The Air Sisters). They come from Urepel (Baja Navarra) and, although their record is very short, they have great experience singing a capella, from square to square. Thanks to their first album, "Bidexka" (2014), Aire Ahizpak have begun to become more recognized in Hegoalde. Another cuckoo folk group from Baja Navarra is Kantiruki. They maintain a close relationship with the Basque diaspora and the thousands of Basque emigrants scattered throughout the world. In fact, two of its members, Sylvie Brust and Sylvie Cherbero, were born in California (USA). Kantiruki have performed in the Euskal Etxeak of North America, in the Basque Cultural Center of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Los Baños, Chino ... In their concerts, Sylvie Brust, Terexa Goicoechea, Sylvie Cherbero and the guitarist Mikel Erramouspe usually mix Own and classic themes of the traditional Basque songbook. His first album was titled "Amodioz bizi" (2006).
In Donapaleu (Baxe Navarre) area have been born basque artists as different as Amaia Riouspeyrous or Beñat Achiary. Amaia Riouspeyrous was born in 1984. She began singing as a child. Amaia has released albums as elegant as "Har ezazu" (2009), where her sweet and even fragile voice recalls another Basque pop singer, Labrit. For other side, Beñat Achiary/Axiari is older than Amaia. He was born in 1947 and during his youth belonged to the experimental folk band called Urria. In solo, Beñat Achiary has recorded more than twenty albums, where he combines its Basque folk roots with sounds of other exotic cultures and doses of European musical improvisation. Works as "Dilin dalan" (2001) and "Avril" (2007) or "Arania" (1989) are just a small sample. ( http://www.badok.eus/euskal-musika/benat-axiari )
A combo of kids from the village of Uztaritze (Lapurdi) formed Kolpe-K band, a powerful rock band. Eneko (bass), Patxi (vocals), Peio (drums) and Xabi (guitar) recorded a superb album, called "Utzazu burua joaten ..." (2002), in Bonberenea Studios (Tolosa, Gipuzkoa), with the help of Karlos Osinaga. In Donibane Garazi/Saint Jean Pied de Port (Baxe Navarre) were born new bands such Gasna Konektion, Seitan, Haurtzarrak or Ikus. After editing a pair of demos, Haurtzarrak band condensed all their style in "Bihurrikerian" (1999), obtaining a sharp mixture of punk hardcore, metal and techno music. This record was recorded and mixed in the studies Elkar by the master Jean Phocas. Their lirycs showed, mainly, political and social questions, as problematic of the officiality of euskera (Basque lenguage) in France. "In North Euskadi many are learning Basque lenguage, struggling to recover their native language, which is going through a difficult situation here". In another side, Ikus metal band would be inspired by Faith No More or Pantera american bands to record "Nere Buruan" (2003) album. Inside this work, Ikus band combined power metal and pop melodies with certain electronic music touches.
Etxamendi eta Larralde was a celebrated folk duo from Baxe Navarre (Iparralde). During the 60's, they developed their singing career, a capella, from village to village. In the 70's, Eñaut Etxamendi and Eñaut Larralde recorded "Joseba Elosegi'ri" (1971) or "Tikitaka" (1974) singles. Later, came records such as "Mai, Larralde, Etxamendi" (1980) or "Garai garratzak" (1988). Franco general's repression was a recurring theme in their songs. Their lyrics denounced oppression, but also claimed love, desire, basque lenguage, the pleasures of life... After the death of his wife, Eñaut Larralde didn´t want to sing anymore and Etxamendi & Larralde mythical duo separated. In the late 90's, Elkar label reunited them again to record the anthological album, "Anthologia" (1998). Eñaut Larralde died on March 14, 2012 in Baiona (Lapurdi).
Eñaut Larralde was also professor of the lyre of Errekart (Donapaleu) too, and he says, "One day, we refused to go on music tour to Argentina and Venezuela. But for me, the most important thing was to teach as be a teacher, because there was an incredible underdevelopment here. It was my passion, that the young people changed their life and the face of our country. I´m a native of the mountain, the son of poor basque farmers. I started in the 60's, in a situation that seemed almost desperate to me. Many Basque farmers migrated anda many country girls went to Paris (France). A situation of total ruin, since the farms remained empty. Unlike Hegoalde (South Euskadi), where an industry developed, in Iparralde (North Euskadi), there was none of that. Our sings were a way of preaching, of speaking to people with lyricism".
If the pioneers of Basque rock came from Iparralde in the mid-1970s, thirty years later, something similar happened to the first combos of basque hip hop. Despite the efforts of Kaki Arkarazo and his amazing band, Negu Gorriak, it was not until the eruption of Selektah Kolektiboa band that local rap began to take shape. In spite of the initial music prejudices, Wanka (voice), Daddy Jeff (voice), MC Molte (voice) eta DZ (dj) would record two animated albums, "Selektah kolektiboa" (2000) and "Esperientzien etorbidetik" (2002). These albums prompted other Basque musicians to take the witness inside the hip hop scene, such as Norzzone, Kodigo Norte, 2zio, Gatom, La Basu, Norte Apache, ZTK Rap ... Despite having announced the recording of a third album, Selektah Kolektiboa dissolved, abruptly, and each member continued his career separately. Daddy Jeff would edit "Bakerik gabeko lurralde" (2013) and mister Wanka would present "Txapela barruan darabilt mundua" (2015), under the artistic name of Manugaitz.
M.A.K. (Mikrofon Addikt Klan / Musika Armatu Komando) was another collective from Iparralde who promoted hip-hop music in Basque Country at the beginning of the 21st century. Natural of Ziburu (Lapurdi), M.A.K. debuted within a compilation, "Iparkor" (2002), edited by the gaztetxe of Donibane Lohizune (Lapurdi). The intense activity of M.A.K. band is summarized in albums such as "Suari darion kea" (2005), "Suaren garai, errauts errekai" (2007), "Hauts eta errauts erremix" (2008) or "Kanal akustik" (2010). M.A.K. used to rap in basque, french, spanish or catalan lenguages and, at their bases, hip-hop music was intertwined with hardcore, jazz, latin music and basque folk. Recently, in Urruña (Lapurdi) has emerged 2zio, another basque rap band. After debuting with "Pausuz Pausu" (2013), Odei (vocals), Gorka (vocals) and Jo (dj) would very successfully present their next work, "Bideak" (2015).
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